ജീവിതം തുടങ്ങാനുള്ള വരുമാനം ഉറപ്പിക്കുക: ₹1750 കുറേയും നിറഞ്ഞ ബിസിനസ് ഐഡിയകൾ | ഫോക്കസ് ടിവി

Nov 25, 2023 | Online Business Ideas | 30 comments

ജീവിതം തുടങ്ങാനുള്ള വരുമാനം ഉറപ്പിക്കുക: ₹1750 കുറേയും നിറഞ്ഞ ബിസിനസ് ഐഡിയകൾ | ഫോക്കസ് ടിവി

Starting a business with a capital of ₹1750 is definitely a challenging task, but not an impossible one. With the right idea and determination, it is possible to kickstart a small business and make a sustainable income. Here are some small business ideas that you can consider to start with a capital of ₹1750.

1. Homemade Food Business:
If you are good at cooking or baking, you can start a homemade food business. Use the ₹1750 to buy ingredients and packaging materials. You can sell homemade snacks, pickles, or baked goods to your friends, family, and neighbors. As the business grows, you can expand your customer base and even consider selling through online platforms.

2. Reselling Products:
With ₹1750, you can start a small reselling business. Look for affordable products, such as fashion accessories, skincare products, or handmade items, and resell them for a profit. Use social media platforms or online marketplaces to promote and sell your products.

3. Mobile Car Wash:
Invest in basic cleaning supplies and start a mobile car wash business. You can offer car washing and detailing services to customers at their homes or offices. As you build a customer base, you can reinvest your earnings to expand your services.

4. Tutoring Services:
If you excel in a particular subject or skill, you can offer tutoring services. Use the ₹1750 to create promotional materials and advertise your tutoring services in your local community. Whether it’s academic subjects, music lessons, or language tutoring, there is always a demand for quality education.

5. Handmade Crafts:
If you are skilled at crafting, you can use the ₹1750 to buy materials and create handmade crafts. This could include items like jewelry, home decor, or personalized gifts. You can sell your crafts at local markets, online platforms, or through social media.

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It’s important to note that starting a business with a limited capital requires careful planning and smart decision-making. Here are some tips to ensure the success of your small business:

– Research your market and competition to identify a niche or demand that your business can fulfill.
– Keep overhead costs low and prioritize essential expenses to make the most of your capital.
– Focus on providing excellent customer service to build a loyal customer base and generate positive word-of-mouth referrals.
– Reinvest your profits into the business to fuel growth and expansion.

In conclusion, while starting a business with ₹1750 may seem daunting, it is possible with the right mindset and determination. By choosing a viable business idea and being resourceful with your capital, you can create a successful small business and generate a sustainable income. So, don’t be discouraged by the limited capital – with the right idea and strategy, you can make your small business venture a success.

FIND: Turnkey Businesses

LEARN: How To Make Money Online

HOW TO: Work From Home

REVEALED: Affiliate Marketing Basics

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    ഞാൻ എന്തായാലും ചെയ്തു നോക്കട്ടെ

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    ഡാറ്റ എൻട്രി വർക്ക്‌ ഉണ്ടോ

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  19. Josna Jose

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