Maaf .. Era Dropship Telah Berakhir .. Dropshipper Telah Mengalami Kesulitan

Dec 11, 2023 | Dropshipping | 33 comments

Maaf .. Era Dropship Telah Berakhir .. Dropshipper Telah Mengalami Kesulitan

Maaf .. Era Dropship Sudah Selesai .. Dropshipper Sudah Dipersulit (Sorry .. The Dropship Era is Over .. Dropshippers are Now Being Made Difficult)

In recent years, dropshipping has become a popular and lucrative way for people to start their own business without the need for a huge investment. With the rise of e-commerce platforms and the increasing demand for online shopping, dropshipping has provided an opportunity for entrepreneurs to sell products without handling inventory or worrying about shipping.

However, in Indonesia, the dropshipping landscape has dramatically changed as the government has implemented new regulations that have made it extremely difficult for dropshippers to operate. This has led to the decline of the once-thriving dropshipping industry in the country.

Dropshipping is a business model where a retailer doesn’t keep the products it sells in stock. Instead, when a store sells a product, it purchases the item from a third party and has it shipped directly to the customer. This means that the retailer never sees or handles the product.

The rise of dropshipping in Indonesia has allowed many people to start their own businesses with minimal risk. However, the recent changes in regulations have made it almost impossible for dropshippers to continue operating.

The government’s new regulations require dropshippers to obtain a Surat Izin Usaha Perdagangan (SIUP) or a trading business license. This is a costly and time-consuming process that many dropshippers cannot afford. Additionally, dropshippers are now required to have a physical store or warehouse to store their products, which goes against the very nature of the dropshipping business model.

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The changes have also made it difficult for dropshippers to import products from overseas, further restricting their ability to operate. This has led to a significant decrease in the number of dropshippers in the country and has made it almost impossible for new entrepreneurs to enter the industry.

Many dropshippers have voiced their frustration and disappointment with the new regulations, as they feel that they are being unfairly targeted and marginalized by the government. The dropshipping industry in Indonesia has provided many people with the opportunity to start their own businesses and generate an income, and the new regulations have effectively put an end to this.

It is unclear what the future holds for dropshipping in Indonesia, but it is clear that the once-thriving industry has been severely impacted by the new regulations. It is unfortunate that the government’s actions have made it extremely difficult for dropshippers to continue operating, and many are now left searching for new ways to make a living.

In conclusion, the era of dropshipping in Indonesia has come to an end, and dropshippers are now facing significant challenges that have made it almost impossible for them to continue operating. It is a disappointing turn of events for an industry that has provided many people with the opportunity to start their own businesses and achieve financial independence.

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  1. @donnyputra9564

    Dropship ditokped sekarang juga dipersulit, biasanya bisa lewat aplikasi di hp sekarang harus lewat website seller..

  2. @nabasdaily1961

    terima kasih telah menginspirasi saya untuk tidak hidup serumit itu… padahal hidup tidak harus sesulit itu… padahal ada cara lain hidup tanpa harus jadi dropshiper…

  3. @yuraf5986

    Trus solusinya apa sekarang?

  4. @elraffachannel5221

    Yang harus di apusin itu affiliate,, enak banget comot2 brg buat di jual di akun nya . Trus dpet komisi yg lumayan gede, padahal yg pedagangnya aja blm tentu dpet untung sebesar komisi afiliate. Semoga afiliate cepet2 di apus. Krn afiliate bisa bikin produsen pabrik jadi tambah kaya. Krn afiliate lebih demen jualan produk yg lgsg dri produsen. Krn lbh murah hrganya.

  5. @saifulgozhi1168

    Affiliator sekarang mah, dropship gmn ada sistem cod

  6. @nattymuscle

    kalau seller yang open dropship tapi tidak menerima resi otomatis bgaimana ya kak ?

  7. @jesuslovemax

    Boleh nanya ga? Ada ga videonya tutorial cara mulai jalanin dropshipper? Kasi linknya dong kalo ada. Saya dr driver ShopeeFood mau beralih jd dropshipper gara2 sering dpt orderan nganterin barang pesenan online Shopee.

  8. @rizkidayat4744

    Affiliator membunuh dropshipper, karena harga jualnya sama dengan supplier sedangkan dropshipper harus up harga

  9. @SidikMadiyanto

    Pengalaman saya jadi dropshiper yaitu saingan antar member dropship itu sendiri, jadinya perang harga antara member. sulit untuk member baru jualan di marketplace karena blm ada rating, kalah sama member yang udah lama

  10. @sneakerstory75

    sangat benar kak !
    era dropshiper sdh selesai ,yg blm ya mungkin tggl nunggu aja ,
    saya dropship sdh 3 tahunan dan setiap hari ada orderan aja udh kembang kempis ,disamping trend sdh geser ke penjualan live yg bisa interaksi langsung antara seller dan pembeli ,juga diskon yg 50%,…,next memang harus nyetok klo mau survive

  11. @ka0rism

    skincare nya apa bang? kok mulus banget mukanya

  12. @FerNando_w

    Bcra bnyak tra jelas…bikin bosan

  13. @tiantanibibitunggul1567

    Kalo hanya resi otomatis mudah, tinggal buat di apk pihak ke 3, seperti kirimin aj, atau mau lagi,
    Setelah dpt awb tinggal kirim ke suplaer,
    Gw pemain dropship, ga ada kendala berarti masalah resi, yang selalu harus di bangun cuma 1 inovasi cari pembeli sebanyak banyaknya

  14. @ElBacco46

    Dropshiper itu type pebisnis yg gk punya nyali untul maju, jiwa ajimumpung. Pebisnis sejati itu adalah yg punya jiwa dan nyali kuat untuk maju dalam usaha meskipun modal kecil.

  15. @vesely423

    Mungkin sekarang sudah era affiliate yg link produknya nya dari penjual langsung

  16. @syazaclothing-cy9xe

    Yaaa memang betul banget, didunia fashion, dropshiper selalu dianak tirikan

  17. @adriantaraamiruddin1785

    Untuk dropship pintar pintar aja nyari judul biar ngk bisa imbang saingan harga. Rajin rajin ikutin promo ngk papa cuan dikit nyari kepercayaan dulu

  18. @adibingchalamet914

    "sebagai bentuk terimakasih kalian" jangan menggurui gitu dong bang

  19. @mbahgenit7244

    tak kira ngomong apa.. bukannya dari dulu emang susah cari seller yg bisa resi otomatis, fast respon dll ya..

  20. @RajuErje

    Kalo ga punya laptop, dan cuma punya hp apa bisa ya??

  21. @miftakuljanah9904

    Bang, lebih baik dropship atau reseller aja ?… Soalnya mau nyetok, produknya yg best itu diluar provinsi semya…

  22. @kriegswar6733

    mba mau nanya, itu kita bayar pesanan dari evermos setelah customer bayar ke kita apa kita bayar dulu item yang dipesan di evermos baru barangnya dikirim ama pihak evermos??


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