Making $5 million by reselling Pokemon cards from his basement

Jan 17, 2024 | eBay Flipping | 40 comments

Making  million by reselling Pokemon cards from his basement

Meet John Smith, a 28-year-old entrepreneur who has turned a childhood hobby into a multi-million dollar business. Smith has made a fortune flipping Pokemon cards in his basement, and his success has taken the trading card industry by storm.

Smith’s journey began when he stumbled upon a collection of Pokemon cards in his parents’ attic. Reminiscing about the days when he used to trade Pokemon cards with his friends, Smith decided to take a trip down memory lane and dust off his old collection. Little did he know that this trip would change his life forever.

After doing some research, Smith discovered that there was a growing demand for vintage Pokemon cards among collectors and enthusiasts. He saw an opportunity to capitalize on this trend and decided to start flipping Pokemon cards as a side hustle. Using his keen eye for valuable cards, Smith began scouring online marketplaces and local flea markets for hidden gems.

As Smith’s collection grew, so did his profits. Within months, he had turned a modest investment into a small fortune. Encouraged by his initial success, Smith decided to take his business to the next level. He rented a basement and turned it into a makeshift warehouse to store and organize his growing inventory.

With a keen understanding of market trends and a knack for identifying valuable cards, Smith’s business took off. He began attending trading card conventions and established connections with other collectors and vendors. Before long, he was known as one of the go-to guys for rare and vintage Pokemon cards.

In just a few years, Smith had amassed a collection worth over $5 million. His success caught the attention of major players in the trading card industry, and he was approached by several investors looking to partner with him. Smith eventually sold a portion of his collection to a private equity firm, cementing his status as a trading card mogul.


Smith’s story is a testament to the power of turning a passion into a profitable venture. What started as a nostalgic trip down memory lane has evolved into a thriving business that has put Smith at the forefront of the trading card industry. His journey serves as an inspiration to aspiring entrepreneurs and collectors alike, proving that with dedication and a keen eye for opportunity, anyone can turn their hobbies into a lucrative enterprise.

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  1. @KarlMancini

    Do you worry about possible flooding in your basement?

  2. @Ramsby91

    Hey! Love the videos, i have just found the Pokemon card love again and i want to start collect, the Japanese cards here in Sweden is really hard to find.. i wanna buy from ebay but scared of getting ripped, can you recommend some sellers?? Much love

  3. @J0hnnyTheKid

    Most people started out 2020 and exit out 2023. Shame . I'm glad I only collected. Congratulations and thanks for the insight.

  4. @Taiica

    I'm loving this series of videos. Super interesting and educational

  5. @grimlogicmusic

    I would strip those items down sell packs seperate of the blisters sell the contents seperate

  6. @cogentbook5990

    To bad tik tok won’t allow someone like this to exist anymore. They want money from businesses now

  7. @Jake-gv1ym

    Yo phoenix you saw that you were mention in a video of meat canyon and also retro Rick

  8. @krowland7584

    Phoenix asked all the questions I was wondering about. Tight

  9. @ATTBF96

    sorry but i was told to write this

    flipping is a horrible idea and it hurts the retro gaming market

  10. @Joromo84

    WHAT a wonderful video man!

  11. @bunter5829

    Would be nice if he shipped to Canada

  12. @markstollery5362

    I wish you'd make the videos like you used too. Searching out games etc as now the videos are good but downhill compared to what they were and certainly duller now.

  13. @TheNerdArmory

    "I've sold $5 million" and "I've made $5 million" are two VERY different things… -.-

  14. @Dragonor999

    Reason why Japanese cards are now more expensive folks and why English cards are massively produced. Scalpers, "investors", and resellers

  15. @Gratefuldeadgriffin

    These wanna be Jeff bozos ripping off people at garage sales and profiting huge off of them is kind of sickening. The cycle never ends people get rich ripping people off there is no other way to get there

  16. @phillyretrokid

    This video is proof that you should work for yourself. dont work for an employer and only make peanuts or sell on a platform making them money. make all the money for yourself. believe in yourself and go for it

  17. @jesseb4827

    I wonder if he is still into reptiles. I collect reptiles and pokemon, similar to this dude

  18. @jarodz2846

    Well that was absolutely inspiring!!

  19. @TheEverydayPreacher

    Wow this was an encouraging video. Shout out to Brian accomplishing his goals and working to remain humble and loyal to those that love him. It's admirable and I wish him and yourself the best in this life.

  20. @SophondaCox

    I had a very similar story to this, however the distributor market within Canada is absolutely crazy and scarce.
    Only a handful of huge online hobby stores secure the majority of the inventory to the point where us smaller sellers don't have anything available to us.

  21. @thejoechee

    This was an awesome episode to watch – love how humble Brian is and love his goals of creating a life he wants to live vs infinite business scaling. Thanks!

  22. @al3034

    Jesus why did the price for a Japanese 151 booster box go up by $30 in 4 DAYS?!? Sheeeeeesh

  23. @davidraquepas2344

    This guy has a brain. I really love his ideas and way of thinking it through. What a champ

  24. @dankhill6851

    Not only are you driving people out of business by setting a bad precedent, but your also figuring out money doesn't actually mean anything, and doesn't make you happy LOL

  25. @dankhill6851

    Ever since people like you came into the picture goodwills and other thrift stores started selling games higher than their actual value, pretty soon there wont be anything you can buy to resell XD the stores think everyone is like you trying to make a profit, thanks for ruining goodwill!

  26. @goodnightmoon

    idk but i'd rather watch two 20 minute videos of you every week rather than one 40+ minute video in a week lol

  27. @DevWasHere

    Please do a video on best game stores in Pennsylvania

  28. @Shiny_Luxray

    Brian did a really good job in this interview, I hope this will help him get some more people interested in his website and content

  29. @Jdietz43

    As someone who almost fell backwards into owning a local card shop 9 months ago I can confirm: I lost 15 pounds, am constantly stressed about distributors, and 90% of the work is mundane; but when I'm actually there at the business itself, I'm happy.

  30. @p1xai

    Great new format & Great videos / Pokemon is very popular

  31. @Fonzitcg

    Tell him to hire me I can move his back stock lol

  32. @tworiverscards

    Ive heard that it will be wrong/disrespectful or possibly illegal to sell cards and not own a store here very soon. Fanatics talks about this, may want to look more into it. Breakers and Basement sellers will be non existent apparently in the future. They are finding out that some are using BOTs to purchase and buy out the product they receive to sell. Not very fair to the rest of the community who have stores and are trying to also sell cards and buy product. Just my two cents.


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