Daisy Marquez’s Deceptive Claim About Having a Disease

Jan 22, 2024 | Social Media Influencer | 38 comments

Daisy Marquez’s Deceptive Claim About Having a Disease

Daisy Marquez is a popular social media influencer known for her beauty and makeup tutorials. With over 1.7 million followers on Instagram and over 2 million subscribers on YouTube, she has made a name for herself in the world of beauty and lifestyle content. However, Marquez recently came under fire for lying about having a serious disease, leaving her fans feeling betrayed and questioning her authenticity.

In a now-deleted Instagram post, Marquez claimed that she had been diagnosed with a terminal illness and had only a few months to live. She went on to share emotional posts about her battle with the disease, garnering an outpouring of support and sympathy from her followers. However, it was later revealed that Marquez had fabricated the entire story, leaving her fans shocked and outraged.

Many of her followers felt duped and betrayed by Marquez’s deception. They had empathized with her and offered their support, only to find out that it was all based on a lie. Some fans accused Marquez of seeking attention and using a fabricated illness for personal gain, while others expressed disappointment and disbelief at her actions.

Marquez later issued a public apology, admitting to lying about her illness and taking full responsibility for her actions. She explained that she had been going through a difficult time in her personal life and made a “stupid decision” in a moment of desperation. However, the damage had already been done, and her reputation had been tarnished in the eyes of many.

The incident has sparked a larger conversation about the authenticity of social media influencers and the impact of their actions on their followers. Many people look up to influencers like Marquez and trust them to be honest and genuine in their content. When influencers betray that trust, it not only hurts their own reputation but also damages the credibility of the influencer industry as a whole.

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In the age of social media, it can be tempting for influencers to embellish their lives for the sake of engagement and attention. However, incidents like this serve as a reminder of the importance of being transparent and truthful with your audience. The relationship between an influencer and their followers should be based on trust and authenticity, and dishonesty can have far-reaching consequences.

As for Marquez, it remains to be seen whether she will be able to regain the trust of her followers and rebuild her reputation. The incident serves as a cautionary tale for influencers and a reminder of the impact their words and actions can have on their audience. In the end, honesty and integrity should always be a top priority for those who have the power to influence others through their platform.

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  1. @btshwaiting

    i might have a new years resolution…

  2. @terryjackson8186

    Why do ppl get unnecessary surgery? If it ain't broke don't fix it.

  3. @May-or-May-not

    It's so weird. Why not just say "sorry I've been sick over the past few days. Feeling better now!"

  4. @grace4535

    i do not have any new year’s resolutions. for your engagement 🙂

  5. @Glamourcreations4490

    That’s fucked up. My husband has Sickle Cell Disease and had a stroke and other complications due to this horrible disease. It’s a miracle he is still alive at the age of 52. He’s gotten a knee, hip, shoulder and elbow replacement because the necrosis. Do for her to lie about something so serious is unforgivable. That’s the same as saying you have cancer.

  6. @theburningpen

    What is with people just not being able to say "I had surgery – it wasn't serious, I'm okay, I just need to recover."????? Why do we have to fake serious illnesses?????

  7. @NerdInTheLibrary

    I made a list of 24 for 2024. 12 readily achievable and 12 that are habit building

  8. @Jasmine-rq5yl

    Can barely read the text messages cause of the background graphics…

  9. @svamberiv7999

    Why not now. Let by gones be by gones. I have never heard of HER or YOU for that matter. Catty gossip and drama rules the internet. That's why I subscribe to do little of it. Continually dwelling on negativity will make you sick.❤

  10. @galaxyglow5187

    By faking illneses such as sickle cell or cancer, it makes it harder for people who actually have the sickness to get help and it infuriates the hell out of me.

  11. @Beeoog

    That’s fucked up. My baby cousin died from it last year

  12. @angelarigido7161

    To everybody who has the actual disease, Gpd bless you, and give you your best possible health.

  13. @kittiblu7343

    My new years goals are new job, new tattoos.

  14. @alb91878

    I don't know this girl comes across as really f**** stupid for me! Just the first part I realized I haven't been posting for 3 days and I started really panicking and freaking out….. What the f*** for? Who gives a s*** you weren't posting for 3 days? What a f**** airhead! You could do this thing where you say oh I was kind of living life and lost track of time and didn't realize it had been 3 days or I don't know I was feeling sick I didn't feel that great! Anything would have worked but the first thing she went to was a serious disease that mostly affects black women? Really? I want another thing she's an a**** for that thing with her sister. It's okay for her to tell all her sisters damn business but she wants to be upset when her sister says something? So whatever she's a garbage heap!

  15. @silent_day

    Wow, she could've just said she was in the hospital lmao. Sure, still for something cosmetic, but still… People that make such ridiculous lies like this lie about other things, too. I would never be able to trust someone like that

  16. @courteneyturner1142

    My littlest brother has sickle cell and I’m so thankful he’s never had any complications

  17. @zoe89169

    Not a resolution girlie

  18. @Sandra_lee

    Thoughts on Ace Family Divorce?

  19. @getlaidybug

    Where was Covid when she needed it.

  20. @MartellaNutella

    This is what Jake Doolittle should have talked about.

  21. @JonathonBall

    Why is this person interviewing herself?

  22. @drcloudy

    No resolutions, just plans. Hopefully I'll get to do them.

  23. @alphaxneo

    As pretty much everyone has said, there were so so many options of saying something different to not say she had a BBL. Any type of flu, a stomach bug, even some kind of surgery without specifying. Or just say "I've been really sick" would do the trick. Nobody is going to follow you home and check if you really had the flu. Using a sickness that needs constant treatment and affects people who have it quite heavily and can even cause death? That's just the lowest of the low. I personally have an incurable condition, but I rarely talk about it on my socials unless I'm trying to raise awareness of it. Most socials I've seen where people have a condition tend to be either about spreading awareness and what the sickness may entail or trying to bring humor and/or helpful strategies to deal with it.
    I can sort of understand panicking about what to say when you don't want to divulge certain information, but really, I just come back to this: There were so many other things she could've said.

  24. @livaugirard3383

    She should apologise to people actually suffering from the disease! also: if people were more transparent with the hard recovery from cosmetic surgery,it could help others be more aware and consider this before moving forward with these procedures. It's a whole web of lies,hers included, that created this situation. She could have been a trailblazer and "good influence" in this regard but chose to lie.. sad!

  25. @helno6381

    I just want to get through the year xD That's m'y resolution xD

  26. @rachellenormand9603

    I might have believed the apology if she was honest about it being for attention. If it wasn't, she would have just said she had the flu or something.

  27. @twinstarssystem2857

    if it was just one time, it wouldn't matter, because no one has a right to anyone else's medical history and while it's not exactly great, it's not morally abhorrent. talking about it more like she's an authority on it is a bit sus though

  28. @BritInvLvr

    She has fans? Or people who just watch her videos?

  29. @amelietremblay7582

    Nurses may not be doctors, but I have yet to meet a nurse who commits serious malpractice or neglect towards me, a chronically ill person. However, plenty of doctors did. I'd trust a nurse over a doctor for chronic illness stuff, because they usually are devoted and won't dismiss me when I have medical concerns. 6:03

    It feels like you are putting down nurses when they usually are the ones who are actually there for people ngl.

    Also, lying about medical stuff is why people think we (chronically ill folks) lie. People seem to be too foolish to realize that able bodied people are the ones faking, not chronically ill people.

  30. @lowwastehighmelanin

    Famous Blavk musicians and comedians have literally died due to sickle cell. This is horrific behavior. She's trash.

    I don't do resolutions. I do quarterly goals ever few months.

  31. @singingraven3833

    I'm trying to use my tablet more to stay on task and in time. So far it has been working alright.

  32. @tarasalad

    Quite sad and I'm thinking that because there were many other temporary, forgettabke excuses she could have used (flu, cold, stomach bug), she must have wanted the attention of having a disease.

  33. @Thil

    She could have just said she had a fever and was sleeping a lot. Like… Why was her first thought a deadly disease

  34. @GretchenV95

    I’m amazed at how secretive influencers can be about plastic surgery or any other cosmetic procedure (they have a right to be, that’s not our business but they’re visible things that well know immediately anyway) yet they’re so damn open about other incredibly personal stuff. Like, make it make sense.
    The ease in which they come up with these lies- like just say you’re not a damn robot and that you need a break.


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