Memulai Bisnis di Amazon FBA Tanpa Modal

Jan 11, 2024 | Amazon FBA | 27 comments

Memulai Bisnis di Amazon FBA Tanpa Modal

Getting Started with Amazon FBA with 0 Rupiah

If you’ve been considering starting a business and have been researching different options, you may have come across the idea of selling products through Amazon FBA (Fulfillment by Amazon). This is a popular method for individuals and businesses to sell products on the world’s largest online marketplace, while taking advantage of Amazon’s fulfillment and customer service capabilities.

The good news is that you can actually start selling on Amazon FBA with very little to no upfront investment. Even with 0 Rupiah, it is possible to get started and begin building a successful business through this platform. Here are some steps to get started with Amazon FBA without spending any money upfront:

1. Find a product to sell: The first step is to find a product that you can sell on Amazon. Look for products that are in demand and have a good potential for profit. You can use tools like Jungle Scout or Helium 10 to research products and find the best opportunities.

2. Create a seller account: Once you have decided on a product to sell, you will need to create a seller account on Amazon. This is a simple process and can be done for free. You will need to provide some basic information and set up your account before you can start listing products for sale.

3. List your products: After creating your seller account, you can start listing your products on the Amazon marketplace. When listing your products, make sure to optimize your product titles, descriptions, and images to maximize visibility and attract potential customers.

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4. Utilize FBA: Once your products are listed on Amazon, you can take advantage of Fulfillment by Amazon (FBA). This means that you can send your products to Amazon’s fulfillment centers and they will handle storage, packing, and shipping of your products to customers. This allows you to focus on selling and growing your business while Amazon takes care of the logistics.

5. Promote your products: To drive sales and increase visibility, you can promote your products through various marketing strategies. This can include running Amazon ads, leveraging social media, and optimizing your product listings for search engines.

6. Reinvest profits: As you start making sales and generating revenue, it’s important to reinvest your profits back into the business. This can include purchasing more inventory, expanding your product line, and investing in marketing efforts to continue growing your Amazon FBA business.

Starting an Amazon FBA business with 0 Rupiah is definitely possible, but it does require dedication and hard work. It’s important to continually research and learn about the Amazon marketplace, stay updated on industry trends, and continuously optimize your listings and marketing strategies to maximize success.

In conclusion, Amazon FBA provides a great opportunity for individuals and businesses to start selling products online with little to no upfront investment. With the right mindset and strategies, it is possible to build a successful Amazon FBA business and potentially achieve financial freedom. So, if you’ve been considering starting a business, why not give Amazon FBA a try? With 0 Rupiah, you have nothing to lose and everything to gain.

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FIND: Turnkey Businesses

LEARN: How To Make Money Online

HOW TO: Work From Home

REVEALED: Online Business Ideas

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  1. @naufalmahardhika3775

    Bang. Pas kirim ke amazon kan ada opsi LTL, FTL, FCL. Nah itu tuh buat informasi ke amazon doang atau gimana bang? Terus nanti kita sama forwarder itu bukan port to port tapi door to door ya bang?

  2. @syaiful9845

    Saya sebagai penjual khusus bagian Amerika.dan eropa…ketika modal sy habis, sy minta toko sy d stop ke mentor…tp krn lambat toko ku oderannya numpuk, dan aku diskualifikasi, alhasil sy tdk bs menarik dana dan laba sy , harus menyelesaikan oderan saya senilai 8 juta.. sy bilang ke mentor, sy akan menyelesaikan oderan sy dan minta toko di tutup , ketika toko d tutup , sy hrus bayar pajak audit $300 sm amazon agar duit ku keluar..

  3. @user-fr3bo7kj2j

    Saya sudah merasa di tipu oleh Apk Amazon, ternyata yg berada d group Amazon tsb adalah komplotan Penipu.

  4. @user-fr3bo7kj2j

    Saya gabung d Amazon tp heran ny pembayaran top up ny melalui Fedex apakah itu resmi bang

  5. @yussisimilikiti6147

    Bang misal akun seller di Amazon FBA gk aktif, gk dipake untuk listing produk jualan, gmn? Apakah akan dinonaktifkan sm pihak Amazon?

  6. @rickytv7877

    Koh kok udah ga update lagi sekarang ada apa

  7. @user-yw1gh4gu3y

    Ini kok saya gak pake paspor tp pake KTP takutnya server palsu ko

  8. @user-yw1gh4gu3y

    Ini aplikasi amazone asli gak sih bang bingung saya

  9. @sultanbagas8521

    Koh ngasih masukan kalo bisa videonya di cut cut koh, kaya saat nafas, minum, atau pas mikir koh, karna penonton bosen koh kalo video di atas 15 menit apa lagi videonya harus mikir koh… semangat koh sesukses selalu

  10. @DeKarungan

    Jika Seller dan Reseller Wajib Deposit kah?

  11. @itaarianto

    Kak Rio, saya sudah daftar dan download materi pdf nya. Tapi saya bingung cara akses videonya. Mohon diinfo cara aksesnya Kak.

  12. @arisdhodho6606

    Aku mau cerita sedikit,,
    Aku dpt knlan cewe 2 cantik" di fb smpai lnjut ke wa ngobrol" trs dia ngomong alhmdlh dpt tranfrn bisnis gitu
    Aku jwb syukur
    Trs singkt cerita dia nwarin aku untuk ikut bisnis itu ktny lumayan,
    Ktny modal awal 3 jt aku gk bs dn gk mudeng cr krjnya,,,
    Trs dia ngasih link video untuk bljr tp aku tetep sj gk fokus,,
    Singkt crta dia nwarin pke akun ny dia
    Aku tny ap ada duitnya
    Jwab dia ada 45 jtaan,,
    Aku bilng jngn sembrngn ngasih akun sm orng bru knl dia jwb gpp prcy sm aku,,,
    Tp aku ttp gk mau ikut bisnis itu,,,
    Nama ny AMAZON

  13. @wijaya7184

    Kak misalnya saya jual REWORK Hoodie di Amazon apakah bisa
    Misalnya itu Hoodie brand Nike terus di custom dengan yg lain di lebeli brand kita sendiri
    Apakah bisa?

  14. @gideonjohanes7137

    wah terima kasih atas tutorialnya ko, kalau misal ada barang yang sudah lama belum laku-laku dan quantity lumayan banyak, gimana itu ko biar tidak mubazir? selain meminta amazon untuk membuangnya, kalau dijual murah ke investor apakah bisa? gimana caranya?

  15. @BOTOEL27

    Baru liat video ini langsung subrek. Bagus penjelasannya

  16. @bongsoon4638

    Ko Rio, apakah buka kelas private berbayar? Saya bisa contact ke mana?

  17. @alenandofirdaus6186

    Ko kalo yang di jualnya makanan diamazon apakah ada syarat tertentu? Contohnya gula aren

  18. @AQYA_TV

    Ko sebelumnya terimakasih karna telah sharing ilmunya, saya banyak belajar dan apa yang koko bilang sangat bermanfaat. Ko, saya kebingungan saat mau daftar seller amazon karna sekarang sudah berbeda caranya dengan yang koko ajarkan sebelumnya, tolong buatkan video cara daftar seller amazon terbaru 2022 koh, terimakasih.

  19. @mutasimhassan3270

    Hi ,man I'm trying to register on Amazon FBA from Indonesia , but I don't know that I have to setup an LLC or not please can you help me

  20. @openaudio4432

    i wish this was in English or captions in English?

  21. @adnantahir8378

    Udah nonton 25 video dalam 2 hari.. Baru nemu padahal udah 2 tahun yg lalu.. Channel ini daging banget sy blg sih.. Sehat terus yah ko.. Thanks

  22. @hazimhafiz2055

    Koh buat kelas berbayar donk,saya jg mau bljar

  23. @alishatube18

    Koh saya Mao nanya serius tolong jawab,, sakarang lagi rame ada web Amazon good,, jadi kita bikin toko kita jualan barang yang ada di Amazon terus setiap barang ada yang beli harus bayarin dulu,, tolong jawab ko

  24. @aliferdina1886

    Kak klo untuk biaya admin itu dari amazon tuh kena brp persen yah ?

  25. @cexcaffeineaddict

    Mau tanya koh, utk perpajakan dan badan usaha yg dibutuhkan utk dropship amazon gmn ya koh? Apa nanti ga ditagih pajak sama org amriknya?

  26. @kevintjhai6651

    Bang mau nanya , saya uda registrasi amazon dan uda berhasil . Tpi kok kena charge $44 ya bukan $39.99 ?


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