Making Money with ChatGPT is Not Possible… Don’t Even Bother 👎

Dec 3, 2023 | Make Money Online | 27 comments

Making Money with ChatGPT is Not Possible… Don’t Even Bother 👎

You Can’t Make Money With ChatGPT… Forget it 👎

If you are considering using ChatGPT as a means to make money, you might want to reconsider. ChatGPT is a language generation model developed by OpenAI that can generate human-like responses to text input. While it’s a fascinating tool for generating natural language, it’s not a platform for earning money.

Many people have fallen into the trap of believing that ChatGPT can be used as a way to generate income, only to realize that it’s not a viable option. Here’s why:

1. ChatGPT is not a means for monetization: ChatGPT is a tool for generating text and conversation, not for earning money. It was not designed for commercial use or as a platform for users to make money.

2. Lack of monetization features: ChatGPT does not have any features that allow users to monetize their interactions with the model. There are no options for running ads, selling products, or generating revenue through ChatGPT.

3. Limited capabilities: While ChatGPT is advanced in generating natural language, it’s not capable of performing tasks or completing actions that would be necessary for earning money, such as writing articles, designing graphics, or conducting financial transactions.

4. Ethical considerations: Using ChatGPT for commercial purposes without proper authorization or consent from OpenAI would be unethical and potentially violate the terms of service.

So, if you were considering using ChatGPT as a means to make money, it’s time to forget about it. Instead, focus on exploring legitimate ways to generate income, such as freelancing, starting a business, or investing in the stock market.

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In conclusion, while ChatGPT is a fascinating tool for generating natural language, it’s not a platform for earning money. It’s important to be aware of the limitations and ethical considerations when using advanced AI models like ChatGPT and to explore legitimate avenues for income generation.

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  1. @hacker-pro_21

    Ummmmmm ok but it's not real i earn 5000$/week from gpt chat

  2. @Sinlatown

    OHH GOOD FINALLY! Thank you! THAAANK! YOUU! I'm really sick of tired of these title videos. Hey idiots! If these scumbags are making money in these ways, they re not gonna run out for youtube to tell you their secrets! PLEASE! STOP!

  3. @AMPProf

    EXPLAIN MORE … WHAT.. Literally wtf I'M OLD ADS NEXT TONAI CONTENT CAN MAKE MONEY.. YOU video is like an indy film What was the answer

  4. @theartofbe4360

    This is a damn lie. I’m killing it with ChatGPT with now. Made 10K last week alone consulting and won a 130K contract with a 40K profit using ChapGPT and I have all the receipts.

  5. @blooflazh7

    you seem very genuine, not promising anything too crazy and being realistic. respect

  6. @ryanchain8915

    “The history books are lying. They should say “it is believed that humanity outside the walls is extinct” but instead it insists it is”. – Erwin Smith sorta

    This guy should just say “its not likely you will make money with chat gpt” but instead he insists that you simply cannot. Why?

  7. @Nue55

    Thank you. I needed the truth.

  8. @johnnybolster2013

    Haha, chat gpt-3!? With version 4.0 out, I seriously doubt this guy still has the same opinion

  9. @Ben-eh2bq

    Let me guess, you’re German

  10. @fellowrad

    HAHAA, I just did make money with Chat GPT :DD your video is as useless as all other videos on youtube.

  11. @cactu5jack

    Dude i dont think anyone actually believed chatGPT does everything with the click of a button

  12. @mitchellsheppard2998

    So you can still make money using it because it increases productivity right lol?

  13. @AbdelhakimTissir

    You can't get money out of chatgpt, but it can help you by saving time.

  14. @DL-RC

    There is basically nothing more to add. All the AI tools don´t earn you any money. But they will help YOU earning money by assisting you.

  15. @Asmrgameer

    I wanna make recap videos in English but my English is not enough good so I’m writing with mistakes recap script and asking chat gpt to check it and can I not get banned or having trouble to get monetization with my content after that? I m afraid to start I be already make a lot of efforts here with no results so

  16. @tcgguide3818

    As someone who has used chatgpt to code several websites, I disagree

  17. @reconnaissance7372

    "Me mailing out packages of aquarium goods after Chat GPT guided me through the process of starting my first business." Yes. ChatGPT won't make you money. But it'll make you make money.

  18. @MrMawnster

    People forget it's JUST A TOOL, to augment things in life. It's like my smartphone, my impact wrench, my tractor, my desktop ( the desk..and the computer). They have straight forward uses and out of the box uses that require creativity or hax. Eventually it'll become really good and we can be lazy…not…those that max it out then will still be top dog. People just wanna be lazy. Money is never easy to make because if you think you're smart and savvy chances are 10 or 10 000 others are just as such or better than you

  19. @lograth

    ummmm…. maybe someone just wants to earn money and not become the best copywriter or anything

  20. @prestigious5s23

    Well surely if you leverage the apis you should be able to create an application or chatbot app that could potentially be profitable.

  21. @DashTidbits

    he is right
    we need a human brain to make this money


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