15 Minutes of Genius YouTube Advice

Dec 15, 2023 | Social Media Influencer | 37 comments

15 Minutes of Genius YouTube Advice

Genius YouTube Advice for 15 Minutes Straight

YouTube has become one of the biggest platforms for content creators and viewers alike. With millions of videos being uploaded every day, it can be overwhelming to navigate the world of YouTube. Whether you’re a creator looking to grow your channel or a viewer wanting to make the most out of your experience, here are some genius YouTube advice for 15 minutes straight.

First and foremost, it’s important to have a clear understanding of your audience. What type of content do they enjoy? What are their interests and preferences? By understanding your audience, you can tailor your content to better suit their needs and ultimately grow your channel.

Another important aspect of YouTube success is consistency. Regularly uploading high-quality content will help keep your audience engaged and coming back for more. Additionally, consistency also helps with the YouTube algorithm, as it favors channels that post frequently.

In addition to consistency, it’s essential to pay attention to the quality of your videos. Invest in good equipment, such as cameras and microphones, and spend time editing your videos to make them visually appealing. High-quality content is more likely to attract and retain viewers.

Engagement with your audience is also crucial. Responding to comments and interacting with your viewers can create a strong sense of community and loyalty to your channel. This can also help improve your video’s rankings within the YouTube algorithm.

Collaboration with other YouTubers is another effective way to grow your channel. By collaborating with creators in your niche, you can reach new audiences and gain exposure to potential subscribers. Additionally, collaborations can also provide fresh and interesting content for your viewers.

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Optimizing your videos for search is another essential aspect of YouTube success. Using relevant keywords and tags, as well as creating enticing thumbnails, can help improve the discoverability of your videos and attract new viewers.

Lastly, don’t be afraid to promote your channel and videos on other platforms. Utilize social media to share your content and engage with a wider audience. This can help drive traffic to your channel and increase your overall visibility on YouTube.

In conclusion, navigating the world of YouTube can be daunting, but with the right strategies and approach, success is attainable. By understanding your audience, being consistent, creating high-quality content, engaging with your audience, collaborating with other creators, optimizing for search, and promoting across other platforms, you can grow your channel and make the most out of your YouTube experience. Consider implementing these genius YouTube advice for 15 minutes straight, and watch your channel thrive.

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  1. @Alongtheroadtohappiness-do1bo

    Really ? Then why so many people do that and they don’t get lots of views. I don’t believe in any of that . I only believe in one thing , keep posting until people get sick of seeing you on YouTube and they decide to come in and see your videos , it is like you see a commercial so many times on Tv eventually you buy something from the commercial because you got sick of seeing them all the time LOL

  2. @deousadventure

    I really feel lucky and glad to hear these legends. Two points I really love to keep in bucket are , to be consistent and patience with your work. Thank you for this awesome video.Luv u from @deous adventure

  3. @DamonDestined

    amazing advice from ali, he really opened up my mind on the kind of content i want to put out. extrememly thankfull for videos like this thank you ThinkMedia and all these content creators for sharing their process and way of thinking

  4. @eneacreativedesign

    Very good advice, thanks for putting this together. Out of them all, I resonated the most with Sean Cannell's advice (8:53).

  5. @TheSuperSuphot

    Nice video! It would be even better with a caption.

  6. @MadSkillsUniversity

    Come on, get this video past 1 million views, already. Much deserving! Thank you so much!!! We are at 998K! Ok, how about 2 million! LOL.

  7. @Smokeurpipe

    This may be a dumb question. I have almost 2k subs. And I’m able to monetize my channel. But I’m scared it will push people away since it will have ads. Any tips on this situation? Does YouTube push my videos more if they are monetized?

  8. @RLittle1

    Youtube definitely pushes certain channels…
    If you show a video, any video, to 2 billion people, the chances are that you will get 100million views.
    If you show the same video to only 117 people, the chances are you will get 9 views.
    The number of views a video gets has a direct correlation with how many people are shown that video.
    If YouTube doesn't show your videos to people, then you can never succeed…
    If your channel has been put on the slow track, then just quit, it's not worth all the hard work of putting videos together and editing them, spending thousands of dollars making videos.
    Some people put .35 cents into making a video and it gets a million views…
    Other people put $5 thousand into a video and it gets shown to 97 people per month.
    They say it's an algorithm that decides if your videos do well… but is that true?

  9. @novaandnala

    Upcoming creators, if youre reading this comment, DO NOT GIVE UP!! Push just a little more, I promise you will reach your goal!

  10. @gratitudedude4280

    You sound like the guy from the channel rocket sloth lol

  11. @nikamixadze

    I cant think how people get millions of subs I always wanted to be popluar since I was 5, I am 15 years old now

  12. @tymofiipushnov

    Looking to create a group of 3-4 people who are serious about making it on Youtube. From MrBeast I have learned that it is 10x times better to start in a group with like minded people, trying to learn about Youtube algorithm and how to create viral videos, better thumbnails, better script etc. I am only looking for PASSIONATE people who are ready to go 100% at it.
    Reply to me if you are:
    16 or older
    Preferably have a non-gaming channel
    Knows how to take feedback and learn from failures
    Is ready to grind every single day

  13. @LarryP248

    This is sensational content. A similar book I read was a sensation in its own right. "Dominating Your Clock: Strategies for Professional and Personal Success" by Anthony Rivers

  14. @Roadentz

    As a small content creator I can confirm this is actually useful when I first started out my channel I was more worried about what people would like instead of that I do video's I enjoy like games, reactions basically things I watch but add my own twist to it!

  15. @frankfowlkes7872

    Here is good advice for not destroying your channel. Unless you have a religious or political channel bend over backwards to keep your opinion on these subjects private to yourself.

  16. @thewrench324

    How are you MrBeast can you give me money?

  17. @prettytopia

    Key Points
    1) Make as many good videos as possible and don't expect views in the beginning
    2) Don't stress over a niche
    3) Space out your call to actions
    4) Make videos with a good concept
    5) Optimize the curiosity value with a good title
    6) If you find it interesting, then there's bound to be someone who does. If not, then it's probably not very good
    7) Don't focus on views and subscribers – focus on making quality content
    8) Jump on trends within your niche as soon as possible, and learn to move on when the trend is over
    9) Make quality shorts
    10) It takes time. Be patient.

  18. @ngame2earn260

    My youtube is now my niche as becoming my future portfolio.! Depends how to own devices for every influencers mostly we need to communicate and responds each with such enthusiasms to prove the worthy followers

  19. @Oddpistachio1

    Experiment on your channel. You won't find your niche right away. Always be willing to learn new things. I've been posting since 2015 with 5 subscribers and I've learned so much about YouTube.

    When I started, I didn't know how to upload a video and I'm tech saavy! Lol

    I had never done it, so it was scary.

    I was also a variety channel and hardly got views.

    Now I'm a tutorial channel and I have videos that have done really well and I now have 271 subscribers.

    I'm small, but my advice is: Pay attention to your comments and make videos on that thing people are asking for.

    Sometimes you have to find out what people want first before you get suggestions.

    Try out different video style, make good titles and thumbnails.

    There are no guarantees, but there is a formula to YouTube. Find something that people want and it will probably be different for everyone.

    If you're small, pick a niche. Once you get big, branch out into other things.

    My videos now are varied, but they stay within the tutorial niche.

    The video you posted yesterday might have 1 view, but in a few months, you could have 1K views.

    Some of my videos have done well and some need more time. The numbers don't matter, but the audience does. The numbers will follow if you listen to your audience.

    I'm not an expert, but I have studied YouTube for years.

  20. @SmartWealthEducation

    Your first videos are not going to get views. Just get to work and create content. @mrbeast

  21. @MightyMenRefined

    I am here to support everyone trying to get there.
    Let's do it guys

  22. @thebikinithug

    I like how u shouted out the smaller channels I have a smaller channel my views and subs count is horribly low but I star in and edit all my content and I feel like it’s quality it’s 100 % me

  23. @MemeworksOfficial

    This is my second day in, understandably I haven’t mad any visible results however, I’ve had a really good watch rate and some decent views to be on my first few shorts.

    I’m going to keep posting a volume of shorts until I start growing and seeing what video is really doing good.

  24. @jvera718

    I like what Sean Cannell said

  25. @father6figure

    I had one video that blew up mildly and still to this day don't know why and I only have 3 lengthy videos


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