My Journey to Quick Approval in the Amazon Influencer Program: My Success Story and Tips From the Initial 30 Days

Nov 28, 2023 | Social Media Influencer | 23 comments

My Journey to Quick Approval in the Amazon Influencer Program: My Success Story and Tips From the Initial 30 Days

As a content creator and social media influencer, getting approved for the Amazon Influencer Program can be a game-changer for your business. This exclusive program allows influencers to create their own storefront on Amazon and earn commissions on products they recommend to their followers. After trying for several months, I was finally approved for the program and in my first 30 days, I saw incredible success. Here are my tips on how to get approved fast and make the most out of the Amazon Influencer Program.

After hearing about the Amazon Influencer Program from fellow influencers, I knew it was something I wanted to be a part of. However, getting approved for the program is not easy. Amazon looks for influencers with a large and engaged following, high-quality content, and a niche that aligns with their brand. I had to work on improving my content, growing my following, and showcasing my expertise in my niche in order to meet their criteria.

One of the most important things I did to get approved was to create a dedicated website or blog that showcased my work and my niche. I made sure that my website was professional, well-designed, and focused on my niche topic. I also made sure to have a strong presence on social media, with a large and engaged following. I regularly posted high-quality content and engaged with my followers to show Amazon that I had a strong and loyal audience.

Once I was approved for the Amazon Influencer Program, I wasted no time in creating my storefront. I carefully curated my favorite products and organized them into categories that aligned with my niche. I made sure to write detailed and thoughtful descriptions for each product, highlighting why I loved it and why my followers should consider purchasing it. I also created lists and guides to help my followers navigate through the products and find exactly what they were looking for.

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In my first 30 days as an Amazon influencer, I saw amazing results. I earned commissions on products I recommended, and my storefront quickly became a go-to destination for my followers to discover new and exciting products. The program has not only allowed me to earn extra income, but it has also strengthened my relationship with my audience. My followers appreciate the recommendations and trust my expertise, which has led to increased engagement and loyalty.

If you are an influencer looking to join the Amazon Influencer Program, my biggest piece of advice is to focus on creating high-quality content and building a strong and engaged following. Show Amazon that you are a valuable and trusted voice in your niche, and highlight your expertise through your website or blog. Once you are approved, take full advantage of the program by curating a well-organized storefront and providing thoughtful recommendations to your followers.

The Amazon Influencer Program has been a game-changer for my business, and I am excited to see where it takes me in the future. With the right approach and dedication, you too can find success in the program and take your influencer career to the next level.

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  1. Annette Bowlin

    I cannot get past the first step. I am so bummed out. 🙁 the bot has yet to approve my TT account I do not understand why.

  2. Janine Lucie

    Did you wait until approved before posted your batch of 15 videos or did you save your batches of videos?

  3. Spinx

    Mercedes, you are so natural. Thanks for the intro to the Amazon Influencer Program video. I'm 68 and going to give it a shot. My question is the 3 videos that must be submitted should they represent a product sold on Amazon?

  4. K

    When you are doing the videos is a mandatory that you have to talk or you can use subtitles with the most relevant info?

  5. Georgia Crafted

    I have posted 12 videos so far, but I am sure that my first 3 are not up to the guidelines. Should I delete those first three while I am waiting? I am only 72 hours in on waiting on approval.

  6. Cris Mcdonough

    It's a wonderful opportunity but I don't have 1000 followers on any platform.

  7. Zayaan T

    Do we have to show our face in those creator hub videos?

  8. EbikeProducts

    Great stuff. You’re putting out great content that can really help people. Just an FYI, you could lose your influencer account if you show any backend screens while logged into Amazon. I’d hate to see you lose your account when trying to help people. Once you lose it, it’s almost impossible to get it reinstated.
    One thing you might want to tell people is that the data is also often a few days delayed and that fully reading the terms of service closely is a great necessity to avoid getting banned.
    Keep up the great work. You’re very encouraging.

  9. Makin Dough with Uncle Joe

    I would love to see those 1st 3 videos and a tech breakdown of how you created them. You obviously have a pretty decent studio setup. Did you have all that already setup BEFORE you started with the Influencer thing? It looks like even your 1st YT video has a pretty great setup.

  10. Kendra&Marcel Horton

    How can I make commission doing reviews directly to Amazon? Without connecting my other social media accounts?

  11. This Is Debie

    I have a question in regards to people uploading multiple videos to the same product. Is that allowed? I have a product that I want to review but this one couple has every one of the 6 video slots . I went to their page and they do it on almost all of their products! Do you know if this is a violation?

  12. Shafeeq Khan

    Love your sincerity and honest review – Keep doing, we will going to be supporting you❤

  13. Brandon Dayton

    So even if your aren't posting videos, you account will still stay locked until approved? Like I got the approval right away, set up my storefront and list. But it's sounds like it may still be locked? That was about three weeks ago.


    Gratz, I'm been seeing your videos, I'm happy for you. I got my second rejection and I'm preatty stress out, we'll see what happen.

  15. Stephanie's Kitchen

    Congratulations!! I think one of the things you are saying is that basically you should put up the 3 videos they ask for and then keep putting videos on but put it in a draft, do not upload it. Am I correct in that assumption?


    Thanks for this video! I am curious, on your first 3 videos did you show your face?? And did you have any background noise or text on screen? Ive heard both sides that you can get approved with or without showing your face. I only ask because the videos I've already recorded are without my face and just product.

  17. Jsquad Family

    wow congrats ! i know the feeling. i waited 50 days for mine to unlock.. im 2 weeks in the program and have made about 2 grand 😀

  18. Juscallmenicki

    I love your videos! Thanks for sharing. I just got my 3 videos published, just waiting for the blue lock to be removed!

  19. Lish R

    Could you share the names of the podcast where you heard ppl got kicked out ?

  20. Anthony English

    Great advice, again! I did a search on Amazon's Influencer Program pages and found "There is no restriction for vertical or horizontal. If it clearly features an Amazon product and adheres to our content guidelines … "


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