Freelancing has become an increasingly popular way for individuals to earn a living, and platforms like Upwork have made it easier than ever to connect freelancers with clients from all around the world. While the idea of working from home and being your own boss is enticing, there are certain realities about freelancing on Upwork that many newcomers are unaware of. Here are five hard truths about Upwork that I wish I had known before starting my freelancing journey.
1. Fierce competition and low rates:
One of the biggest challenges you’ll face on Upwork is the sheer number of freelancers competing for the same contracts. The platform attracts talent from various countries, making the competition global. This means that clients have an abundance of options, which often drives rates down. It may take time to build a reputation and demand higher rates for your services. Be prepared to start with lower-paying gigs until you can establish yourself.
2. The need for an exceptional profile:
Your profile is your first impression on potential clients. Without a well-crafted, professional profile that showcases your skills, experience, and personality, it will be tough to stand out amongst the sea of freelancers. Take your time to create an engaging and compelling profile that highlights your unique selling points. Remember, your profile is a representation of your personal brand.
3. The importance of networking and building connections:
While the Upwork platform enables you to connect with clients virtually, it’s essential to build relationships beyond the immediate job at hand. Networking and building connections with clients can lead to recurring work, referrals, and even partnerships. Cultivating these relationships can be as crucial as landing new contracts.
4. The unpredictability of work volume:
Upwork offers a platform with access to a wide range of projects, but that doesn’t guarantee a consistent stream of work. Freelancers need to be prepared for the ebb and flow of contracts, periods of scarcity, and times when the market is oversaturated with freelancers. Budgeting and financial planning become crucial to handle uncertainties and periods of drought.
5. The importance of diversifying income streams:
Relying solely on Upwork for your freelancing income can be risky. Platforms like Upwork take a percentage of your earnings, and there’s always a possibility of being suspended or facing account-related issues. It is wise to diversify your income streams by actively seeking clients outside of Upwork or exploring other freelancing platforms. This way, you’ll have multiple sources of income and reduce the potential impact of any sudden changes.
In conclusion, while Upwork can offer fantastic opportunities for freelancers to find work and build their careers, it’s important to go into it with realistic expectations. Understanding the challenges, such as fierce competition, low rates, the importance of a strong profile, networking, and the unpredictability of work volume, can help you navigate the platform effectively and make the most of your freelancing journey. Remember, success on Upwork requires time, patience, perseverance, and adaptability.
FIND: Turnkey Businesses
LEARN: How To Make Money Online
HOW TO: Work From Home
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Thank you!
Someone already sent me an offer! I hope it’s not too good to be true. Never made a proposal either. Just had a really good profile! Would be up to 20 hours a week and could earn me an extra $4k on the side per month. Really thinking about taking it but I gotta convince this client to fix their website too.
Hey man put that last 10 seconds on a lofi track and loop in for an hour and you'll get 10 million views lol.
Good video- thanks for sharing your insight
Currently working with a client and I am bit sure it's going so well, so I am really having imposter syndrome! This video helped me a lot! Thanks Josh ❤️
Upwork is a mismanaged platform. They suspend accounts on suspecting “possible violation” of their terms and conditions as they put it. They do not notify the user unless the user manually checks their cases. They take a long time “investigating” and ask intrusive questions about where you live and who you live with and who you share your computer with, and personal questions about payment methods and your finances among your family. Additionally, they mix their investigations and reference irrelevant names. On their social media, many will comment that their account was suspended and they don’t know why, begging Upwork to respond. Many of those names happen to be Mohammed and Ahmed and Mahmud, which are all male Islamic names. Upwork will give you unnecessary headache and slow your business down. Upwork is a mismanaged platform and exemplifies bully type behavior. They know this and have therefore included an arbitration clause in their terms and conditions where users give up their right to join a class action. They have taken the platform’s success for granted and there needs to be a stop to this.
UPWORK doesn't seem to support new freelancers,… Community member said,… Your JSS is 67% and you are competing against others who have the same skills but better reviews and JSS. That is probably why you are not getting hired. There are thousands of freelancers competing for jobs on Upwork and many of them never get hired. You could have the perfect proposal and still lose the job to someone else who also had a perfect proposal.
So encouraging,… lol
Hello, Josh are you part of any agency now?
useful , thanx a lot , Josh 🙂 my music composing skills always at your service , cheers!
I can't thank you enough for making this video.
How much does Upwork pay you to post these???
Hello! I intend to start on upwork in the upcoming weeks. If anyone has some advice for me as an art/design graduate mainly focusing on environmental design, interior design and graphic design (I do digital art as well) then please leave all the advise you can in the replies! Also, if you have any freelance suggestions other than Upwork. I'm also quite confused about managing finances considering I'd need to convert currency and withdraw cash later on.
This was a really high quality video, and a lot of good integrity behind what you're explaining for people. Thanks Josh and if you wouldn't mind….. Would you or anyone else know how to remove the hourly rates from Upwork entirely if we charge by project package? Thanks so much for all reading.
It is not taking advantage of someone when you look for the lowest service provider, it is basic common sense, why would I spend $1000 on a freelancer when I can spend $20 on another freelancer with the same experience and skill level?
Knowing your self-worth won't prevent clients from choosing a less expensive freelancer from a more expensive one. Self-worth is self-respect, having it will prevent a freelancer from sending bids to low-paying jobs but really won't prevent a client from choosing a cheaper freelancer.
I really admire how you are being transparent and honest with your video on sharing your journey and experience before becoming a successful freelancer. Thank you for being an inspiration.
Your voice is so calming. I almost stopped paying attention to what you were saying.
"1 client can change your life forever" that statement is definitely true..I worked hard for almost 4 years when it was still Odesk then by the time it was about to change it's name to Upwork this one client came and changed my life forever. He was such a huge blessing to us..right now I am still working for him for almost 10 years now.
1. Have self worth, not a race to the bottom. Not every client wants to pay cheapest. Double your rate.
2. Great portfolios win jobs. Think of paying for help here i.e. better thumbnails
3. Be ready for imposter syndrome. Dont compare your chapter1 for someones chapter20.
4. Bad clients exist. Be selective. Most are good.
5. Freelancing is not for everyone. Can take a few hard years to get going more smoothly. One client can change your life.
You need to document all your attempts to communicate with the person you needed the information from.
Paper trails help you a lot.
If I am looking to change industries to digital marketing and taking certifications, is Upwork a good way for me to get experience to show employers what I can do?
Hey Man, what did you sacrifice? gaming ?
How can we book a meeting with you?
What are the most demanded skills on upwork?
Great content ❤ the way I recently got to chat with a client for a job I sent proposal for (voice over) ..she then told me to send her a sample, I did that and she went quiet..I'm. Wondering why?
The sample I did also was the actual work
hey thank you so much , could you provide me coaching on how to get my first clients …. i lack a lot of skills ….. i almost landed a first-client but it was just luck
Thank you so much for the video. There's so much information to digest from what you have shared. Since I made up my mind to take up my freelancing to Upwork, I have been making tons of research. And this video explains the truth behind what to expect and how to go about them. Thanks a lot, Josh.
Thank you for sharing that here!
My opinion, every client on the platform should watch that video!
We have to be more patience ❤
Im client my self,
is there any linking pass required before we recueve our payment
Hey Josh, great content btw!
Can i know the person who edited this video? Wanna reach out to them
Was wondering if I really need a portfolio website, but you cleared my thoughts. Now I am going to make my portfolio website ❤
Thank you for making this!
I came here wondering what the heck upwork is. Thanks for the video. I can tell your someone actually speaking from wisdom/personal experience rather than whatever google tells ya when you ask it a question. You have my trust
From my experience so far, upwork is full of scamers
You always inspire me Josh
How to creat profile ?please somebody help me
How to apply profile?
Require number code ?what a this,?
thank you for your video. I reduced my price and now i am going to raise it up again on upwork.
great video. You come across as very genuine and the information is very important. I really like the part about you talking about, not to sell yourself short, and that not every client is out there to take advantage of you and to keep that in mind. Such valuable insight. Thank you so much!
This is by far one of the best videos I’ve ever watched. I teared up.
Quick question Josh, can you work on Upwork as an international student on an F-1 visa in the US?