Boss attempts to discipline employee for remote work arrangement.

Jun 8, 2024 | Work From Home | 2 comments

Boss attempts to discipline employee for remote work arrangement.

Working from home has become a common practice in many companies around the world, especially with the rise of technology that allows for seamless communication and collaboration. However, not all employers are on board with this new way of working, as evidenced by a recent incident where a boss tried to punish an employee for working from home.

The employee in question, let’s call her Jane, had been working for the company for several years and had always been a top performer. She had a good track record of meeting deadlines and exceeding expectations, so when she asked her boss if she could work from home a few days a week to help take care of her young child, she assumed it would be a non-issue.

However, her boss, who preferred employees to be in the office at all times, was not happy with Jane’s request. He felt that working from home would lead to a decrease in productivity and that Jane would not be as focused on her work. Despite Jane’s assurances that she would still be accessible and get her work done, her boss insisted that she come into the office every day.

When Jane continued to work from home despite her boss’s wishes, he decided to take action. He docked her pay for the days she had worked from home, citing company policy that required employees to be in the office during regular working hours.

Jane was furious and felt that she was being punished unfairly. She had always been a dedicated employee and had never had any issues with her performance before. She tried to reason with her boss and explain that working from home actually helped her be more productive, but he would not listen.

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The situation escalated and Jane eventually decided to seek legal advice. She discovered that her boss’s actions were not only unfair but also possibly illegal. Many labor laws protect employees from being unfairly punished or discriminated against for requesting reasonable accommodations, such as working from home.

After explaining her situation to her boss, he finally relented and agreed to allow Jane to work from home a few days a week, as long as she continued to meet her deadlines and be available for meetings when necessary.

This incident serves as a reminder that some employers may still be resistant to the idea of employees working from home, but it is important for both employees and employers to communicate openly and find solutions that work for everyone. Working from home can be a great way to increase productivity and work-life balance, and employers should be open to exploring this option with their employees.

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  1. @Questionmark142

    Honestly the idea behind sick days is just baffling to me as a German. How does that even make sense to try and control how many days someone is sick? That's not how biology works. Here you get 6 weeks of continuous pay every time you're sick for longer times, after that time your health insurance will cover 70% of your gross income (but not more than 90% of net income) for up to 3 years.


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