Minimizing Travel Essentials: The Ultimate Digital Nomad Packing List V2 with 80 Must-Haves for Carry On Travel

Oct 13, 2023 | Digital Nomad | 38 comments

Minimizing Travel Essentials: The Ultimate Digital Nomad Packing List V2 with 80 Must-Haves for Carry On Travel

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  1. Diddly D

    Apple products require so. Many. Dongles

  2. Andy Vu

    Why are all your clothes dark colored – black and gray. Is there a rule you can't wear colors other than black? 🙂 Really enjoy your videos.

  3. Bradavon

    If there's a separate video for women, why is this not called the men's video?

  4. Wiwat Yingkiattinon

    This can be ultimate idea for many people who always have a remote working.❤

  5. Or Bi

    Hi, I’m new to this channel so you may have the video I’m requesting. I would love to see travel clothing that doesn’t include merino wool because many people are allergic to wool. Thanks

  6. Uyen Truong

    I love this list…but is there a list for people who want more than just black clothing?

  7. Elliott Wood

    One note, i would recommend a usb c hub that has usb output and input, that way you can charge the device you while using the hub!

  8. Raymond595

    What is your foldable travel hat? Can you recommend one?

  9. Phil H

    the cadence of your speaking is extremely distracting to me. When you aren't on script and giving some quick notes it sounds so much more natural and easier to listen to. I couldn't finish the video. Trying to be constructive, this is exactly the kind of content I want. I'll check your current vids.

  10. Arcadiaaa

    AirTags can be great for if you lose your stuff or maybe if an airline loses it, but they don't work for thieves at all. My backpack was stolen recently and the thief was able to use the anti-stalking feature that AirTags have to pretty much immediately disable it. My AirPods were also in the bag, but they were dead so they were no help locating it either.

  11. Kh

    I wish u actually showed us how you fit everything into that one bag

  12. mriv111

    Great video! My only suggestion to make them better is to please be mindful of your “up speak” speaking pattern. It gets very repetitive. Otherwise, great content!

  13. Bani Niba

    There's a downside of using your laptop to charge all of your other devices – it makes the laptop stationary during charge times. For myself, my laptop is my main entertainment device when I'm traveling. For example, I might want to watch a movie on my laptop while sitting on the couch, which is usually in a different area than where I set up my work desk. Since newer GaN chargers are so small, there's little downside to get another charger to allow my laptop to be mobile again.

  14. Justin James

    all black clothes in a hot country hmmmmmmm good video but not realistic for most, gear tho is cool 🙂

  15. Andrew Wiles

    With the cost of living crisis, getting insane, how could you not have a monthly pro option. $60 for one year is a bit steep.

  16. Studios In

    My ocd is in check now , found this cool channel just recently, loving your content

  17. K


  18. Brian future MUA

    This a great video. Its the guy version of what's in my bag video's.

  19. L Hmm

    I love your videos! I can’t wait for you to create videos for women. Also, do any company make backpacks for travel that are antitheft and consider as airline personal size?

  20. The Dude

    The rain jacket can be the most important cold weather piece. The wool works incredibly well as insulation if there's no wind. The rain jacket allows the wool to work it's magic.

  21. Orlando Vasquez

    Airtag reminder: Only in USA is Apple the dominant system, an Android tracker like smart tag works best aboard

  22. EC channel

    All in black colour. Great to use during you secrets missions if you are batman 😀

  23. J P

    I recommend Lume deodorant, sample size.

  24. Crystal

    Hi y’all. I saw the Roav sunglasses on here and fell in love. However their online presence seems to be very….. quiet. Does anyone know if this company is still up and running?

  25. Khary Smith

    Do you have female wear for traveling or are the clothes unisex and what about a dress or skirt for dress up clothes that match with a blouse.

  26. joe cassella

    what bag is to the right of the pack hacker in the background?

  27. iRusTV

    Nomad > Homad > Hobat

  28. awreckingball

    Hmm seems likely you'll get mistaken for a secret assassin which is not going to help you at airport security.

  29. M. Dragoun

    Please check out the awesome Patagonia mini MLC 2022 edition, such an awesome bag!

  30. JH

    This video is great for people who doesn’t want to bring a lot of things when travelling ❤

  31. Brad L

    AirTags suck. I don't get more than a month of battery life. I've had Apple replace three of them already.

  32. Alex Regan

    All around Phoenix, Arizona I see!


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