A Comprehensive Introduction to the Amazon Influencer Program for Beginners

Nov 14, 2023 | Social Media Influencer | 26 comments

A Comprehensive Introduction to the Amazon Influencer Program for Beginners

Are you an aspiring influencer looking to capitalize on the power of Amazon? Look no further than the Amazon Influencer Program. This program allows influencers to earn commission on products they promote through their social media channels.

What is the Amazon Influencer Program?

The Amazon Influencer Program is a way for social media influencers to earn money by promoting products on Amazon. Once accepted into the program, influencers are given a unique URL to share with their followers. When someone makes a purchase through that link, the influencer earns a commission.

How to Join the Amazon Influencer Program

To join the Amazon Influencer Program, you must have a YouTube, Instagram, Twitter, or Facebook account with a large following. Amazon will review your social media presence and determine if you meet their criteria for acceptance. Once accepted, you can start promoting products and earning commission.

Tips for Success in the Amazon Influencer Program

Now that you’re a part of the Amazon Influencer Program, here are some tips to help you succeed:

1. Focus on your niche: If you have a specific niche, such as fashion, beauty, or tech, focus on promoting products that cater to that audience.

2. Be genuine: Your followers trust your opinions, so be honest and authentic when promoting products. Only promote products you truly believe in.

3. Create engaging content: Use high-quality images and videos to showcase the products you’re promoting. Engaging content will encourage your followers to make a purchase.

4. Engage with your audience: Respond to comments and messages from your followers. Building a strong relationship with your audience will help increase your influence and sales.

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5. Stay updated on Amazon trends: Keep an eye on popular products and trends on Amazon. Promoting trending products can help you increase your earnings.

Benefits of the Amazon Influencer Program

The Amazon Influencer Program offers several benefits for influencers:

– Earn commission on purchases made through your links
– Access to Amazon’s vast inventory of products to promote
– Ability to track your earnings and performance through Amazon’s analytics
– Build your brand and increase your influence in your niche

In conclusion, the Amazon Influencer Program is a great opportunity for influencers to monetize their social media presence and earn commission by promoting products on Amazon. By focusing on your niche, being genuine, creating engaging content, engaging with your audience, and staying updated on Amazon trends, you can succeed in the program and increase your earnings. If you have a large following on social media, consider joining the Amazon Influencer Program and start earning money by promoting products you love.

FIND: Turnkey Businesses

LEARN: How To Make Money Online

HOW TO: Work From Home

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  1. Chef Dimi

    They just branched out to TikTok and I got in. Really good video. I need to brainstorm a bit.

  2. Chelsea Mackenzie

    I find it frustrating to promote my amazon infleuncer page or links when only facebook or syories allows clickable links, tiktok you cant even post a clickable link. Im posting videos on my storefront and lists but still making like nothijg

  3. Kaleidoscope

    Thanks for the great informative video. I just got accepted to Amazon Influencer Program and uploaded my first two "unboxing" videos. After two days, my videos are now showing as "published". Does that mean that amazon "approved" those two videos for the influencer program and now waiting for my third? Or will Amazon re-evaluated the three videos again (as an whole) when I upload my third video? Last question, I noticed that some influencers as posting 10 second videos, are those videos earning the onsite commissions?!? I thought I read that the videos needed to be at least 30 seconds to qualify for onsite commisison?

  4. Doctor NOS

    Whooo hooo just got accepted

  5. Willie Robbins III TV

    I got accepted with my 65K followers on TikTok. Can I use the link in my YouTube videos? Doubling down on YouTube!

  6. Jack Decker

    Do I have to use the same account that I buy amazon products on to also promote a video about that product? For example, my family member has an amazon prime account but I want to start an amazon influencer account. Should I use their amazon prime account or am I free to make my own account and just buy products through their account?

  7. The Last Ride

    I got rejection. Just question, when I sign up for influencer program it directs me to the gmail account. Now the problem is under the same gmail address I have two youtube channel. My active youtube channel is under brand account which is kind of extension and main gmail youtube account which is not active, I just use that to watch videos only. So the when amazon influencer program direct to me to youtube section, it shows the account which has no subscribe but it does not direct me to the brand account. I am just wondering how can I make influencer sign up link to the brand account. Or is it amazon analysis automatically which youtube channel to assess? is any one else who faces the same problem?

  8. Lia

    So if I make a video review for a product for my Amazon Influencer page, would it be a violation of the rules to use that same video on my YouTube channel?

  9. Vesna Rodic

    Great video, thanks! I believe that comission is higher if you drive traffic from instagram or youtube. That's why some people use direct links, not quite sure. Do you know anything about it?

  10. Jarrod Langford

    I got accepted instantly. My main channel is around one year old. 75k subs and 30m views.

    Not sure if that helps anyone.

  11. Alethea Dawn

    Great video! thank you so much for making this. However, I am still a little confused because I am monetized here on YouTube, but they did not approve me when I applied. I can't find a page or F&Q page from amazon explaining what the requirements are. Do you know why they might have denied me?

  12. Ben Avanzato

    Hey, I'm having an issue where specific videos will get disapproved over and over for "The video contains prices, advertising information, discount promises or information that is limited in time"

    I have 47 approved videos, but just a few will not go through right now. I have re-edited and resubmitted the videos multiple times. Listened and made sure nothing is wrong.

    Have you run into this issue, and if so, how did you solve it?

  13. Go Experimental

    Just shy of 400k subscribers and millions of likes but got declined… maybe its how infrequently I post I don't know, any ideas?

  14. Josh Hillinger

    Hey! Thanks for the great video. I am managing my wife's Influencer account for her (she also quit her job, lol). Quick question on her store front when we want to "Create Content" she only has photo or idea list as an option. Should she not also be able to creat a video? If so, does it take some time once accepted into the program for this feature to go live? Thanks!

  15. Melz Findz

    Is it true that if you don’t make a sale within a certain time, they shut your amazon influencer program? How long do you have? How can you get away with it?

  16. Tom

    if you get denied as an amazon influencer, does it hurt your chance of applying to amazon associate? Also once denied, can you reapply?

  17. jessfitfam

    How am I getting views when I haven't advertised on my socials and it isn't posted on the reviews section? I'm definitely not complaining, but trying to figure out how people are seeing my reviews. Some reviews accumulated before my first videos were even approved. So weird.

  18. B4U GO

    200 subs? Pretty sure it’s over 2,000 subs. You are right about your content, I know someone with 1.7 million and he can’t get in because of his media presence.
    Also, in the affiliate program you get credit for everything they buy in 24 hours because you drive them to the platform. But, influencers only make money from items in that category, so if they watch your video and buy something close to it you get credit, but not everything in their cart. And yes, the money is more than I ever dreamed of.

  19. Nana Wu

    Does anyone know why the video is locked, it says it will go through in two business days but it never does

  20. John Moorhouse

    Good info but one correction: The commissions generated by the Influencer program are lower than those generated by the Associates program.

  21. Qiwonkas

    Do you have to be on the Amazon Affiliate program
    For 6 months before you can be in the Influencer program. Someone at Amazon told me that today and it seems utterly ridiculous!

  22. Animated Story Zone

    I have a question, all of my 3 videos were approved but they were not published on related videos product, there were only posted on my storefront and I can t get views because of that. can you help me?

  23. Kras IV

    Terrific video sir. Tons of value.

  24. Ben

    I tried signing up using Instagram Facebook and YouTube but it kept saying I don’t qualify. Are there any eligibility requirements


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