EP171: Advanced eBay Seller Chat – Am I Losing My Touch?

Jan 26, 2024 | eBay Flipping | 22 comments

EP171: Advanced eBay Seller Chat – Am I Losing My Touch?

In a recent episode of Advanced eBay Seller Chat, the hosts delved into the topic of feeling like you are getting worse at selling on eBay. Titled “Am I Getting Worse At This?” the hosts addressed the common feeling of burnout and self-doubt among experienced eBay sellers.

The hosts began the episode by acknowledging the pressures and challenges that come with running a successful eBay business. They discussed how it can be easy to fall into the trap of comparing oneself to others and feeling like one’s performance is declining. The episode aimed to provide tips and insight on how to navigate these feelings and regain confidence in selling on eBay.

The hosts emphasized the importance of taking a step back and assessing the situation objectively. They encouraged sellers to identify any potential areas of improvement and to seek out resources and support to address these challenges. Additionally, they discussed the significance of self-care and maintaining a healthy work-life balance to avoid burnout and maintain a positive mindset.

Throughout the episode, the hosts shared personal anecdotes and experiences to relate to the struggles that many eBay sellers face. They also welcomed input from their live audience, creating an open and supportive dialogue about the topic at hand.

The episode concluded with practical tips on how to proactively address feelings of decline in performance as an eBay seller. The hosts advised sellers to take a break and focus on self-care, seek out mentorship or coaching, and implement new strategies to keep their business fresh and innovative.

Overall, “Am I Getting Worse At This?” provided valuable insights and advice for eBay sellers feeling disillusioned by their performance. The episode served as a reminder that self-doubt is a common experience and that there are actionable steps that can be taken to regain confidence and reignite passion for selling on eBay.

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In conclusion, Advanced eBay Seller Chat EP171 addressed a relatable and important topic for eBay sellers of all levels of experience. By offering practical advice and fostering an open dialogue, the hosts provided a valuable resource for sellers struggling with feelings of decline in their performance. The episode served as a reminder that self-care, reflection, and seeking support are crucial for maintaining success and fulfillment as an eBay seller.

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  1. @justincase4792

    You’re having a problem finding stuff because everyone is reselling their own stuff now. They watch resellers videos and see how much money is being made reselling and they figure why would I donate my stuff to a thrift store when I can just resell it myself. I believe this is a big part of why it’s getting harder and harder to find items.

  2. @just_cath_5789

    Hi Josh. I just had a look in your store to see if you got the vase, books and tractor seats listed and eBay is telling me that you currently have 11 items in your store. I know you don’t lol.

  3. @n-joysilver7752

    It seems that you want to deal in antiques. You're not going to find that at thrift stores. Best thrifters can go to Goodwill and pick in the evening. They know clothing, shoes, bags, kitchen, board games, etc.

  4. @merridybenton7028

    In Australia at xmas time I saw an ad for Ebay which they seemed to indicate it was the place to come for quirky/different items to buy (even had quirky and slightly irritating music) to make them seem different to other sites. Also I tried to make improvements with the Listing Quality Report and it has made a suggestion which makes no sense and has no examples on how to make the improvement and the Ebay Reps have been useless to give examples also.

  5. @larryellet8286

    I am over trying to figure it all out, how and why the platform does what it does. Not giving up, after being in business management over 40 years giving up is not an option. Just continuing to do what I do and constantly look for opportunities. Keep On Truckin'!

  6. @polish_pete_uk

    I had the same. I had enough of thinking about this stuff. Until I've kind of cracked it, consistant sales started to pour in. It's changed everything.
    I have to agree on the statement that ebay hasn't done much with the platform for years, and now they are trying to catch up all at once. And that's what causes problems. That, and lack of communication about changes.

  7. @jorejaha

    Everybody: Ebay is doing all of this on purpose. Ebay has a master plan to screw over sellers!

    Ebay: Brawndo 's got what plants crave! It's got electrlytes!

  8. @-ChrisD

    If your cat is going to the litter box alot, check to make sure it's able to do it's business. If there is a whole lotta visiting the litter box (even with the scratching around in it) but they aren't really going then it's a red flag and quite possibly a very bad sign. Sometimes it can be something that can be cured/fixed fairly easily but it still generally should be addressed immediately. Take care.

  9. @AprilRain6064

    The rigorous incessant analysis of the ins and outs of eBay was interesting at first, but it's done. It's boring. It's exhausting. And it's extremely depressing. The platform is transitional and always will be. She's a fickle beast. So, just when you think you have it all figured out, there will come another change, so the debate will be circle back again. And yet again. I truly think there is someone that is driving your thought process, and not in a good way.
    I had this video on while photographing. I was glad to hear that your thinking seemed to be shifting as far as subject matter for your channel and for power hour. I was hoping for a shift. Maybe talking about your finds, your interests, your item knowledge, etc. Then, low and behold, starting at about 30 minutes in, you are talking about the very things you said you are sick of.
    Yep, I am over it. Can't listen to it anymore.

  10. @hollyp4579

    If the cat is using the litter box frequently, it could be having a UTI ( Urinary tract infection).

  11. @deden7882

    Yep my feeling exactly! I am totally fed up with the anxiety and trying to puzzle out things we cannot figure out. I do promote, depending upon the item, certainly not everything. I don’t do offsite ads and I don’t worry about it. I am convinced the best solution is to find quality items and to list regularly. It will all even out. And I refuse to get anxious. If I have a day or two without sales, because there is nothing I can do about it. It’s a waste of mental focus and energy.

  12. @metaverseelite

    January is one of the worst months of the year for sales. A lot of people are broke until tax season or spring. I think it will pickup in the coming months. I stopped thrifting a while ago it’s just not scalable, especially in my area. Liquidation is where it’s at but a lot of returns to deal with. If you don’t do promoted listings you’re gonna miss out a ton of sales that’s fact.

  13. @colewilliams767

    This is kind of a concerning video. I feel like we are watching the rapid downward spiral of a beaten man. Keep you're head up and don't watch the needle so closely. Monthly quarterly. Not hourly daily. I think your sales are within normal variation.

  14. @MarioLuigi-vb3rp

    Your 4:35 not getting worse the type of buyers are changing. Thats all. You will figure it out because that’s who you are. Your not a 9-5er your an entrepreneur.

  15. @MarioLuigi-vb3rp

    Don’t blame you I feel the same justway work on making your business better 2:46

  16. @newtongirl2430

    Your next video "An ebay growth advisor reached out to me and now I finally understand offsite ads. I will be going all in because this is the way to go."
    Video the following week. "I ended my offsite ads campaign."
    Week after that "I have got to buy high sell through rate items, ebay punishes you for low str items."
    It would seem to me that your message is constantly changing.

  17. @ByTheGram

    I would wager that one of the problems with ebay is that, just like almost every corporation now days, it has been infiltrated by woke communist types at every level. That is especially problematic for a company like ebay whose business model revolves around free trade free market capitalism. There are a lot of people who disdain the idea that you or me or anyone can use the platform to financially excel further than if we were confined to a contract of employment.

  18. @ByTheGram

    Merino wool base layers aren't too expensive and totally worth it! I prefer a brand called duofold because they are cotton inside with a layer of wool and nylon on the outer layer. Unfortunately duofold also makes inferior polyester type garments too so I make sure that I get the wool/cotton ones. I like to bargain hunt for 100% merino too but it's usually more expensive and more of a hassle to hand wash. Still totally worth the extra.

  19. @Yazzie101

    Exactly .. we need to talk this out good or bad!
    eBay used to have the real data in 2014 but when they introduced promoted they got rid of real data! You only get rid of real data if you want to hide what they are doing!

  20. @Yazzie101

    I look at page views but I see when promoted drops off I get 0 sales! It’s true eBay is soooo exhausting last 2 days sales stopped completely.. there’s an update on postage so don’t know if that causes a break in sales while it’s updated! We are not see .. we get an hour of visibility I’m sure!


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