Step-by-Step Product Research: Unveiling How I Discovered my $20,460/Month Amazon FBA Product

Oct 24, 2023 | Amazon FBA | 19 comments

Step-by-Step Product Research: Unveiling How I Discovered my ,460/Month Amazon FBA Product

How I Found My $20,460 Per Month Amazon FBA Product! Step by Step Product Research

Many people dream of achieving financial independence and becoming their own boss. With the rise of e-commerce platforms like Amazon, starting an online business has become easier than ever before. One popular method to make money online is through Amazon FBA, or Fulfillment by Amazon. If you’re wondering how to find a profitable product to sell on Amazon, here is a step-by-step guide on how I found my $20,460 per month Amazon FBA product.

Step 1: Research Amazon’s Best-Selling Categories

The first thing I did was research the best-selling categories on Amazon. This can give you a general idea of what products are in high demand. Some popular categories include electronics, home and kitchen, beauty, and health and fitness. By narrowing down your options to these categories, you increase your chances of finding a profitable product.

Step 2: Utilize Amazon’s Tools

Amazon provides several tools to help sellers identify potentially profitable products. The most useful tool for product research is Amazon’s Best Sellers Rank (BSR). BSR shows how well a product is selling compared to others in its category. The lower the BSR, the higher the product’s sales. I utilized this tool to find products with high demand and low competition.

Step 3: Analyze Product Reviews

Reviews can give you valuable insights into customer preferences and potential improvements you can make to a product. I spent a significant amount of time reading through customer reviews to understand what people liked and disliked about various products. This helped me identify product opportunities and brainstorm ways to improve existing products.

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Step 4: Consider Profit Margins and Competition

Finding a product with a high demand is crucial, but it’s equally important to consider profit margins and competition. I researched the average profit margins in my selected categories and compared them to the estimated costs of sourcing and selling the product. Additionally, I analyzed the competition to see if there were any major players dominating the market. If there were too many established competitors, it could be challenging to enter that market.

Step 5: Find a Supplier

With a potential product in mind, the next step was to find a reliable supplier. I used platforms like Alibaba to connect with manufacturers and request product samples. It is essential to ensure the supplier can meet your quality standards and provide the product at a competitive price.

Step 6: Launch and Optimize

Once I found the ideal product and supplier, I launched my product on Amazon. I optimized my product listing by writing a compelling description, adding high-quality images, and utilizing relevant keywords. Additionally, I implemented targeted marketing strategies, such as Amazon Advertising and social media campaigns, to increase product visibility and drive traffic to my listing.

Step 7: Continuously Monitor and Improve

Success on Amazon does not end with product launch. Continuous monitoring and improvement are essential to thrive in this competitive marketplace. I regularly monitored my product’s performance, customer reviews, and sales data. This allowed me to identify areas for improvement and implement necessary changes to maintain a high-quality product and enhance customer satisfaction.


Launching a successful Amazon FBA product requires thorough research, strategic planning, and continuous improvement. By following these steps, I was able to find a $20,460 per month Amazon FBA product. Remember, every product journey is unique, and success depends on several factors, including product quality, pricing, marketing, and customer satisfaction. With dedication and persistence, you too can find a profitable product and build a successful Amazon FBA business.

See also  Beginner's Guide: Selling on Amazon with FBA - Learn in Just 60 Seconds!

FIND: Turnkey Businesses

LEARN: How To Make Money Online

HOW TO: Work From Home

REVEALED: Online Business Ideas

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  1. Beyond Reality

    Battery could very well be a liability; especially from China.

  2. T. S.

    Hey there, I really enjoy when you just ramble like this, your thought process is interesting and it is helping me evaluate my own products better.

  3. mohamed alabadi

    Thank you for great video, I really feel confident after watching your video

  4. Bill Shinas

    Hi Paul, always great videos, thank you. So what is your take on Bundles, high demand products in the same category, with a price to good to refuse?

  5. V. Macarena

    Hey Paul, I wanted to come and say thank you! I watch you 4 years ago after the pandemic, and I learned so much from you, your tutorials help me open my Amazon account, and now I make around $20,000-$30,000 in Amazon, only in 1 platform that open the doors to other platforms, so I want to say thank you because you walk me through that process! Thank you for been to the point, I was struggling finding someone who will be straightforward with tutorials and not talk so much crap! My sales this year is 18% down so I come again to see what I can learn from you !!!

  6. Key

    Wassup man quick question are Selleramp Helium 10 and Amzscout all the same

  7. Police Deescalation Task Force

    Paul I just wanna say.. Your videos havs helped me tremendously.. My life is changing daily do to your content. Its not only informative, but motivating. The way you question everything to find answers really makes me look up to you. Thank you ❤

  8. Kruze Darling

    I actually love the squirrel good idea, that could be a great brand. So much opportunity for social media content on Instagram/Youtube.

  9. Melanie S

    Yes, I love these types of videos where we are essentially leaning over your shoulder and learning from you. I really appreciate content like this.

  10. josh lacks

    Hey Paul what other online business models have you done or is the main focus fba


    Hey Paul! Love the video. A few questions; 20K is organic or you also do ads? and what do you mean by you stopped doing Chinese sourcing?

  12. Levi

    Paul, I must just say that I respect how modest you are when you talk about your limited (formal) education and the self-dig about the way you talk just sums up what a down to earth, nice guy you are. However, I can see that you're probably over average in IQ, and your type of business brain is extremely rare. You are a diamond, and such a lovely, honest guy too. Thanks for your invaluable content, my friend.

  13. Dean Wood

    How you been? I used to watch your videos alot when I had my Amazon FBA business 2 years ago. It failed, but now that I have some capital I am starting back up in a different niche.

  14. jasko_

    Thanks Paul! I love these style videos… you hit the nail on the head at @7:08 . I prefer to see you do these thorough videos like this so we can really hear your thought process and why you are making decisions the way you do… helps tremendously. Thanks again.

  15. Harvz B

    Hey Paul, is $2,000 enough to start FBA for the first time, just to experience?

  16. Mary Ajami

    If you’ve got a really good product and branding, but Chinese sellers are selling the same thing at a lower and lower cost, could you still make great sales keeping your higher price?

  17. The People’s OG 2

    These vids are great, I like hearing your actual thought process without the editing

  18. BRCIII

    I like this type of video . Natural and real


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