Conquering Procrastination: How I Built a $40k/Mo Amazon FBA Brand

Nov 12, 2023 | Amazon FBA | 5 comments

Conquering Procrastination: How I Built a k/Mo Amazon FBA Brand

How I DESTROYED Procrastination & Built a $40k/Mo Amazon FBA Brand

Procrastination is a silent killer of dreams, goals and aspirations. It’s something that plagues so many of us, holding us back from achieving our full potential. I used to be a chronic procrastinator, constantly putting off important tasks and projects until the last minute. This bad habit almost derailed my dreams of building a successful business, but I was able to overcome it and create a thriving Amazon FBA brand that now generates $40k per month in revenue.

I knew that in order to achieve my goals, I needed to kick my procrastination habit to the curb. I started by identifying the root causes of my procrastination, which included fear of failure, lack of motivation, and a tendency to get easily distracted. Once I understood why I was procrastinating, I was able to take targeted action to address these issues.

The first step in overcoming my procrastination was to create a clear and actionable plan for my Amazon FBA business. I set specific goals and broke them down into smaller, manageable tasks. This allowed me to focus on making progress every day, rather than feeling overwhelmed by the big picture.

I also made a conscious effort to eliminate distractions from my work environment. This meant turning off my phone, blocking distracting websites, and finding a quiet, dedicated workspace where I could focus on my business without interruption.

To combat my fear of failure, I started to shift my mindset and embrace the idea that failure is simply a part of the learning process. I realized that I needed to take risks and try new things in order to grow my business, and that failure was just a temporary setback, not a permanent roadblock.

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In addition, I sought out motivation and inspiration from successful entrepreneurs who had built their own thriving Amazon FBA brands. I read books, listened to podcasts, and attended networking events to connect with like-minded individuals who could offer support and guidance.

Through consistent effort and a commitment to overcoming my procrastination, I was able to build a successful Amazon FBA brand that now generates $40k per month in revenue. I proved to myself that with determination, discipline, and a positive mindset, it’s possible to overcome procrastination and achieve your goals.

If you’re struggling with procrastination, I encourage you to take a hard look at the root causes of your behavior and make a plan to address them. Break your goals down into smaller, actionable steps, eliminate distractions, embrace failure as a part of the learning process, and seek out motivation and support from others. With persistence and determination, you can overcome procrastination and build the successful business of your dreams.

FIND: Turnkey Businesses

LEARN: How To Make Money Online

HOW TO: Work From Home

REVEALED: Online Business Ideas

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  1. Ron Leona

    Hey Paul, would like to talk to you for about 15 min i have a few questions to ask you, and I will pay for your time whatever you think is fair. how do I go about doing that? Thank You

  2. Ryan

    I see that it says "Retail" does that mean you are selling products out of your own brick and mortar store?

  3. Paul J. Savage

    Would you be interested in seeing more videos like this from me?

    I always assumed no one cares about this stuff but it seems like it’s doing well!


  4. The People’s OG 2

    Love this shit, it’s great to see how you handle the overall operation and not just Amazon stuff

  5. Randy Totel

    Hey Paul. Great to see some of the details of your operations and overall planning. Thanks!


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