Ninguém enriquece com dropshipping

Oct 31, 2023 | Dropshipping | 17 comments

Ninguém enriquece com dropshipping

Title: “Nobody Gets Rich with Dropshipping: Debunking the Dream”


In recent years, the concept of dropshipping has gained significant traction as an avenue for aspiring entrepreneurs to launch their own e-commerce businesses with minimal investment and a promise of lucrative profits. Promoters often present dropshipping as an opportunity to achieve financial success and escape the constraints of traditional employment. However, despite the allure, it is important to debunk the myth that nobody gets rich with dropshipping.

The Reality of Dropshipping:

Dropshipping is a business model where sellers act as intermediaries between manufacturers or wholesalers and customers. Rather than holding inventory, sellers list products on their online store and source them directly from suppliers only when a customer places an order. While this may seem like a convenient and low-risk approach, dropshipping is far from a guaranteed path to wealth.

1. Intense Competition:

One of the primary reasons that few individuals reach wealth through dropshipping is the intense competition within the industry. As the barrier to entry is relatively low, thousands of sellers create alike stores promoting similar products. Consequently, the market becomes saturated, making it difficult for newcomers to establish a unique presence and gain a decent market share.

2. Slim Profit Margins:

For dropshippers, profit margins are razor-thin. Since sellers do not own or manufacture the products they sell, they are forced to rely on low-cost items to generate sales. As a result, profit margins are often meager, leaving little room for significant profits. This limited profitability makes it challenging to amass substantial wealth solely through dropshipping.

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3. Operational Complications:

Managing a dropshipping business entails a range of operational challenges. Timely order fulfillment, delivery speed, and customer satisfaction are vital factors affecting seller credibility and success. However, since sellers are reliant on third-party suppliers, they have little control over the quality of products or shipping times, potentially leading to dissatisfied customers and a damaged reputation.

4. Rising Advertising Costs:

Marketing is crucial for any online business, including dropshipping stores. Entrepreneurs must invest significantly in advertising platforms, such as Google Ads or Facebook Ads, to drive traffic and generate sales. Unfortunately, as the popularity of dropshipping grows, so do advertising costs. Consequently, dropshippers must allocate a substantial portion of their revenue to marketing campaigns, further reducing already slim profit margins.


While dropshipping may initially appear to be a golden ticket to financial freedom, the reality is quite different. The idea that nobody gets rich with dropshipping stems from the numerous obstacles and challenges that entrepreneurs face throughout their journey. From fierce competition and slim profit margins to operational complexities and rising advertising costs, it becomes clear that success in dropshipping requires more than just setting up a simple online store.

To achieve significant wealth, entrepreneurs must go beyond dropshipping and explore additional revenue streams or consider other business models. While it is not impossible to generate respectable profits with dropshipping, it is essential to approach this venture with realistic expectations, ample research, and a well-thought-out strategy.

FIND: Turnkey Businesses

LEARN: How To Make Money Online

HOW TO: Work From Home

REVEALED: Online Business Ideas

See also  Consider Carefully Before Engaging in Dropshipping: An Effective Strategy for Earning Online Income

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  1. Lispect

    Ainda funciona mano, só está bem mais difícil, é que o pessoal quer cria logo do canva e dar ctrl c ctrl v, ai fica difícil mesmo

  2. RealiDale

    Abra sua loja online como se fosse sua empresa física e seja profissional, busque conhecimento e APLIQUE.
    E-commerce é um mercado BILIONÁRIO no Brasil e TRILIONÁRIO nos EUA. E como dizem por ai "take your piece of the pie".

  3. Danton Apolo

    So da certo se vc criar um branding monstro e não existe mais essa de baixo investimento! Vai ter q gastar uma nota com influences e criacao de marca

  4. Danillo .A

    Dropshipping ainda dá certo , mas hoje em dia precisa ser uma coisa bem profissional

  5. Douglas Weiss

    Drop ainda funciona, porém TODO segmento tem a grande massa de 99% e o seleto grupo de 1%, os campeões, o 1% em alto nível, é assim nas olimpíadas, no futebol, no marketing digital, em restaurantes, em tudo, todo mercado tem o seleto grupo de 1%, a grande realidade da vida é que 99% são como um NPC, eu percebi isso e sigo faturando bem e faço drop na Colombia, busquei descobrir o que o 1% faz e tem receita sim, o sucesso tem receita e você sabe disso Raiam.

    E lembrando que mais difícil do que se tornar 1% é se manter no 1%, dificilmente alguém consegue manter a constância de sucesso, não há jogadores de futebol que foram espetaculares em todas temporadas, isso explica os dropshipers citados no vídeo que “faziam” valores relevantes, eles simplesmente não mantiveram a constância de seguir no 1%

  6. Vitor SCaetano

    Parar com minha loja nesse momento! Raiam esta certo!

  7. SpyAngel

    Afiliado ainda funciona?

  8. Revan

    Raiam, fala sobre cursos de inglês, escolas de inglês e o potencial disso (como você promoveria ou venderia, se tem futuro, etc)

  9. Lopes Junior

    Bruh, falou água negrete tem mt produto que vende só pelo simples fato do criativo ser bom p crl coisa que não acontece na shoppee

  10. Majin Cards

    Raiam seu canal eu me inscrevei novamente, n sei pq Youtube me desinscreveu do seu.


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