I Earned $10,000 through Dropshipping in Just One Week (Part 2)

Oct 13, 2023 | Dropshipping | 40 comments

I Earned ,000 through Dropshipping in Just One Week (Part 2)

Title: I Made $10,000 Dropshipping in 1 Week – Unveiling my Journey (Part 2)


In the realm of e-commerce, dropshipping has quickly established itself as an innovative and lucrative business model. Today, we delve into the fascinating sequel of my dropshipping journey, where I managed to generate a staggering $10,000 in just one week. Join me as I reveal the strategies, challenges, and triumphs that paved the way for this impressive success.

Building a Solid Foundation

As with any business venture, the foundation is crucial for sustained growth and profitability. To assemble a robust framework, I followed a meticulous plan, starting with intensive market research aimed at identifying trending products and potential target audiences. This allowed me to select niche products with high demand, ensuring a greater chance of success.

Next, I scouted for reliable suppliers with a proven track record for delivering high-quality items promptly. Establishing a strong partnership with trustworthy suppliers was vital in maintaining customer satisfaction and minimizing issues associated with delayed shipments or substandard products.

Efficiently Optimizing a Shopify Store

Having completed the groundwork, I now had to construct an appealing and user-friendly online store. Shopify provided an excellent platform with a range of customizable templates, enabling me to showcase my products in an engaging manner. Integrating visually appealing graphics, attractive product descriptions, and clear navigation helped create a seamless shopping experience for customers.

Understanding the significance of SEO, I invested time in optimizing my store’s content and implementing effective keyword strategies. This ensured that my store ranked prominently in relevant search engine results, driving organic traffic and maximizing conversion rates.

Leveraging Social Media Advertising

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Social media platforms played a pivotal role in catapulting my dropshipping venture to success. Recognizing the potential to reach vast audiences, I devised a comprehensive social media marketing strategy. Focusing primarily on Facebook and Instagram, I targeted specific demographics through creative ad campaigns.

I heavily emphasized visually appealing content, utilizing captivating product images, informative videos, and compelling ad copy. By carefully analyzing the results, I was able to make data-driven decisions, optimizing my ads for maximum effectiveness. Additionally, influencer collaborations played a significant role, as partnering with relevant influencers helped to amplify brand exposure and attract highly engaged traffic.

Exceptional Customer Service

One cannot underestimate the power of excellent customer service. In the highly competitive dropshipping landscape, it is crucial to provide exceptional support to foster customer loyalty and encourage positive reviews. By swiftly addressing customer queries, addressing concerns, and ensuring timely delivery of goods, I cultivated a reputation for reliability and trustworthiness.

Furthermore, gathering feedback through surveys and review requests allowed me to continuously improve my operations and identify areas for enhancement. Additionally, favorable reviews and testimonials acted as persuasive factors in acquiring new customers.


Navigating the world of dropshipping can be both challenging and immensely rewarding. By meticulously laying a solid foundation, optimizing the Shopify store, leveraging social media advertising, and providing exceptional customer service, I was able to generate an impressive $10,000 in just one week. However, it is important to acknowledge that dropshipping success is not a guaranteed formula but rather the result of continuous learning, adaptability, and perseverance. As my journey unfolds, stay tuned for more insights and updates on my quest for sustained entrepreneurial success.

See also  Get Started with Shopify Dropshipping in 2024: A Beginner's Guide

FIND: Turnkey Businesses

LEARN: How To Make Money Online

HOW TO: Work From Home

REVEALED: Online Business Ideas

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  1. Neko alj

    I dont Anderstand from weher have you your Videos for the ADS tiktok

  2. Arasnah Trading

    Bro forgot to Deduct 1-2% Payment gateway charges

  3. Smoker X

    Do you withdraw the money you made from shopify and then put it in your bank account so you can use it on ads again?

  4. Erika Espino Ramirez

    The essential thing that everyone should be thinking about right now is investing in non-government sources of income. Especially in light of the current global economic crisis. It is still a wonderful moment to invest in gold, silver, digital money, and stocks.

  5. Sydin

    But why you don't show ad video?


    How to change campaign date after advertising from tiktok.

  7. Cabdiraxmaan Cabdulqaadir

    Anthon i registered on your live but I'm not in the us or canada and when the live was on the time in my country was 2AM night and we lost that valuable live can you please give us another chance for that valuable live

  8. Ideal Compras

    ive tried this product on Brazil, sadly didn't work :(.

  9. Kyle Bigley

    txtcart is awesome, seeing great results

  10. HtEvin h

    Do you bring all the busters back down to 20$ at the end of the day and also make be abos everyday?

  11. iTz_RaG

    Do you use the same ad creatives for all the ads you copy? Loving the videos btw!

  12. ecom jivz

    Anthony is so underrated so much value on every videos no gate keeping at all keep it up glad you're posting video frequently

  13. Jaycom

    When you edit the budget and scale throughout the day. At midnight do you reset the budget and start the next day with the same process?

  14. cubing

    Yo g, i’m running prebuilt 2.0 but i can’t figure out how to remove the CJ design button, how’d you do it also banger video

  15. Philip Vercammen

    Calculating the numbers on day 5: Cost say $814? I believe you said product is $11.60 per piece x 55 orders = at least $638 in COGS. Ad spent Tiktok was $510. So $1148 total COGS? Not even calculating processing fee's. Around $500 profit. Very good day nonetheless but not as much as the app shows?

  16. SASM Tech

    I'm sorry to say this but you gotta shave your underarm.

  17. Brayden Ward

    1. Why single budget ad groups instead of CBO?
    2. Are you scaling throughout the day and then starting over the next day? Why not scale up ad groups based on the previous days performance?
    3. Why CPCP instead of ROA to determine ad success?

  18. Lydia Flint

    Thank you for this video! I always look forward to watching your videos. It's honestly so inspirational to see this much progress in live action. You rock Anthony!

  19. Elsa Maloku

    I would love to start learning dropshipping

  20. jordon.tricks

    Anthony, what method do you use to warm up your pixels? Or do you have an agency account

  21. Ubaid Raza

    Would You Please Show Your Tiktok Ad Set Strategy How You Scale This And Go Board Or Stack Interest In The Ad Set?

  22. Declan Kennedy

    Did you make your own creatives or did you take and edit other peoples?

  23. RetroRush

    Did you start with no interest ad sets? Are these all no interest ads?

  24. Brody Ruggiero

    Hey Anthony, how did you make the add-sets without using any money?


    Anthony, for the life of me respond to this lmao. I been watching and subbed for a little over a week and I made my first sale on my store from some of my Facebook ads I been running, Unfortunately im not profitable nor seeing anymore success in that store I made so im gonna go for a one product shop for my next run. My issue is every time I create an ad account for Tiktok I get banned instantly after putting money into it. The only way I can run ads on Tiktok is within the app itself but the apple in app fee is eating up all my ad money. Is there something im missing? Why do I keep getting banned? I also tried using chrome browser and still no luck. I appreciate any help.

  26. Ken C

    I'm loving this challenge!

  27. Stephan

    How do you fulfill your orders?

  28. Stephan

    But you made a lot of ad groups, are they all exactly the same?

  29. ice

    adds 60 for 3 ads get 1 sale for $13.99 ):

  30. IIssll

    Where can I get a pre-built like that store? I saw it was labeled “3.0 pre built store file” is there somewhere I can go to download that file and get that replica store to put my product in?

  31. Fixify

    And When do you Decide to Keep the Money and dont Spend Amy more

  32. ThunderTiger0801

    Can you show with which criteria you selected the ad creatives and created the product page? This would be the most helpful and important part

  33. Entertainment TV

    Brother please still continue this series after hitting $10k
    You are amazing ✌️

  34. Entertainment TV

    A question
    I noticed there were different ads for almost everyday
    For ACO do you have to make new ad campaign or new ad groups for everyday?

  35. Entertainment TV

    Hi Anthony
    Why did you not use your ad number 13 for ad campaign for next day? which was giving you cost per complete payment around 6 dollars dollars

  36. Ecom Josh

    Really good video, great work! Looking forward to episode 3 🙂


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