Discover Lucrative Products to Resell on eBay Before Visiting a Thrift Store

Sep 28, 2023 | eBay Flipping | 40 comments

Discover Lucrative Products to Resell on eBay Before Visiting a Thrift Store

Find Profitable Items To Flip On eBay Before Entering A Thrift Store

Thrift stores are a goldmine for finding unique and valuable items that can be resold for a profit on platforms like eBay. Whether you’re a seasoned flipper or just starting out, it’s important to do your research before stepping foot into a thrift store. By identifying potentially profitable items in advance, you can maximize your time and make the most out of your thrift store visits.

Here are some tips to help you find profitable items to flip on eBay before entering a thrift store:

1. Research Popular or Trending Items: Stay updated on the latest trends and popular items in the market. This will give you a sense of what buyers are looking for and what items are in high demand. Use online tools like Google Trends, eBay’s own trend reports, or industry-specific blogs to identify popular products.

2. Check Completed Listings on eBay: eBay allows you to search for completed listings, showing you the final selling price of items. This will give you an idea of what similar items have sold for recently, allowing you to gauge potential profit margins. Pay attention to items that consistently sell at a higher price.

3. Utilize eBay’s Advanced Search Filters: eBay’s advanced search feature allows you to filter results based on completed listings, sold items, or items sold within a specific time frame. This enables you to narrow down your search to specific categories or brands and see what items are in high demand.

4. Learn About Brands and Products: Educate yourself about brands and products that have a reputation for holding their value or having a strong resale market. This includes designer clothing, vintage electronics, collectibles, or niche items in areas like home decor or sports memorabilia. By having this knowledge, you’ll be able to quickly identify potential profitable items while browsing through the thrift store.

See also  Thrift Store Treasure Hunting with a Special Guest: How to Buy Items for Profit on EBay and Successfully Flip Them

5. Follow Online Communities: Join online forums, Facebook groups, or subreddits related to flipping or thrifting. These communities are filled with experienced flippers who often share their success stories, tips, and insights. Engaging with these communities can provide valuable knowledge about what items are in demand and where you can find them.

6. Bring Your Smartphone: When you’re in the thrift store, bring your smartphone along to quickly research items you come across. Check eBay listings to see if similar items are being sold and at what price. This will give you an idea of whether it’s worth purchasing and flipping the item.

7. Keep an Eye Out for Unique or Uncommon Items: Thrift stores are often filled with unique or uncommon items that can be hard to find elsewhere. These items are more likely to have a higher value and be in demand from collectors or enthusiasts. Look for vintage items, limited-edition releases, or anything that has a unique or interesting aspect to it.

Remember, flipping items on eBay requires patience, research, and persistence. Not every thrift store visit will result in a profitable find, but by doing your homework and being selective, you can increase your chances of finding items that will fetch a good price on the resale market.

In conclusion, it’s crucial to research and identify potentially profitable items before entering a thrift store. By staying aware of popular trends, utilizing eBay’s search filters, and following online communities, you can increase your chances of finding valuable items to flip on eBay. Thrift stores offer an abundance of unique items waiting to be discovered, so with the right strategy, you can turn your thrifting adventures into a profitable business venture.

See also  Flipping these bizarre shoes is worth it.

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  1. richard mitchell

    i need help identifying what i have in my hand at the time if it doesnt say. any ideas people?

  2. PJ Miller

    Great video! Just found your channel. Starting to binge watch.

  3. Jeffrey Hawes

    When you buy sunglasses, how do you know they aren’t knock offs?

  4. Just Facts

    In order to test these remotes you will need the original equipment they were sold with and a copy of their manual so you can go through each feature one at a time.

    Pressing buttons on the remote to see its lights up is not testing it. The different buttons you press on the units emit light patterns similar to morse code except they are way too fast for your eyes to detect the patterns. Even if if you could detect them, and their was a reference for them, you really going to spend time going through many dozens of codes.

    Any scammer knows there is almost zero chance you could have tested the remote so be prepared for claims that the remote does not work.

    In many cases there is no reason to order an original used replacement remote as many stores, even the local home improvement center, sells universal remotes that can be programmed to work with many devices. The local home improvement store has models as cheap as $7.99.

    These remotes are often damaged by leaking batteries left in them so do not buy unless you can check the battery compartment. You will also need to take pictures of this compartment so buyers can't claim it was damaged by battery acid and then provide you pictures of their damaged remote instead.

    Some of those used remotes were using stock photos of new remotes, which is not allowed.

    It doe snot matter is multiple units are selling each day. What is the sell through rate?

    Sold Items / (Unsold Items Listed + Items Currently Listed + Sold Items)

    eBay's basic search engine does not give you accurate numbers to compute this such as stating 15,000+ sold versus and actual number. Terapeak does, assuming eBay is not lying to you, which they do often.

    So how many of these sales are to foreign buyers with much higher risk? Don't be fooled by eBay's claim that there is seller protection for such items. There is no seller protection for anything on eBay, let alone items shipped outside the U.S.. Just Google eBay seller horror stories to find many, many examples.

  5. roger federer

    Ive yet to see you address what brands are the curling irons you look for to sell.

  6. mikeb270

    ebay needs to go backwards to go forwards

  7. Flipping Deano's

    I love your videos man, I have autism and the way you speak I can understand you a 100%. You're concise and to the point but you don't talk over people's heads.

  8. Como Ganar Dinero Digital

    Omg this is gold!!! I cancelled Chris Patreon subscription since I met you.. im being serious your content is amazing!! Keep it up

  9. In Between Names

    It's pronounced "Car-tee-yay' and also "Dol-chay and Gabbana"

  10. chris evans

    The man just keeps coming with quality information.

  11. Sylar Villian

    Thanks man, when ever I visit your channel, I always learn something.

  12. Rocky Mountain Reseller

    Great information thank you so much for sharing. I have found several bolos by doing the research that you showed us how to do earlier and it has helped me immensely picking up better items to sell. I’m happy with the $15-$20 ASP but I need to be able to find. With your help I’ve really been able to up my game and maybe I can retire again and just do eBay. I really appreciate everything you teach us. I’ve also found three items I can replenish my stock with which is been nice as well. Really appreciate what you’re doing. YouTube channels are a full-time plus type business so you must have an amazing amount of energy! blessings . Sorry about the weird typos and words but I’m using talk to text.

  13. Ivan Bonilla Ortiz

    Haven’t found anything good ina while here In htx, in the last 1-2 months prices have gone up horribly, I’m talking old navy or Walmart used shoes In bad condition going for 15+ if something is new it’s like 4x regular price. And if something is new and has the msrp tag still on it they’ll try to sell it for atleast 50% price

  14. Luna Pac

    @Jride Flips: Not a huge deal, but the sunglass maker "Cartier" is pronounced (Car-tee-ay).

  15. Dave Davidson

    Awesome video and tu for the great tips

  16. bearsmom42

    So much useful information!

  17. MercurySillus

    Very helpful. Do you have guidance that you use for sell through rate in conjunction with the number of listings?

  18. Bullshoes

    excellent video! thank you so much for sharing knowledge with all of us…

  19. Seaside Sales

    Nice video one of your best! How much time or what % of time do you devote to this type of research? I have small part time resale business (100) and don’t want to expand but do want ramp up my per item profit to make it worth my time. I can source $10-15 all day and turn over quick but takes more time than I want to devote. Looking to work smarter not harder!

  20. Stored Away

    Can't find any good sunglasses but found some Ray Ban eyeglasses.

    Thanks for sharing your knowledge very much appreciated

  21. Jeff the Apex Flipper

    Jake thx for this. You and TechN have taught me alot on how to study, research and source

  22. Michael R

    Love the videos! I have a super weird question about eBays Active and Sold Comps that maybe you could answer one day. Sometimes I will look up items on eBay Sold and the ones that sold recently would be all kinds of different prices for the same item, for example a Belt Buckle that sold 5 times over 2-3 days for anywhere between $20-$30 but when I look at active comps for the Belt Buckle and sort by lowest price, I see tons for $5 free shipping for the same items. How is it that some people are able to sell items that are actively on eBay for dirt cheap but still sell them for way higher pricing?

  23. Nate

    Hey Jake, I'd really like to see a video on you researching and doing a deep dive on categories you aren't familiar with and I would like to see a video on how you research products that don't have a brand name on them. One example that I struggle with is cast iron that's unmarked. Thanks for all you do for us! Much appreciated! 🙂

  24. Vino Bar

    Hi Jake
    Had a question. How can you tell if the sunglasses are fake. Thanks

  25. Cass Fonnesbeck

    Very useful video Jake. I would have liked to see how you found the correct sold information. That happens to me and it's incredibly annoying because I know 0 sales is not correct.

  26. Rudy

    Hey Jake, thank you for the guide/information. I just started my Ebay reselling business and it's been difficult. I haven't sold anything but I won't give up. Would you mind doing a deep dive on men's shirts? I'm focusing on that niche. Again thank you and keep up the awesome work!

  27. SummerGrace Zuniga

    Oh my goodness, this is genius. Another great and helpful video! Also a cool video style. Thanks Jake.

  28. Bill Hartman

    Around here all I find are the "junk" brands.

  29. PatriotGirl

    Hi Jake! How is your day going? Learning a TON from you and I can’t thank you enough!


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