Swayan Rakiya, also known as the “self-employment scheme” in English, is a program initiated by the Sri Lankan government to promote entrepreneurship and self-employment among its citizens. The program provides financial assistance and training to individuals who wish to start their own small businesses or engage in self-employment activities.
In 2024, the program has gained immense popularity among the Sri Lankan population, as more and more people are looking for alternative sources of income in the wake of the economic challenges brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic. One of the most popular forms of self-employment under the Swayan Rakiya program is the production and sale of traditional Sri Lankan sweets known as “පෑන් ඇසුරුම්” or “pani asurum” in Sinhala.
Pani asurum is a delicious and popular sweet in Sri Lanka, made from rice flour, coconut, jaggery, and spices. It is often enjoyed as a snack or dessert, and is commonly made during special occasions and festivals. With the help of the Swayan Rakiya program, individuals can now start their own pani asurum businesses from the comfort of their homes.
The program provides financial assistance for the purchase of raw materials, equipment, and marketing materials, as well as training on how to make and sell pani asurum. Participants are also given access to mentors and resources to help them grow their businesses and succeed in the market.
Many individuals have already taken advantage of the Swayan Rakiya program to start their own pani asurum businesses, and have seen great success. By utilizing traditional recipes and high-quality ingredients, these entrepreneurs are able to attract customers and build a loyal following for their products.
In addition to providing a source of income for individuals, the Swayan Rakiya program also helps to preserve traditional Sri Lankan recipes and culinary traditions. By encouraging the production and sale of pani asurum and other traditional sweets, the program helps to promote Sri Lankan culture and heritage.
Overall, the Swayan Rakiya program has proven to be a valuable resource for individuals looking to start their own businesses and engage in self-employment activities. With its focus on promoting entrepreneurship and preserving traditional Sri Lankan recipes, the program is making a positive impact on the economy and the culture of Sri Lanka.
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