Achieving Connection and Influence Through Communication Hacks | #shorts

Dec 9, 2023 | Social Media Influencer | 39 comments

Achieving Connection and Influence Through Communication Hacks | #shorts

Communication is the key to success in any relationship, whether it’s personal or professional. The ability to effectively connect with others and influence them is essential for achieving our goals and building strong connections with others. Fortunately, there are several communication hacks that can help you improve your communication skills and build better connections with others.

One of the most important communication hacks is active listening. Active listening involves fully concentrating, understanding, responding and remembering what is being said. This means giving the other person your full attention and making an effort to understand their perspective. By demonstrating that you are truly engaged in the conversation, you can build trust and rapport with others, and show them that you value their thoughts and feelings.

Another important communication hack is using body language to convey your message. Nonverbal cues such as eye contact, facial expressions, and gestures can greatly impact how your message is received. By paying attention to your body language, you can ensure that you are coming across as confident, open, and approachable, and make a positive impression on others.

In addition, mirroring the body language and tone of voice of the person you are speaking with can help you build rapport and create a deeper connection. When you mirror the other person’s body language and speech patterns, it can help create a sense of trust and understanding between both parties.

Furthermore, using positive language and framing your message in a positive light can help you influence others and build stronger connections. By focusing on the positive aspects of a situation and using affirming language, you can inspire and motivate others to take action and achieve their goals.

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Lastly, being authentic and genuine in your communication can greatly impact your ability to connect with others. People are more likely to trust and engage with someone who is open and authentic, and who communicates with sincerity and integrity.

In conclusion, by employing these communication hacks, you can improve your ability to connect with others and influence them in a positive way. By actively listening, using body language effectively, mirroring the other person, using positive language, and being authentic, you can build stronger connections and achieve greater influence in both your personal and professional relationships. So, why not try these communication hacks today and see the positive impact they can have on your connections and influence? #shorts

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  1. @BillehBong123

    Question: in the example that you just gave, aren't you just giving implicit agreement of someone's idea when you don't infact agree with it? It's great to make people feel validated but it shouldn't come at the expense of going along with whatever they're saying.

  2. @luckshmana3461

    if you want to teach how to communicate, you should first slow your pace and split words, because the person who searched for this might end up hearing a lot of quick words and end up getting frustrated

  3. @user-ug6ct5cv1h


  4. @fonglim1670

    Who cares. There's no law saying I have to validate people

  5. @marshallkobe

    This sounds like wordsmithing to make someone else’s proven failed idea feel good about themselves. If it didn’t work last time the person giving the suggestion should be able to acknowledge and articulate the changes they came up with. It’s weird how you have to fluff the bad ideas.

  6. @eyeseewho77

    Is this chick ai. Why do I feel like she’s not real

  7. @bartycrouchjr.8831

    Question: is there a book I can learn more about some tricky words that makes the communication negative?


    that is genius! great. ya got a sub

  9. @poorvachauhan

    I saw you and instantly felt connection ❤

  10. @LarryP248

    Fabulous content. A related book I read had a profound resonance with me. "The Art of Meaningful Relationships in the 21st Century" by Leo Flint

  11. @JoeM370

    This is unparalleled excellence. I read a book with like themes that set a new standard for excellence. "Adapting with Aging" by James Crescent

  12. @ThugByChoice

    Honestly, no matter how you spend that that still sounds terrible.

  13. @Kig_Ama

    Yeah and the ppl r so dumb and can't recognize it right

  14. @peony7967

    I would say “this sounds great. Let’s make sure to incorporate previous Learning”

  15. @KC-xs6tb

    What if I intentionally invalidate their idea, and them?

  16. @localppcartist

    Suggestion and …"Think" to me seems like the key word that the response is free to respond with an opinion( suggestion) It's not a contractual agreement.

  17. @losdoslos

    Yes and apart from punching people in the face we could just not do that

  18. @hahabass

    I have always thought of 'but' in personal interactions as a little problematic to be honest, especially if the 'moment' starts becoming fractious and emotional.

  19. @coolguy-zm7tn

    Sometimes, I feel it’s only me learning all the nice things from you, and others continue to invalidate me

  20. @unclejunebug7178

    Or just say “i understand what you’re saying but last time we did that we over saw “X” variables and because of those reasons it didn’t work out and won’t work but thanks for your keeping us on our toes with your idea”


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