+20.000 Lei Profit Potențial Cu Acest Produs | Ghid Pentru A Începe Dropshipping-ul în România de la Zero

Dec 10, 2023 | Dropshipping | 22 comments

+20.000 Lei Profit Potențial Cu Acest Produs | Ghid Pentru A Începe Dropshipping-ul în România de la Zero

+20.000 Lei Cu Produsul Asta | How to Start Dropshipping in Romania from Zero

Dropshipping has become an increasingly popular business model in the e-commerce world, allowing entrepreneurs to start their own online store without needing to invest in inventory. This makes it an attractive option for individuals looking to start their own business with minimal risk and investment. However, many people in Romania may not be familiar with the concept of dropshipping or how to get started. This article aims to provide a guide on how to start dropshipping in Romania from zero, using the example of a product that can potentially generate over +20,000 Lei in revenue.

1. Understand the Basics of Dropshipping
To begin with, it is important to understand the basics of dropshipping. In simple terms, dropshipping is a retail fulfillment method where a store doesn’t keep the products it sells in stock. Instead, when a store sells a product, it purchases the item from a third party and has it shipped directly to the customer. As a result, the seller doesn’t have to handle the product directly.

2. Research and Find a Profitable Niche
The key to successful dropshipping is to find a profitable niche. A niche refers to a specific segment of the market, such as beauty products, pet supplies, or electronics. It is important to research and identify a niche that has a demand in the Romanian market, but also has a manageable level of competition. Tools like Google Trends, Facebook Ads Manager, and AliExpress can help identify popular products and trends.

3. Research and Identify a Profitable Product
Once a niche has been chosen, the next step is to research and identify a profitable product to sell. A profitable product is one that has a high demand, decent profit margins, and manageable shipping costs. Using tools like Jungle Scout or SaleHoo can help in finding potential products with high-profit potential.

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4. Set up an E-commerce Store
After identifying a profitable niche and product, the next step is to set up an e-commerce store. Platforms like Shopify, WooCommerce, or BigCommerce make it easy to create an online store quickly, without the need for technical expertise. It is important to create a professional and user-friendly website that showcases the chosen products effectively.

5. Find Reliable Suppliers
One of the most critical aspects of dropshipping is finding reliable suppliers. This involves establishing partnerships with suppliers who can provide quality products, offer competitive prices, and have a good track record for shipping and fulfillment.

6. Market and Promote the Products
Once the store is set up and the products are listed, the next step is to market and promote them. This can be done through various channels such as social media, influencer marketing, search engine optimization, and paid advertising. It is important to create a marketing strategy that targets the Romanian market effectively.

In conclusion, dropshipping can be a lucrative business opportunity for individuals in Romania looking to start their own online store. With the right research, product selection, and marketing strategies, it is possible to generate significant revenue, such as over +20,000 Lei, with the right product and niche. By following the steps outlined in this article, anyone can start dropshipping in Romania from zero and potentially build a successful e-commerce business.

FIND: Turnkey Businesses

LEARN: How To Make Money Online

HOW TO: Work From Home

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  1. @demibalcu

    Salutare, cum procedezi cu facturile?

  2. @TimyDinica

    Trebuie sa ai firmă pt chestia asta ?

  3. @VladimirGutan

    Ai un continut misto. Chiar am aflat multe din contul tau. Insa totusi, ar trebui sa fii (parerea mea) si mai transparent. Ceea ce dezvalui in acest video clip, nu e Dropshipping. E un comert clasic: Bani-marfa-bani… Dropshipping presupune posibilitatea comerciantului sa vanda un produs fara sa-l detina fizic…

  4. @gabrielpodina611

    Salut! Am o întrebare acum împlinesc vârstă de 14 ani și as vrea sa încerc droppshipping ar fi ok nu?

  5. @obscurecity3025

    Au Romanii atata rabdare sa astepte dupa o comanda? Asta este principala problema cand faci DS in Romania.. timpul de asteptare…

  6. @cristijade

    Presupun ca business-ul asta poate sa il inceapa chiar si cine are un venit mai limitat la inceput nu? Cu toate astea ca si profit de inceput ma multumesc si cu 500-1000% pe luna. Ar functiona asa?

  7. @eduardfelix7586

    salut,o intrebare:promovarea produsului pe tiktok,facebook si alte siteuri care sunt costurile pentru marketing?

  8. @sensei12471

    am vazut la altii ca nu trebuie sa cumperi tu produsul gen sa il ai la tine acasa ,asociezi aliexpres cu shopify si vinzi direct online fara sa l cumperi tu?merge asa sau n am inteles bine

  9. @TheRealLife12345HL

    am o intrebare legata de tara si taxe etc. gen poti sa incepi intr o tara si sa vinzi in alta? si taxele si legile se aplica doar in tara in care locuiesti (i cazul asta Romania)?

  10. @BoredUncle

    Practic nu este dropshipping.

  11. @andrugeorge

    Cum procedezi cu importul cand comanzi pe firma de pe Aliexpress, trebuie sa contactezi comisionar vamal?

  12. @Dariusica

    am o problema cum fac daca eu nu pot sa dau link la tiktok pe shopify pentru ca nu este compatibil? din aceasta cauza nu pot conecta tiktok pixel pe pagina mea de shopify..

  13. @Has7e

    Salut,poti face dropshipping fara firma pentru inceput?

  14. @picolo7471

    Salut am întâmpinat o problema la tik tok ads.. fără firmă nu pot sa promovez videoclipurile mele? Pentru ca îmi tot apare o eroare în care scrie ca nu sunt compatibil pentru tik tok ads.. mentionez ca momentan nu am o firmă. Mulțumesc:)

  15. @danydaniel757

    Salut,metoda de plata la tine pe site este online sau ramburs?

  16. @dankisslinger794

    Salut, ma poti ajuta sa mi finalizezi magazinul meu on line ?


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