Por qué renuncio a Amazon FBA de manera definitiva

Apr 10, 2024 | Amazon FBA | 6 comments

Por qué renuncio a Amazon FBA de manera definitiva

After years of selling products through Amazon’s Fulfillment by Amazon (FBA) program, I have come to the decision to leave it behind for good. While FBA has its advantages, such as access to Amazon’s vast customer base and efficient shipping and handling services, I have found that the cons outweigh the pros.

One of the main reasons I am leaving FBA is the increasing fees and costs associated with the program. Amazon charges hefty fees for storage, fulfillment, and long-term storage, making it harder for me to turn a profit on my products. In addition, competition on the platform has grown significantly, leading to price wars and decreased margins for sellers like myself.

Another issue I have encountered with FBA is the lack of control over my inventory and customer experience. Amazon controls the shipping, packaging, and delivery of my products, leaving me powerless to address any issues that may arise. Furthermore, the stringent product requirements and strict policies of FBA have made it difficult for me to scale my business and expand my product line.

Lastly, I have grown tired of the constant changes and updates to Amazon’s policies and algorithms. It seems like I am constantly trying to keep up with the latest rules and regulations, only to have them change again a few months later. This uncertainty and lack of stability have made me realize that FBA is not the right fit for me and my business.

In conclusion, while FBA may work for some sellers, it is no longer the right choice for me. I have decided to take my business in a different direction, one that allows me more control and flexibility over my products and customers. Goodbye, FBA – it’s time for me to move on to greener pastures.

See also  Learn with Abby: Step-by-Step Beginner's Guide to Amazon FBA in 2023

FIND: Turnkey Businesses

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HOW TO: Work From Home

REVEALED: Online Business Ideas

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  1. @IliassAmazay

    estas diciendo eso después de comprar lo que quieres como casa coche etc y luego Amazon

  2. @IliassAmazay

    si estas diciendo eso después de comprar casa coche lo q quieres

  3. @pf7474

    Totalmente cierto, son una vergüenza, es una basura de empresa que debería estar y ser cerrada

  4. @joelortiz3795

    Hola me ha emcantado el video! Hacias marca privada o arbitraje?

  5. @cristianforero1141

    Mil gracias por tu contenido, Carlos. Es muy enriquecedor. ¿Recomiendas que el negocio de Amazon sea la primera experiencia de emprendimiento de alguien que va a comenzar?


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