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Dogma dvd, new is $14.
Lol… "GUCCIwill" (Thats a good one). Great useful information in video. Thank you!! =)
Thank You
These movies are not even valuable. All it takes is one person to sell high then the rest will follow that way. I see this in alot of items especially pops.
How would you suggest learning which movies are worth it? Just look up everything?
By the way, you said you never find anything good in the records, that means that you’ve stopped looking through them. I hardly ever go to Goodwill stores but when I do I always find a real jam that they overlooked like a super rare country western album or a really rare Latin jazz album. Recent album I got there for $2.99 each , which was expensive since most of the records were like common John Denver records etc.
So the jazz album I found was a rare edition but I got $225 for on eBay. By the way I’m not a greedy seller, when I sell a record like that it includes free shipping and the shipping is priority mail with full insurance not just the $50 insurance. I think her to many sellers are charging shipping fees when they shouldn’t. I saw a guy selling rare signed baseballs that were $500 each and he had the nerve to charge $12 shipping. What? He buys the baseball probably at a yard sale for $.50 out of a toy box, the least you could do is make a high profit but pay for the shipping. Never understand why some people think that that is the way to get rich. Maybe it’s the way to stay rich but it’s certainly not the way to get rich.
Hey man, I can’t believe you’re still buying stuff from Goodwill. Their prices have skyrocketed, the owner of goodwill has gotten really greedy and told them all to raise prices sometimes costing more than it would cost at Walmart or target for an item. Besides, goodwill is not a nonprofit charity they are a for-profit business that gets 90% of their inventory free. The guy who owns goodwill wife’s all the way to the bank because were such idiots. He pays himself about 4 million a year plus tons of hidden bonuses not to mention in the accounting department he has created over 100 Invisible fake employees that he has on high paid payroll and the money funnels right into his accounts offshore. The guy is a creep he’s sort of like Trump, cheats and every way he can and knows every loophole and gray area of nonprofit status. Such a jerk I hope they catch him and that his stores go broke. If you don’t think he’s making high profits then how come the goodwill stores are starting to look like brand new retail stores with tons of lighting they are leasing real estate in high visibility areas of cities. I was in one American city recently and there were three goodwill stores practically the size of a Walmart. I know you manage to make a flip on some things you buy at a Goodwill but I could recommend 20 other stores with much cheaper prices and the money truly goes to charities instead of in this fat guys pocket the guy who owns goodwill. Comments?
DVDs are my favorite section! It’s cool to see that there are still DVDs that are worth a lot out there.
Can someone please tell what app that is that you take a pic and shows you comps
People should know that GreedWill. .er, I mean GoodWill, does an internet search on EVERYTHING before it hits the salesfloor!
Sector 9 is worth it.
I don’t know who told you sector 9 wasn’t a good brand…
I have like 300 dvds, mostly horror. I bought previously rented from blockbuster years ago. I'd buy 2 every Friday for years until they disappeared. Not sure how stupid someone needs to be to pay $100 for a movie.
Isopropyl (rubbing) alcohol will remove most adhesive residues, as well as many inks including sharpie, be careful on things like leather though. If you need something a little more powerful, acetone (nail polish remover) will also work wonders on inert surfaces, but be careful as it can dissolve more than you want including some plastics. Isopropyl is definitely safer.
Someone at Goodwill is going to watch videos like this and start charging crazy prices for movies, look at what happened with video games, they sell every game as if it was the holy grail of gaming.
Where I live your best bet are yard/garage sales or Flea/antique stores because the Goodwill prices of items have risen since 2020 for some reason. Like the normal DVDs used to be $1 and the Blu-rays $2, but are now anywhere from $3 for DVDs and $5 for Blu-rays at the Goodwill. Also, they marked up just about everything else as well. I still go because you can still get some bargins, but I have better luck at sales and flea markets.
I've sold that Fievel a long time ago in great condition.
What about Meet Joe Black? That one took me awhile to find on DVD. But I live in MT, that could be why… ANOTHER movie to watch for in any media version, Dangerous Minds, hardly ever see that one.
If youve never watched Samsara in 8k deff give it a spin before you sell it!!!
Drop dead gorgeous I saw there is worth good amount
I smell BS folks
you have seen it you just dont know the tiltes , what about the sword !
Sector 9 is decent. I live in a beach town and would get like $60-80 for that. Krytonics is an old brand bought out by Wal Mart and are low end.
Id bought the sector 9 board left the keyptonics board
these dvds arent worth anything. don't let this guy con you into buying them
This is so gross to me. People donate to give others a chance to own things they otherwise may not be able to afford. To take everything good to resell for profit is disgusting. If you want to resell things then go to garage sales or estate sales people donate FREE things so people can have the opportunity to get things very very inexpensive. It's so gross to me. I don't know how you feel good about taking good things from people and CHILDREN TOYS KIDS MOVIES!! It's grotesque, just leave them the worthless dirty stuff right? Who raised you
Those kryptonic boards look like absolute Walmart trash. Lol but the sector 9 looks like reasonable entry-level quality.
Love your videos can I ask what you use to search on Amazon on what things are worth?
Samsara great movie!
A good rerelease Blu-ray and stick a fork in those high rare listings, as I seen with 'apocalypto'. South Korea sells rare/banned region free bluray/dvd as well. Bootleg movies from stream only exist too from Sri Lanka.
I have stacks of dvd and blu rays. Had a stack of blu rays not even opened for a few years but just the otherday my wifi was down and opened some for something to watch.
I’m about to find a Salvation Army…I miss dvds…I hate having to pay for a movie that 20 years old that is behind a paywall for a subscription.
I have a nice bed collection already but some movies I want my son to watch and I can’t find them even in digital…it’s annoying.
I have some of those dvds already..had no clue that it would go for that much..crazy!
Sector nine usually 100-150
Filled grappling dummies like the one in the shop are worth pretty good money. Like hundreds.
Goodwill in CA chargess $3.99 for BR. Its not really worth it unless the Movie is rare and mint condition.