Starting Dropshipping in 2024: The Ultimate Tutorial for Beginners

Jan 11, 2024 | Dropshipping | 41 comments

Starting Dropshipping in 2024: The Ultimate Tutorial for Beginners

Are you interested in starting your own dropshipping business in 2024? Dropshipping has become an increasingly popular way to make money online, and with the right guidance, it can be a lucrative and fulfilling business venture. In this ultimate dropshipping for beginners tutorial, we will cover everything you need to know to get started with dropshipping in 2024.

What is Dropshipping?

Dropshipping is a business model where you, as the retailer, sell products to customers without holding any inventory. Instead, when a customer makes a purchase, you purchase the product from a third-party supplier who then ships it directly to the customer. This means that you don’t have to deal with the hassle of managing inventory or shipping products yourself, making it a low-risk and cost-effective way to start an online business.

Step 1: Choose a Niche

The first step in starting a dropshipping business is to choose a niche. Your niche should be something you are passionate about and have an interest in, as this will make it easier for you to market and sell products within that niche. Consider your hobbies, interests, and what you are knowledgeable about, and then research the market to see if there is demand for products in that niche.

Step 2: Research Suppliers

Once you have chosen a niche, the next step is to research potential suppliers for your dropshipping business. You can use platforms like AliExpress, Oberlo, or SaleHoo to find suppliers that offer the products you want to sell. It’s important to vet your suppliers carefully to ensure they are reliable and offer high-quality products.

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Step 3: Set up Your Online Store

After you have chosen a niche and found reliable suppliers, it’s time to set up your online store. You can use platforms like Shopify, WooCommerce, or BigCommerce to create your store and list the products you want to sell. Make sure to create a visually appealing and user-friendly website, and optimize it for search engines to drive traffic to your store.

Step 4: Market Your Products

Once your store is up and running, the next step is to market your products to drive traffic and generate sales. You can use a combination of paid advertising, social media marketing, content marketing, and influencer partnerships to promote your products and attract customers to your store.

Step 5: Fulfill Orders

When a customer makes a purchase from your store, you will need to fulfill the order by purchasing the product from your supplier and having it shipped directly to the customer. Make sure to communicate with your suppliers regularly to ensure that orders are being fulfilled in a timely manner.

In conclusion, starting a dropshipping business in 2024 can be a great way to make money online and be your own boss. By choosing the right niche, finding reliable suppliers, creating a professional online store, and marketing your products effectively, you can build a successful dropshipping business from the ground up. So, if you’re ready to take the plunge and start your own dropshipping business, use this ultimate dropshipping for beginners tutorial as a guide to get started on the right foot.

FIND: Turnkey Businesses

LEARN: How To Make Money Online

HOW TO: Work From Home

REVEALED: Online Business Ideas

See also  Dropship on TikTok for Free: The Ultimate Guide to Organic Dropshipping

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  1. @Julestrying2live

    your video really inspired me to start taking action. I've always wanted to learn how to start drop shipping, but never could find the right video. But today I've found your video and this IS THE VIDEO!! you explained everything so well. I will defiantly be reading the free guides you offered as well!!

  2. @jriversher

    God bless you!
    I've been researching and watching different tutorials, but yours has been the best so far. Clear as water. Because of it, I feel inspired and ready to start doing it!

    Thank you so much

  3. @TheDumbKidMikka

    Which do you think is the best type of shop ? one product or general

  4. @Jim-jf2uo

    Why my CJ just saying Listing in progress for long time?

  5. @howardmathews5572

    5:31 Myth. Fact: It is all about the product – A good, kind of untapped product that turns out to be a winner after testing, will sell even on the most generic and boring looking store.

  6. @legoboy99

    Hi i have a question can i use the product images from cj dropshipping or will i get copyright on my store if use them

  7. @naturefactsYDK

    Hey, I have a question. What will happen if I set my shipping rate to free, but all my products are few bucks more then full price of produkt. Would I pay that shipping. I don't understand this shipping and delivery method.

  8. @user-pk3jd9oi9x

    I have a question on timestamp 1227. There is no list it now button for me. Do you know how I can fix this?

  9. @user-wp8wt6vd5b

    I have a few questions please. Is it possible to start doing this at the age of 15? How to get customers? And how I get paid? Will I spend a lot of money on this?

  10. @sepatriotic3485

    Firstly, this video is an excellent beginners guide so thank you very much for your effort. I have a question. When I click “list” on my product to add it to my Shopify store, in the store name section I see my store but not my actual store name. Instead it has that random name with letters and numbers which probably had been created once I signed up to Shopify, I was wondering if that would be a problem once I add it on my store as I said I cannot see my actual store name? Thank you. 🙂

  11. @omrihassin9066

    tysm much very young but i do wana learn about those kinda of things becuse in the future i can be rich and live a good life

  12. @priscillaburgos4287

    Thank you this is a great video only question I have is when a customer orders from your website do you have to pay for it out of your own pocket and in a couple of days you'll get your commission.?

  13. @user-ho1up4ns9j

    But I am a little confused about the payment method , like when the product is shipped to customer , there they will pay us but how we can give the shares of the supplier , how can we divide the money which is not fully ours but also of supplier .

  14. @ronanoconnnor3493

    Hi, this tutorial really helped me I was just curious at 20:58 in your header next to your logo it says, "About us" and "All products" and next to the two icons you have "USD" shown, how do I put these in my store, Thanks

  15. @akojuv4697

    You are the best teacher I have ever met online please you going to help me design my store and be my teacher for me please

  16. @Giga69

    I am a fifteen year old in high school and I want to get into drop shipping, I have a debit card and the funds to get started but I just don’t know if there is like an age limit I guess. I just want to know if I can still make money doing this as a young adult and if it is considered a stable source of income if I pursued this line of work for a few years and wanted to buy a house or rent an apartment. Also how long does it take on average to get a decent flow of money going. And could I make a living off of this or is it more of a side hustle?

  17. @Motivational_videosforyou

    do you have a video of how you acknowledge the order of a customer and tell the supplier to release the item for shipping

  18. @gameking4891

    but do you need to buy like 5 of those items to Sell them

  19. @user-bi8lt8ep7j

    needed to have paypal account so that the profit will going there?

  20. @saristans1434

    Im a 15 year old, trying to make it out early by learning drop shipping and other stuff, your content have helped alot to learn about these stuff. thank you.

  21. @kasieem4000

    I don’t have a computer or laptop can i start dropshipping from my phone?

  22. @hamzakhan-en5tl

    Thank you.
    I learned too much about Shopify and created a store just because of you.
    Let's see what will happened but i expected good.
    Thankyou again and stay blessed.

  23. @afaqsiyal

    Hey there! First of all a big thank you for making this video this really makes drop shipping easy for me unfortunately PayPal and stripe isn't working in pakistan but you have inspired me a lot and find a different way to start it. really a big thank you again❤

  24. @Ahmadmalik221

    How much time to start earning through shopify dropshipping

  25. @bfe_slymy5442

    this is one of the best best best video's ever

  26. @Lucveinrg

    Can one person make multiple stores in Shopify?

  27. @Lucveinrg

    Question, does this require previous investment? Like, for the first few buys

  28. @lamgoctam

    If we have 1k orders in different time, do we still do manually? any other ways to make automatic pay to suppliers whenever we received orders from customers?

  29. @ajhr2012

    I’m going to start drop shipping can I do it at age 12?

  30. @Yuiivx

    Great tutorial! but im a little stuck on 33:30, when you said active mode on, for mine it keeps saying inactive mode, and said "This market can't be activated because 32 countries/regions are missing shipping rates. Add rates." i am very confused on that part.

  31. @cloverlane4356

    I've been watching your vids lately and I have two querries in my mind lately.
    1. Since my shop will be a new one, how can I deal with the ratings?
    2. How about taxes? I am a foreigner and I want to base my shop in the US or CA. Is this possible?

  32. @daltonhayes2850

    Please forgive me, but can you start the drop shipping store without payment and can you order from a company without payment and sell something on your store before you you have to pay them?

  33. @ramey7102

    am i able to do it on my phone

  34. @Alchemy346

    Hi Julia, Im currently a 14 yr old thats about to dropship, and i was just wondering if i needed to do any sort of registration as a company or any paperwork, I dont really want to say which part of the world im living in, but im just curious if any sort of actions need to be taken in order for it to be a legal business, Btw thanks a lot for providing a clear and well organized video for dropshipping, I really appericate it


    Is cjdropshipping the best place to get your stuff or is there other places you can get it


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