Experimentei o Dropshipping na Nuvemshop durante 48 horas (Apresentei tudo)

Oct 16, 2023 | Dropshipping | 22 comments

Experimentei o Dropshipping na Nuvemshop durante 48 horas (Apresentei tudo)

I Tested Dropshipping on Nuvemshop for 48 hours (I Showed Everything)

With the rise of e-commerce, dropshipping has become a popular business model for entrepreneurs looking to start their own online store without the need for inventory. Nuvemshop, a leading e-commerce platform in Latin America, offers dropshipping as one of its key features. Intrigued by this trend, I decided to test dropshipping on Nuvemshop for 48 hours to see if it lived up to the hype.

Getting started on Nuvemshop was incredibly easy. The platform provides a user-friendly interface with clear instructions on how to set up a store. Within a few clicks, my store was up and running. I was impressed by the variety of beautiful templates available, which allowed me to customize my store to my liking.

Next, I had to choose the products I wanted to sell. Nuvemshop has a wide range of partner suppliers that offer a diverse catalog of items. I was able to browse through these suppliers, analyze product details, and choose the ones that aligned with my target audience. Once I made my selections, the products were automatically added to my store with all the necessary information, such as descriptions, prices, and images. It was a seamless process that saved me a lot of time.

One of the advantages of dropshipping is that it eliminates the need for inventory management. When a customer makes a purchase from my store, Nuvemshop automatically sends the order details to the relevant supplier. The supplier then handles the packaging and shipping of the product directly to the customer. This allows me to focus solely on marketing and customer service without worrying about logistics.

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During the 48 hours of my test, I was able to generate traffic to my store through different marketing channels. Nuvemshop provides integration with multiple social media platforms, making it easy to promote my products and reach a wider audience. The analytics dashboard allowed me to track the performance of my marketing campaigns and monitor sales in real-time.

I was pleasantly surprised by the order management system on Nuvemshop. Whenever an order was placed, I received instant notifications and could easily access all the necessary information to fulfill the order. The system also integrated with popular payment providers, ensuring a smooth checkout process for my customers.

In terms of customer service, Nuvemshop offers various support channels, including live chat and email. Throughout my test, I contacted their customer service team multiple times with questions and inquiries. I found their responses to be prompt, helpful, and knowledgeable, which reinforced my confidence in using Nuvemshop as a platform for my business.

Overall, my experience with dropshipping on Nuvemshop was positive. The platform offered a user-friendly interface, a wide range of products, and seamless integration with marketing and payment platforms. The automated order management and customer support were also commendable.

However, it is important to note that dropshipping is not a guaranteed success. Like any other business model, it requires dedication, marketing efforts, and a deep understanding of your target audience. While Nuvemshop provides excellent tools and support, it is ultimately up to the entrepreneur to drive traffic and convert sales.

In conclusion, if you are considering starting a dropshipping business, Nuvemshop is definitely worth exploring. Its intuitive platform, extensive product catalog, and reliable support make it a viable option for entrepreneurs in the e-commerce space. Give it a try and see if dropshipping on Nuvemshop can help you build a successful online store.

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  1. Romario DFP

    Sou aluno e posso falar sobre o Douglas sem medo, de vários conteúdos postados esse foi o que mais provou que Drop dá certo. Parabéns meu mentor, você é fera demais

  2. TecLogia

    Mas em relação a taxa agora?? Esse produto seu do Aliexpress provavelmente foi taxado. Pode me tirar essa dúvida?

    Agora com essa taxa como vc fez?

  3. lift detox

    Muito top mais eu usaria o Facebook eds para começar

  4. Edson Alves

    Merece um Feedback! Muito claro e objetivo! Ganhou um seguidor!

  5. Leonardo Lima

    Muito agradecido por esse conteudo e por nos dá mais ainda esperança Douglas, gostaria de tirar uma dúvida: você precisou mexer na estrutura da Campanha? otimiza-la pra ter mais vendas? Deus te abençoe e sucesso sempre.

  6. paula_ibad

    Tinham mais produtos na loja?

  7. Bruno Henrique

    se esse é o conteúdo gratuito, imagina o pago kkkkk cara é brabo

  8. Eder Carvalho

    Ótimo vídeo, abriu minha mente. Porém me veio a dúvida, como devemos proceder com a questão da nova taxação do governo? Porque [preço do produto, já contabilizados os descontos] + [valor do frete] + [60% da soma do preço e do frete], já vi produtos de R$3,00 ser taxado em R$ 31,00.

  9. SGDY Commerce Ltd

    Direto, prático e cirúrgico. Uma coisa que para algumas pessoas parece extremamente complexa, deixou de uma forma simples! Douglas você é fera! Parabéns!

  10. rato falante

    Por favor, não entenda meu comentário como arrogância, mas como uma dúvida de alguém TOTALMENTE LEIGO. Porque uma pessoa deixaria de comprar na shopee ou na alixpress para compar em uma loja na shopfy/nuvem shop?

  11. josebaptista jose

    Gostei do vídeo.
    Mas gostaria que me ajudasses a fazer o mesmo.
    Sou angolano, sei que podes me ajudar.
    Aguardo o feedback.

  12. Vgc Store

    Vídeo muito bom, eu estou começando minha loja, começando meu negocio on line, e aprendendo trafego pago, e este vídeo clareou muitas coisas e mminha mente….muiticimo obrigado Douglas pelo vídeo!!!

  13. SIMON CN

    gostei muito da aula, me fez ver o dropshipping de outro jeito

  14. Márcio Oliver

    Professor Douglas que aula incrivel, hoje tinha colocado meu site na nuvem shop pronto e vou rodar campanha amanha, vou incluir so mais 10 produtos e testar 4 produtos. Que aula top, muito obrigado…. Sucesso…

  15. Thikous

    o unico que realmente mostra tudo 100%

  16. Nicky

    Gostei do conteúdo, fiz minha loja mas ainda não divulguei, ainda estou bem inseguro sobre os anúncios, produtos, etc … mas estou fazendo uma campanha hoje!


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