Discover the 5 Highly Profitable and Legitimate Online Business Ideas!

Sep 30, 2023 | Online Business Ideas | 41 comments

Discover the 5 Highly Profitable and Legitimate Online Business Ideas!

In today’s digital age, there are countless opportunities to start and run a lucrative online business. Gone are the days when traditional brick-and-mortar stores were the only option. The internet has opened up a whole new world of possibilities, allowing entrepreneurs to reach a global audience from the comfort of their own homes. If you’ve been contemplating starting an online business but don’t know where to begin, here are five lucrative and legitimate online business ideas to consider:

1. E-commerce: Selling products online has become incredibly popular, and for good reason. With an e-commerce business, you can reach customers all around the world and cater to niche markets. Dropshipping is a particularly attractive option as it requires minimal upfront investment. You simply partner with suppliers who handle the inventory and shipment, while you focus on marketing and customer service. The key to success in e-commerce is identifying products with high demand and low competition, and providing exceptional customer service.

2. Affiliate Marketing: If you have a passion for a particular niche, affiliate marketing can be a great way to turn that passion into profit. With affiliate marketing, you promote products or services on your website or through social media and earn a commission for every sale made through your referral. The key is to choose reputable affiliate programs and build a loyal audience who trusts your recommendations.

3. Online Coaching: If you have expertise in a certain field, why not share your knowledge and help others through online coaching? Whether it’s life coaching, business mentoring, fitness training, or any other skill you excel in, you can offer one-on-one coaching sessions via video calls or provide pre-recorded courses. Building a reputation and positive testimonials are crucial for attracting clients in this space.

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4. Content Creation: As the demand for quality content continues to rise, content creation has become a highly profitable online business. Whether it’s writing articles, creating videos, designing graphics, or podcasting, there are numerous platforms where you can offer your services and monetize your content. Consistency and a strong personal brand are essential for success in this competitive field.

5. Online Consulting: If you have professional expertise and a specialized skill set, online consulting can be a lucrative online business. From marketing and finance to IT and HR, businesses and individuals are always in need of expert advice. You can offer your consulting services remotely, either on a project basis or through long-term contracts. Building a strong online presence and networking within your industry are vital for attracting clients.

Starting an online business can be a rewarding and profitable endeavor, but it’s important to approach it with a clear plan and dedication. Research the market, identify your target audience, and develop a solid marketing strategy. Remember that building a successful online business takes time and effort, so stay committed and continuously adapt to the ever-changing digital landscape. With the right idea and execution, you can turn your online business into a lucrative venture.

FIND: Turnkey Businesses

LEARN: How To Make Money Online

HOW TO: Work From Home

REVEALED: Affiliate Marketing Basics

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  1. Susan Wanjiku

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  2. James Gichohi

    Hi Susan, thanks for this video. I love your passion and am one of your followers. Quick question. I am a writer but am thinking of doing blogging. I have a background in Finance like you and I have seen so much related content out there, including from experts that I feel I may not add so much value. Is it a must I choose a niche or should I write general articles, any shortcomings for this. Secondly, what is the process of starting a blog? Thanks.

  3. Lindiweconny Dlamini

    Thank you for your content Susan, I'm at a lowest state of my financial life and had lost hope of ever getting back at my feet. I have a lot to share to others concerning how I got here. How do I start creating content on YouTube and Instagram when all that I have is data and my smartphone only. Please assist me

  4. Fiona

    Beginner virtual assistant here, admin assistant

  5. Fast Learner

    I’m learning a lot from this Channel

  6. Marron Carmo

    Thanks mama, as for me I am not doing any online business. But from your teaching I have interest can you please help me?

  7. Aks Coodi

    Recently discovered you and i am learning so much. Thank you, God bless!

  8. Anna_aKajo

    I have a YouTube channel this video has helped me realize I need to polish my brand .
    Asante Sana

  9. Titus Atteagba

    Your presentation is indeed a massive blessing to me,
    Please how can I start blogging in Nigeria and get paid with dollars ?

  10. Ethanna

    if you don't mind I would like to share my business flyer.share to me your business email address.

  11. Ethanna

    I am a virtual assistant offering admin and customer service support, feeling so encouraged if VA is topping .looking forward to connecting with you and even work with you.

  12. Robinson Kalandany

    I find your presentation to be spot on and the content is mouthful.Thank you.

  13. joyce achieng'

    What I have learnt from you overtime is CONSISTENCY! Whatever you do you have to be consistent in it.
    Very Valuable Content.
    Thank you!

  14. dennis mwendwa

    What are the platforms for online writing?

  15. Joy Goko

    Nice content. Thanks


    Thanks for the information…very helpful…..

  17. diana mueni

    Thank you Susan ,this is very helpful.
    And for all the amazing financial content, you have no idea how much positive impact you make.
    God bless you.

  18. Tomaci Kirubi

    A great lesson. I'm interested in training and coaching,how can you help me to get online presence. thanks

  19. Elizabeth Nyanchama

    Thank you very much Susan,, would you kindly create a video touching on VA in depth am really interested in starting that as a full time job

  20. Caleb Kisakye

    Thank you so much for the wisdom. Is it possible for you to make separate videos on each of the online businesses you have talked about?

  21. Patricia Kuria

    Thank you so much for this insight. I love what you said, that it is by starting that I grow. Question: Do you have some tips on creating a strong personal brand? Also, does one need to take a course in coaching to start on this journey of coaching?

  22. lilian mathenge

    I have learnt a lot from you keep up the good job.halafu love your wig tupee plug

  23. Betty Wairimu

    Hi Susan… please please share a video on how to prepare for big progects like building or purchasing land

  24. Eddy Karis

    Bro Matengo…,please check again, Susan and Charlene are worlds apart…

    Susan is both "power and authority" while the other is "power without authority"

    Susan is "beauty with brains" while the other is not near that

    Susan is "genuine and authentic", the other is not

    Susan us "self-made" while the other one is not

    Ad infinitum

  25. Luhya Language and Culture

    Hi Susan, YouTube recommended this video to me and I can't believe I sat and watched the entire 16 minutes straight, fully captivated! I wasn’t looking to start an online business per se but such headlines interest me a lot. I love Onlinepreneurship (if there is such a term). Thank you for this amazing video Susan. You explained it clearly and in simple terms. Anyone could simply pick any of the ideas and run with it because you used your brand as a perfect example. I discovered these legit online businesses mid-this year, 2022. I managed to grab Idea numbers 3 and 5 combined. Teaching my native language online. What you said is so true. That there are gaps online to be filled by almost everyone. Once you start, you realize that Imposter Syndrome is just something in your head. I mean, everyone can offer something and people are willing to learn every day from the very little we have to offer. I am now looking towards Writing because that is another avenue I could thrive as writing is also my passion. Thank you Susan for this great video. I have joyfully and willingly subscribed to you even though you are a big brand already. Will be back for more! I love your personality.

    Much Love Doreen.

  26. Vincent Mutisya Online.

    My take home: You don't have to be good before you start. Start and grow as you build your online presence.

  27. kipkoech lewis

    Great video Susan, kudos need your guidance on the same topic


    Wow!! This is such useful info. Thank you coach

  29. alloice kevin

    i would like to meet you we share…if you dont mind


    I need to be trained on Virtual Assistant please

  31. Emmie Marto

    How can one get in touch with you

  32. Keziah Elaine Ayikoru

    Thank you so much Susan. Asante saaaaana. Question: how do you balance the personal and professional brand? Kwa mfano, there’s Susan Wanjiku and The Legacy Hub. How do you ensure that both grow online with equal intensity? What do you focus on first? Or how do you merge the two?

  33. Maggy Maina

    Good content…and uuuuuh si I love your hair.. worris this?


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