Write an article about How I Made $18,000 Shopify Dropshipping (For Beginners) in English
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Write an article about How I Made $18,000 Shopify Dropshipping (For Beginners) in English
FIND: Turnkey Businesses
LEARN: How To Make Money Online
HOW TO: Work From Home
REVEALED: Online Business Ideas
Looking for Deals? Here’s How Dropshipping with Shopify Can Help You Score Big Savings In...
How We Did It: The Journey to Dropshipping Success 🤝💵 In the ever-evolving...
Josh the type of guy to buy 1 get 1 FREE
Please tell me how you integrate your store with supplier? API or something else?
we need a free ad video?
Great teacher. But Shopify is overhyped.
Simple and clear content, I subscribed
Love it man, can you do a video on your ad creation methods? Do you make content or download it from TikTok, do you edit it together? Thanks
how you got your video ads made brother?
Hi, I watched your videos on YouTube and I so appreciate everything you said! I took a lot of notes! The only problem is how to remove the watermark?Heared Dropshipping Copilot can achieve it. Can you explain it to fans with a video?
Hey Josh just curious, how do you get the value campaign unlocked?
Love that you were honest. Was not a click bait title, you did make 18k, but after everything is said and done, 1k in your pocket. What's a ROAS?
1k in two weeks is not good at all, considering you have spent so much and 3 bad days could have wiped out your 1k profit too easily, definitely not a winner
What do you do for ads? Should I make my own Or use pipi ads
That dent on the macbook tho. Only the real will appreciate
can you help me with my store
13k ads. Item cost shipping not worth it bro
from where did you create those ads? im a beginner
Interested in a mentorship. Sent you a dm.
Can you help me please
Trying to sell multiple variants of a product using USAdrop with each variant having a different cost but they will only quote me for one variant, can I still sell the other variants?
same for me, had product for tt one day 8 roas next day 0 so inconsistent i hate it
$12k – Ads
$18k – Revenue
Revenue – Ads = $6k
how do you get the videos, gifts for your website?
so really all you needa worry about is ads lol
You have to pay to use pipiads
I have a product that comes with multiple colors and sizes, how do i build a bundle to where they can buy more than 1 but in different color and sizes. love the vids btw
Thank you for such informative edit bro! Todays my 26th birthday and I purchased a Shopify store yesterday knowing very little about this. Your edits and simplicity helped me so much. I have a few questions I don’t know if you would mind? I could DM you if that’s better.
thank you for explaining the profit
Your content is already fantastic, but enhancing your thumbnails can make them even more captivating! I'm offering to YouTube thumbnails at $15 per thumbnail and $10 for redesigns. if you intrested so reply, and not if dont need
how i create a second pixel on tiktok ads?
Dear broke and jobless teen before you get excited by the results please remember these are results for big ads spenders, also remember TikTok minimum ads budget is $500
Where did you get the ads from, and how much did it cost?
few questions
what does roas mean
how does the supplier get the shipment information
how can i start from 0 if ads cost hundreds of pounds
It took 1 sek in the video for me to realise this was fake. Mikey is the only real one
Do you do mentoring?