Interview Series: Spain Approves Digital Nomad Visa 🎙️

Jul 10, 2024 | Digital Nomad | 23 comments

Interview Series: Spain Approves Digital Nomad Visa 🎙️

Spain has recently announced the approval of a Digital Nomad Visa, making it easier for remote workers to live and work in the country. This visa is aimed at attracting professionals who can work from anywhere and are looking to experience the culture and lifestyle of Spain while continuing their jobs remotely.

To learn more about this exciting new development, we spoke with Maria, a digital nomad who has been living and working in Spain for the past few months on a temporary visa. She shared her experiences and insights about the Digital Nomad Visa and how it has impacted her life.

Q: Maria, can you tell us a bit about yourself and how you ended up in Spain as a digital nomad?

A: Of course! I have been working remotely for a tech company based in the US for the past few years. As someone who has always been drawn to Spanish culture and language, I decided to take the leap and move to Spain to experience it firsthand while continuing to work remotely. I initially came on a temporary visa, but now with the Digital Nomad Visa, I can stay longer and more easily.

Q: That’s fantastic! How has the Digital Nomad Visa made your experience in Spain different?

A: The Digital Nomad Visa has provided me with a sense of security and stability that I didn’t have before. Knowing that I can stay in Spain for an extended period of time has allowed me to immerse myself in the culture, meet new people, and explore different regions of the country without the constant worry of my visa expiring. It has also made it easier for me to establish a sense of routine and work-life balance while living abroad.

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Q: What advice would you give to other digital nomads who are considering applying for the Digital Nomad Visa in Spain?

A: My advice would be to do your research and prepare all the necessary documents ahead of time. The process can be a bit daunting, but with the right support and guidance, it is definitely achievable. Also, take the time to explore different regions of Spain and immerse yourself in the culture – there is so much to see and experience here!

Overall, the approval of the Digital Nomad Visa in Spain is a game-changer for remote workers looking to live and work in a vibrant and diverse country. With its rich history, stunning landscapes, and delicious cuisine, Spain offers the perfect backdrop for digital nomads seeking adventure and new experiences. If you’re considering making the move, now is the time to seize this opportunity and start your journey as a digital nomad in Spain.

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  1. @nourimqi6927

    the bureaucracy agency are a real scammers i applied for there services and i had a meeting with her she don't tell you are the real requirements adapts with your case in the free consulting video call but she makes you feel that you have meet all requirements but as soon as you pay the first 200Euro you will see how slow and bad they communicate and you will know the real requirements that they don't mention some of them before so u wont be able to proceed and you will just lose ur 200euros as they don't offer refund

  2. @TomekSw

    What does it mean from non-European countries? Is the UK European or not? Can my company clients be from the UK?

  3. @fakiyafemi4101

    Thanks for the update

    I am interested in Spain

    How can you help me move to Spain.

    Thank you

  4. @leoatienza5136

    Hello Kabayan, if I entered Spain using Digital Nomad visa then after 2 years I can apply for permanent residency or citizenship? Thank you

  5. @sergioavila2720

    I have a question. I'm a mexican citizen but I grew up and live in the USA. I have DACA which is a work permit that I have to renew evert 2 years as long as I live in the USA. If I get this visa, will I be able to keep working for my USA company even if I lose my USA work permit when it expires? In other words do I need to have a legal status with the USA to be able to work for them in spain?

  6. @lidefsomar5291

    yikes nightmare on requirements. still good news though

  7. @TheArild31

    For Filipinos, after 2 years of residency and then applying for citizenship, how fast or slow to get citizenship?

  8. @rottenapples14

    wait, so if I the client I work for is from England, I can't apply to this visa? She said the client must not be from a European country

  9. @sss-ru2uc

    Hi where can apply for digital nomad visa po?i am working for remote for 16 years my clienta is in US, i am interested for this i am single

  10. @margaritanathan2693

    Do you have another agent or attorney you would refer? I contacted and made and appt for a consult but they said they can’t help me at the moment one of the workers who handles the case is out

  11. @juanmedinar20

    What if you are a stock or options trader but not professionally and you make more than enough to cover the requirements?

  12. @coolrunnings5383

    The biggest difficulty with this visa is the requirement for the non-Spanish company to cover the employee’s social security costs whilst they reside in Spain.

  13. @DemyCruzJrStudio

    Hi! Appreciate this very informative video. 🙂

    Few questions:
    1. Coming from the Philippines, can I ask if having this digital nomad visa will classify the person as an OFW?
    2. During the visa duration, can the person travel outside of Spain/EU for few months and back? If yes, is there a maximum time allowed?

    Thanks in advance. All the best!

  14. @emmyeve6321

    You mentioned you can apply for residency after 2 years but for some, it’s 5 years, why is this? Why do some have to wait 5 years

  15. @abrocruz

    You do a great job and show patience in answering so many questions here and I have learned a lot from the videos actually addressing subjects. 🙂 I hope you get to my questions here. I am a 61 year old digital designer, fellow Californian from the bay area, and just contacted Mariana about my strong interest in the DNV. I'm currently in VLC until this weekend, and want to begin the process to move here, as I experienced major burnout and switched to contract work in January. It seems prudent to get professional advice on what the bottom line is on paying taxes in both countries to make sure working remotely in VLC is going to amount to a lower, AFFORDABLE cost of living—not to mention advice on taxes for my retirement accounts & SS. I'm not sure if you became US citizens, or have to deal with U.S. taxes, but I'd love to know how you went about getting tax advice? Did you get a tax advisor in Spain and the US in order to manage your taxes? My mind has been trained creatively, but taxes are not my cup of tea to say the least, so any direction would be greatly appreciated. I've been googling this stuff, but I can relate to you and your move. Hope you're still enjoying you're adventure in VLC!

  16. @bettyp7624

    Hello, Love your channel and can't wait to move to Valencia. My question is: Any update on the "⚠ UPDATE As of FEBRUARY 21, 2023, the government is ONLY accepting applicants that are CURRENTLY IN SPAIN" stated in the comment section? I plan to apply online before I come to Valencia.

  17. @jehlene2023

    Ciao, informative, where can i apply for this visa po? I am currently working in Italy as a Caregiver.

  18. @ozgeodtu

    Hi, thank you so much for the video, it’s very informative! Could i also use the money in the bank account to meet financial requirements or should they be covered only by my salary? The reason i ask this is: Currently my salary meets the requirements, yet in case of a change in the currency, my salary may remain below the minimum level.

  19. @lmonterroza

    Can someone explain the requirement under Spanish law pertaining to the digital nomad visa in regard to the social security certificate? I work remotely for a US-based company. I had a free consultation with an attorney in Spain. They informed me that my employer has to register with the social security offices in Spain and that the US Social Security office has to provide a certificate to the SS office in Spain. Does that sound correct? This information is mostly omitted from other videos or information I have seen online. Any clarification is appreciated.

  20. @user-iy2iz4go3h

    Just wanna ask if how much is the minimum salary in Spain? Is it true that it is 1,080 euros? I just typed in Google "Spain minimum wage 2023" and that's what it said

  21. @Andrei-hy1pl

    Thanks for the video. Can you become a self-employed once you got your DNV? I.e. can you setup a sole proprietorship and have your clients pay you to Spanish bank account?


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