How to Register for Shopee Affiliate Program without NPWP and Followers, Directly Accepted Latest 2023..!!
Shopee has been one of the biggest online marketplaces in Southeast Asia, and it offers an affiliate program for influencers and content creators to earn extra income by promoting products on their platform. However, many people are discouraged from joining the program because of the requirement to have a Taxpayer Identification Number (NPWP) and a certain number of social media followers.
But now, there’s good news for those who want to join the Shopee Affiliate Program without having an NPWP and without a large following on social media. Shopee has recently updated its requirements to make it more accessible for everyone to join their affiliate program.
If you are interested in joining the Shopee Affiliate Program without an NPWP and without a large following on social media, here are the steps to register:
1. Sign up for a Shopee account: If you don’t already have a Shopee account, you will need to sign up for one. Simply download the Shopee app or visit their website and follow the instructions to create an account.
2. Go to the Shopee Affiliate Program page: Once you have created your account, go to the Shopee Affiliate Program page to start the registration process.
3. Fill in the required information: You will need to provide your personal information, including your name, email address, and contact number. You will also need to provide information about your social media accounts, but having a large following is no longer a requirement.
4. Wait for approval: After submitting your application, you will need to wait for approval from Shopee. The new update allows for direct acceptance, so you should receive a notification of approval shortly after submitting your application.
By simplifying the registration process and removing the requirement for an NPWP and a large following on social media, Shopee has made it easier for more people to join their affiliate program. This is great news for those who have been wanting to earn extra income through affiliate marketing but have been deterred by the previous requirements.
In conclusion, if you want to join the Shopee Affiliate Program without an NPWP and without a large following on social media, the process is now easier than ever. With the new update, you can register and start earning commissions from promoting products on Shopee in no time. So, don’t miss out on this opportunity and start your journey as a Shopee affiliate today!
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gunakan kode tim aku : AWDTQAV supaya langsung diterima di shopee affiliate❤️
kalo pake Atm kakak boleh nggak ka?
Kak kenapa produknya ga tampil ya di akun afiliate q yg baru
Mohon maaf sebelumnya,saya sudah daftar pakai kode sampeyan,terus saya posting² tp belum pernah dapat komisi.bagaimana cara dapat komisi??
Kak klo mau jualan live d shopee gmn kk?
Kak klo mau jualan live d shopee gmn kk?
Solusi gmna kak kalau g ada npwp
Kak saya sudah daftar dan di terima pakai kode tim kakaka
Kalo ngak ada NPWP tiap gajian di potong ya kak
Kk aq dm WA koq cmn checklist 1 doank. Aq mau ty2 kk, soalny msh pemula saya
Ka klo mau ganti akun IG atau tiktok yg buat naro link gmna?
Kak punten nanya kenapa punyaku suru lengkapin data terus ya komisimu tdk dpt dibayarkan karena informasi pembayaran dan pajak tdk ssuai padahal aku udh cantumin buku rkning nama asli tp aku ga ada npwp
Mbak gimana cara kerja memposting nya mohon bimbingan nya.
Kak, kalo misal KTP nya sudah pernah dipakai. Tapi permasalahannya. Udah lupa nama akun, lupa nomor telpon, dan lupa email/user nya karna hp hilang. Solusinya bagaimana ya kak ?
Karna ini sudah punya akun baru, tapi kalo ingin aktifin shopeepay nya gagal pake KTP saya.
kak kalo bikin store di ig tapi pake barang di shope bisa ga
Padahal udah ada yg klik link yg aku bagikan,tapi di performa toko tetap 0.Trus tanggal performa hanya bisa 1 sampai 10.Padahal udah tanggal 13 loh kak,percuma gak aku share link tiap harinya.KAK BANTU KEBURU ADA YG CO
Ikutan deh ka pake kodenya…
Maksud dari pajaknya gimana itu
Klo akun FB nya harus di verifikasi gimana ka?
Kak kalo pake akun BRImo bisa ngga? Soalnya gak punya buku rekening
kak kenapa di KLIK shopee affilliate.ku yang biasanya sudah 11 sekarang cuma 8
Klo rek ke Dorman BS ttp buat data GK KK?
Kak shopiee pay harus di aktif kab
Kalo instagram gimnan menautkan?
KA klo g aktifkan shopeepay g ppkan
Kak mau tanya kalau kita gak punyq no rek apalah bisa tarik tunai untuk shopee apliate / jualam di shopee?
Kak knp link di story shopee gak bisa di klik
Maaf kakak.. Sy ikut gabung Shopee afrilente lewat kode kakak.. Tp sejak bulan Agustus kemarin akun sy dibajak oleh penipu.. Dn speyleter sy dibobol pdahal sy tidak konfirmasi dan s pinjam sy tidak aktif.. Tapi kenapa oknum bisa mengubah data transaksi sy..pertanyaannya sy bagaimana cara menghubungi office Shopee agar transaksi sy normal kembali.. Sy tidak mau membyar transaksi yg ditulis penipu.. Sy mau bayar speyleter jd tidak bisa.. Bisa bantu kakak.. Makasih sebelumnya.
Aku udah masukin kode nya ka
Kakak aku sudah di terima daftar afiliatee Masya Allah semoga cepet² dapet komisi❤❤❤ makasi ya kaka tutor nya sangat manfaat sekaliii
Tampilan di saya beda… begitu klik gabung yg muncul langsung akun shopee, tipe akun, no wa, email, dan kode tim
Ka saya ga ada tulisan info akun.
Saat gabung itu
Bantu jawab dong kak, semisal kalo gak langsung ngaktifin pengaturan pembayaran apa nanti komisi nya bisa masuk apa nggak?
kak mau tanya saya kan sudah daftar affiliate program baru saja, kebetulan email nya salah saya mau menggantinya bagaimana kak
Kak q sudah daftar pakai kode dari kakak dan sudah aktif tinggal isi pembayaran.
Shopee q saya daftar kan pakaii nomor dan email suami tp pas daftar kemarin aku pakaai nomor wa dan email q sendiri. Pertanyaan nya untuk isi data pembayaran pakai nomor yg di daftar kan shopee apa pakai nomor yg di daftar kan affiliate?? Tolong di bantu kak
Ka maap kalo misal kan jualan pke akun shopi saya..tapi pke rekening suami apa bisa ga ka
Kak mau tanya kalo atm nya gak atas nama sendiri apakah bisa?
Kak mau tanya. Kalo misalnya link afiliasi yg kita share tapi dimasukin keranjang dulu, tpi dibeli nya nanti
Itu masuk komisi atau ngga kalo di checkout nya setelah dimasukin keranjang
Ka maksud nya tim kode itu apaan ya?