Belajar Affiliate Marketing Untuk Pemula Part 1 – Building an Online Business From Scratch
The world of affiliate marketing has become a popular avenue for individuals looking to start an online business. With the potential to earn passive income and work from anywhere, it’s no wonder many people are interested in learning more about this industry.
For beginners, diving into the world of affiliate marketing can seem overwhelming. However, with the right knowledge and guidance, anyone can build a successful online business from scratch. In this first part of our series, we will discuss the foundational steps of starting an affiliate marketing business as a beginner.
1. Understanding Affiliate Marketing
Affiliate marketing is a performance-based marketing strategy where a company rewards affiliates for driving traffic and sales to their website. As an affiliate, your job is to promote products or services and earn a commission for every sale or lead generated through your unique affiliate link.
2. Choosing a Niche
Before diving into affiliate marketing, it’s crucial to choose a niche that you are passionate about and that has a significant market demand. By selecting a niche that aligns with your interests, you’ll be more motivated to create valuable content and engage with your audience.
3. Researching Affiliate Programs
Once you have chosen a niche, the next step is to research and join affiliate programs related to your niche. There are various affiliate networks and programs available, such as Amazon Associates, ClickBank, and Commission Junction, where you can find products and services to promote.
4. Building a Website
Having a professional and user-friendly website is essential for your affiliate marketing business. Your website will serve as a platform to showcase the products or services you are promoting and create valuable content for your audience. You can use website builders like WordPress or Wix to create your website without any programming knowledge.
5. Creating Quality Content
Content creation is a crucial aspect of affiliate marketing. By regularly producing high-quality and engaging content, such as blog posts, videos, or social media posts, you can attract and retain your audience’s interest and trust. Your content should provide value and address your audience’s needs and pain points.
6. Promoting Your Affiliate Links
Once you have established your website and created valuable content, it’s time to start promoting your affiliate links. You can incorporate your affiliate links into your content, email marketing campaigns, or social media posts. It’s important to disclose your affiliate relationships to ensure transparency with your audience.
In conclusion, building an affiliate marketing business from scratch requires dedication, patience, and continuous learning. By understanding the fundamental steps of affiliate marketing, choosing a niche, joining affiliate programs, building a website, creating quality content, and promoting your affiliate links, beginners can lay the groundwork for a successful online business.
In the next part of our series, we will explore more advanced strategies and tactics for maximizing your affiliate marketing efforts. Stay tuned for more valuable insights on Belajar Affiliate Marketing Untuk Pemula.
FIND: Turnkey Businesses
LEARN: How To Make Money Online
HOW TO: Work From Home
REVEALED: Online Business Ideas

di tribelio ada niche buat skincare gk ko
Menjawab kebingunganku. Terimakasih banyak
Bisa nggak kho' ajarin saya langsung affiliate marketing??
nice, makasi ilmu mahalnya dibagi gratissssss
maaf ko, mo nanya ni, di flowchartny itu khan saya liat ada LP (Landing Page) dan DB(Database) , apa disini maksudnya LP itu kita harus buat website sndri untuk promote/ meningkatkan traffic? dan DB itu mksudnya gimana ya ko biar bisa ke vendor 1, 2, etc, gak mudeng ni saya..hehe
Mantap Coach.. Terimakasih atas ilmunya
materinya jelas, memberi ilmu buat org lai. bukan kayak org2 yg sering promosi d medsos pura – pura mau ngajri tentang affiliate tapi sebenarny cma mau memnfatkn org2 yg haus ilmu affiliate untuk ngumpulin DB leawt medsos kita . g murni mau ngajarin tapi ada udang dibalik bakwan.
Affiliate digital produk memang menggiurkan kayak jvzoo komisi 50% tp emang kudu menguasai tehnik sales pagesnya biar orang cepet pada bungkus beli produknya. Kalo trebelio masih belajar dulu belum begitu paham.
Alhamdudillah materinya mudah di pahami.
Affiliate apa yang ada koh? Minta link nya dong
Asalamualaikum ko mau nanya kalau daftar affiliate marketing itu bayar ngga? soalnya pingin daftar affiliate marketing sambil belajar menjadi affiliate marketing
Makasih ko berdaging sekali
part 2 nya mana ya pak?
ikutan nyimak
Jika ingin jadi affiliator berarti harus punya website atau minimal akun sosmed dong ya?
Ilmu ny sang at membantu ko
Izin sedot ilmu nya
Bagus…. Terimakasih ilmunya bang
masalahnya saya d affiliete tiktok tugasnya hanya menautkan 1 produk saja
Part 2
Pak Deny, saya sudah daftar Affiliate warior tinggal nunggu approve saja. Dan lagi mau buat kode referral. Itu kode referral itu diisi apa ya pak. Bisa kasih contoh kode referral. Sama itu kalau mau jadikan Affiliate untuk buku LBM sama LB itu bisa kah. / Cuma 1 saja
Pengen banget ttt belajar affiliate marketing bang?? Ajarin bang
Untuk pemula kita harus diarajkan kemana dulu koh? Saya mau berguru, masih awam koh
Ko Denny, tanya dong, apakah Affiliate itu memang ada yang harus ber bayar???
Cara aktivasi alfillate bagaimana ko
Dapat insight ttg konten yang berada di 1 topik namun bisa dibuat berkesinambungan yg bisa mengalir membuat konsumen bisa diarahkan. Thanks ko
hi coach, saya seneng banget selalu dapat ilmu baru dari channel ini.
begini coach, saya punya database dapat saya kumpulkan dari google, namun kendalanya bagaimana cara memulai mengelola database tersebut? apakah yang harus saya lakukan dengan ribuat database email & no WA yang saya punya? terimakasih.
Keren ni… Terimakasih bang
Kalo nge affiliete kelas online gimana koh strategiinya?
Hadir ko
Contoh landingpage untuk affiliatornya ada ko?
Gmn cara bang.. kasih petunjuk dunk
Adakah orang ind sukses jadi afiliate di click bank
Market place internasional apa ajha, & membuka affiliate Kak?
Kalo bisa yg cukup lewat konten youtube tanpa web/blog.
Lest gooo
Daftar Jadi Affiliate di Tribelio disini: