Strategi Dropship di Shopee untuk Menghasilkan Uang Tanpa Modal Tahun 2023

Nov 23, 2023 | Dropshipping | 29 comments

Strategi Dropship di Shopee untuk Menghasilkan Uang Tanpa Modal Tahun 2023

How Dropshipping Works on Shopee to Generate Income in 2023 / Shopee Dropshipping to Shopee Without Capital

Dropshipping has become a popular way for individuals to start their own business without the need for a large initial investment. With the rise of e-commerce platforms like Shopee, dropshipping has become even more accessible to people looking to make money online. But how exactly does dropshipping work on Shopee, and how can it generate income in 2023? Let’s take a closer look.

Dropshipping on Shopee involves selling products from Shopee sellers to Shopee buyers without holding any inventory. This means that as a dropshipper, you act as a middleman between the seller and the buyer, taking orders and passing them on to the seller, who then ships the products directly to the customer. The key to success in dropshipping lies in finding the right products to sell and marketing them effectively to potential buyers.

One of the main advantages of dropshipping on Shopee is that it can be done without any initial capital. Unlike traditional retail businesses, where you would need to invest in inventory upfront, dropshipping allows you to list and sell products without purchasing them beforehand. This makes it an appealing option for those looking to start a business with limited funds.

To get started with dropshipping on Shopee, the first step is to create a seller account on the platform. Once you have set up your account, you can start looking for products to sell from other Shopee sellers. It’s important to do thorough research on the products you choose to ensure that they are in demand and that there is potential for profit. Look for products with high ratings and positive reviews, as these are more likely to sell well on the platform.

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After identifying the products you want to sell, the next step is to list them on your Shopee store. When a customer places an order, you simply purchase the product from the original seller and input the customer’s shipping details. The seller then ships the product directly to the customer, and you keep the price difference as your profit.

In order to generate income through dropshipping on Shopee in 2023, it’s important to focus on marketing and customer service. Utilize Shopee’s built-in marketing tools, such as sponsored product ads and promotions, to increase visibility for your products. Additionally, providing excellent customer service and fast shipping times can help build trust and loyalty with your customers, leading to repeat business and positive reviews.

As with any business, dropshipping on Shopee does come with its own set of challenges. Competition can be fierce, and it’s important to constantly monitor market trends and adjust your product offerings accordingly. Additionally, you will need to handle any customer inquiries and issues that may arise, so good communication skills and a proactive approach are essential.

In conclusion, dropshipping on Shopee can be a viable way to generate income in 2023 without the need for a large initial investment. By carefully selecting products, utilizing marketing tools, and providing excellent customer service, it’s possible to build a successful dropshipping business on Shopee. With the right strategy and commitment, dropshipping on Shopee can be a lucrative venture for aspiring entrepreneurs.

FIND: Turnkey Businesses

LEARN: How To Make Money Online

HOW TO: Work From Home

REVEALED: Online Business Ideas

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  1. Vivi

    Kak, misalnya kita udah tf ke suplier ternyata kemudian customer batalkan pesanan, gmn ya kak?

  2. Sandy Li

    Kak. Tanda toko seler itu lihat dari mana kak.ada tanda tokonya ya

  3. juanda halim

    ini videonya dipercepat ya, jadi output suaranya lucu hehe

  4. Rinda RA

    Kalo dropship via WA pembayarannya gmn kak? Sama kah kita harus nalangin dulu?


    Kalok barang retur kembali ke kita apa suplayer

  6. Dett INSIDE

    Suplier nya disini mesti offline ya, karena klo suplier online, ordernya nya kita mesti bayarin dlu kan which is tetap pakai modal

  7. Rick Rancyd

    Berarti dropship itu cuma bisa pake 1 supliyer ya kak, soalnya kan harus ganti alamat toko kita diganti pake alamat supliyer, bener gak ?

  8. MiraHytii

    Aku jdi gagal paham sih gara² kakanya cantik bngt, jdi aku malah fokus ke kakaknya bukan sma kontennya(

  9. Rizfiana Nurhutami

    Ini supplier nya cuma bisa 1 toko ajh apa gmna ka ? Aku blm ngerti

  10. Wahyu Wahyudin

    Iya bner kak, slah msukin berat jdi nombok.


    Kak apa bisa kita dropship produk dr beberapa toko yg berbeda…

  12. Sri yanti Yanti

    kak bisa gak ya klo kita bikin produk sndiri di toko kita,nah klo ada yg order kita dropship dri toko lain ke alamat custumer kita,nah klo udh ada resinya kita masukin ke toko kita?

  13. RH

    Kak peraturan dropship sekarang sudah baru, nama no tlp customer disensor. Jadi bingung gmna ya?

  14. Yudhianto Setiono

    8:20 nah rada ngeri juga sih kak kalau tiba2 costumernya batalin pesanan gimana ya kira2..?

  15. Bluepink Zh

    Kak nma tkon oren kka apa ya

  16. Tasya

    Kak video dropship shopee ke wa mana yaa ga ketemuuuuu

  17. APA aja

    Mau tanya ka,misal kita jualan lewat social media,tanpa menggunakan akun shopee,tapi ngirimnya lewat shopee si penjual,mohon saran nya ka

  18. chanel Tutorial

    Ketika resi sudah kirim ke suplier sudah transfer juga dengan sesuay harga barang namun kostemer membatal kan pesanan nyan kelanjutan nyah gmna ka

  19. Vida Vianti

    Bismilah sy mau coba ka doain ya semoga rezekiku lancar


    Aku punya pertanyaan potongan 4% itu contohnya produk + keuntungan 50k –4% gitu yahh

  21. Roby geming

    Ka mau tanya dropship itu haram ga sih?

  22. Rickyvan Hendrik

    Kak mau nanya, kan kita dropshiper misalkan ngambil barang di 2 atau 3 suplier dong, nah kan alamat suplier nya beda2, gimana caranya? Atau kita cuman bisa dropship di shopee itu hanya untuk 1 suplier aja?

  23. Clever Quotes

    Apakah metode pembayaran boleh berbeda

  24. ditaika safitri

    Kak mau tanya, mengenai alamat kan cuma 1 berarti kita cuma bisa nyantumin produk nya dari 1 supplier aja ya kak

  25. Irmawati

    Ka mau dropsip dong

  26. Bistax Jaya Tani

    Cantik banget ya Alloh, ga fokus sama konten nya, cuma fokus lihat cantiknya❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤


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