Being an influencer in today’s digital age comes with its own set of challenges and opportunities. From promoting products to sharing your personal life, influencers have the power to reach a large audience and make an impact. However, for plus size influencers, the road to success is often filled with obstacles and prejudices.
When we think of influencers, we often picture thin, conventionally attractive individuals who fit the societal standards of beauty. But the reality is that there are many plus size influencers who are breaking barriers and challenging the norms of the industry. These individuals are using their platforms to promote body positivity, self-acceptance, and inclusivity.
Despite their efforts, plus size influencers often face discrimination and fatphobia in the industry. They are often overlooked by brands and marginalized in the media, reinforcing harmful stereotypes about body size and beauty. Many struggle to gain the same opportunities and recognition as their straight-size counterparts, simply because of their size.
But the tide is slowly beginning to turn. With the rise of the body positivity movement and the push for more diversity and inclusion in the media, plus size influencers are starting to gain more visibility and influence. Brands are beginning to recognize the value of working with influencers of all shapes and sizes, and consumers are demanding more representation and diversity in the content they consume.
Being a plus size influencer means navigating a complex landscape of body shaming, discrimination, and self-doubt. It means standing up against societal norms and challenging the status quo. It means using your voice and platform to advocate for change and inspire others to embrace their bodies and celebrate their uniqueness.
So the next time you come across a plus size influencer online, take a moment to listen to their message and appreciate the courage and resilience it takes to be visible in a world that often tells them they are not enough. Support their work, follow their journey, and amplify their voices. Because we all deserve to see ourselves reflected in the media and be embraced for who we are, regardless of our size.
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I LOVE this video. I love how authentic and honest and beautiful your soul is. I’m so happy I found your channel. Although this video is older, your personality still shines through this screen. Thank you for being you, Rykky.
Dang even seeing this 2 years latter is still saddening, and i pray that God blesses you
hi rykky my love , there is a very big possibility of you not seeing this , and I'm sorry if me commenting on this triggers you , but when you posted this I watched this video and it broke my heart , i wish words could explain how brave you are , your supporters are so proud of you , have came so far , you are truly a bad btch , you are so strong my love , you are gorgeous , all of you , not on no beauty aspect even , like you are genuinely are the impedy of amazing , you have became my bestie without even knowing me , i just want to say , even tho what I'm saying isn't valid because I don't know you personally , im proud of you , we love you rykky ❤
I didn’t even make it past the first 30 secs and I just love you Rykky! You have such a beautiful soul and your personality is extraordinary. Love love love to you baby! ❤️ from Mississippi
I'm so late to this, but I also remember being jealous of my friends and my cousins for being smaller than me. Missing out on so many childhood memories because I felt too embarrassed just because of my size. Everyone young and old making ignorant comments about my child body. It's so unfair. This world is cruel to over weight people, women and girls especially. I've never thought to comment on someone body, let alone to their face. If you're a bigger person ( and bigger being a completely different interpretation depending on the person) people don't want to engage with you, they don't see you as a human, talk down on you, just disregard you in every way. And it's hard to look back on your life and accept that that was it, that was your childhood. People made fun of you to your face, you secluded yourself from the world because you already knew the pain people could cause you and your barely 11 years old.
The only way I can give myself grace for that time in my life( and I still got called fat, to my face, up into college) is to just know that those people are miserable, idiots, with two working brain cells. Like the certain type of evil you have to be to make comments about a young girls weight. It's beyond me. It's just plain ignorant. And each of these people have a plus size woman in their life that they would never say that shit too. It's also projection. They could never learn to accept themselves the way we've had to learn to still laugh, still go out, still be social, still be our true selves. They could never walk in our shoes and make it out still thriving the way that we have. DAmn this was long, but if any of y'all have young ones in your life, you really need to sit them down and teach them the same way it's not okay to make fun of a disabled body is the same way it's not okay to comment on anyones body.
Thank you for making this video. The part where you talked about wishing you were the “skinny” sister was so relatable. It takes a lot of strength to be vulnerable. I love you Rykky❤