The era of earning money has ended. The middle-class is finished.

Jan 15, 2024 | Make Money Online | 41 comments

The era of earning money has ended. The middle-class is finished.

The Age of Making Money is Over. The middle-class is done.

For decades, the middle-class has been the backbone of many societies around the world. It was the symbol of security and stability, a sign of a thriving economy and a promising future. However, recent trends and economic shifts have led to a decline in the middle-class, leaving many to wonder if the age of making money is indeed over.

The middle-class, typically defined as those who are not extremely wealthy but also not living in poverty, has seen a steady decline in recent years. In the United States, for example, the middle-class has shrunk from 61% in 1971 to just 51% in 2019. This decline is due to various factors, including stagnant wage growth, rising living costs, and increasing levels of debt.

One of the main reasons for the decline of the middle-class is the widening income inequality. The wealthy are getting wealthier, while the majority of people are struggling to make ends meet. This has led to a sense of hopelessness and frustration among many middle-class individuals, who feel that no matter how hard they work, they are unable to achieve financial stability.

Additionally, the rise of technology and automation has led to job displacement and a decrease in job security. Many traditional middle-class jobs, such as manufacturing and administrative roles, have been replaced by machines and algorithms, leaving many people without a stable source of income.

The COVID-19 pandemic has also exacerbated the decline of the middle-class. Many individuals who were once considered middle-class have lost their jobs or had their hours reduced, leading to financial strain and uncertainty about the future.

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So, what does this mean for the future of the middle-class and the age of making money? Many experts believe that the traditional concept of the middle-class is no longer sustainable. In order to survive and thrive in the modern economy, individuals will need to adapt and find new ways to generate income.

This may include pursuing higher education and acquiring new skills that are in demand in the current job market. It may also involve embracing the gig economy and taking on freelance or contract work, as opposed to traditional 9-5 employment.

Ultimately, the age of making money may not be over, but it is evolving. The middle-class as we once knew it may no longer exist, but that doesn’t mean that individuals can’t find new ways to achieve financial security and success. It will require adaptability, resilience, and a willingness to embrace change.

The decline of the middle-class is a concerning trend, but it is not a hopeless one. By recognizing the challenges and embracing new opportunities, individuals can still thrive in the modern economy. The age of making money may be changing, but it is not over. It is up to each individual to navigate these changes and create a sustainable financial future.

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  1. @bruteLulu

    multi milionaire telling people to stop making money… what a joke…

  2. @Dakdyderfly

    "The richest person in the world is not necessarily the most valuable."

    This video is basically the embodiment of what social media triggers in your brain. But what you don't see is how people actually got to live their best lives. You only see the highlights on social media, which it was designed for. Most of them didn't start out rich either. So the whole argument of rich getting richer doesn't even apply to social media (the actually rich people don't want to show off their cash, and don't make content usually, e.g. the elite of UAE, trump, bill gates, jeff bezos, even elon musk, etc.)
    Oh and if you think Elon Musk didn't work hard, you're delusional. If you never work in your life, you're not going to look like a smart person, which he does. If those influencers never worked, they would never even be able to relate to their audience, which is what is so charming about them.
    It's very common knowledge and you shouldn't think that these "influencers" or basically entertainers didn't work to get where they are.
    Other than that, influencers are basically modern clowns. They don't have skills. If youtube or instagram goes down they're done. What do you think they're gonna do when they're old? Probably overdose on drugs and cry because they are incompetent.
    You focus too much on the result, not the process. You are watching content that is designed to draw you in. It's not magic, it's just a show. You have no idea how much of a collective effort any of those channels are. You don't see the editors, you don't see the secrets they don't want you to know and you don't see how much of it is fake (maybe they don't even have that much money, they just act like it for the content, not that weird to imagine, because it seems to have great effect on you). Point is that you should grow up to a point where you see that social media has no appeal for people that are actually useful in the world. Also that there is no easy way for everyone to be rich. If everyone was rich, prices would simply go up to where everyone would be poor again. Just be happy you don't have to pretend on camera how good your life is and that you can be actually useful to someone. Most of the influencers are USELESS in their life apart from their money.

  3. @TheHealthLife

    This was all planned decades ago. The people believed the bullshit and the lie…now the great wealth transfer is underway. WEF, you will own nothing and be happy and eat bugs.

  4. @wanderingfido

    We came out of Pure Joy . And when we are done, we go back to Pure Joy. The time we spend here becomes miniscule by comparison. After a few eons we get bored. So back we come again. Rinse. Wait. Repeat.

  5. @jb71480ice

    Buda teaches to stop wanting, to be present do whats needed to create today. In a modern sense…. wanting isn't the same as imagination, you can imagine build your future in your mind solutions to your life others fun things create unreal as you want. To desire and want are low energy bloodsucking death to our creating daily. To stop working is supressive. To all. Can be proven. To stop wanting, stop buying on credit, stop buying things you don't need, live with a large group of your family and live easier, this is intelligent etc. Keep creating. Keep imagining. It will lead you to a happier day anywhere even working in trenches, or in a shiny office. This is what humanity is… create create create is the truth. Not create change destroy. This is a lie an illusion….. yes self help is no longer for money this never helped. But like fashions humanities attention can be directed. That's why it's not popular anymore. Now it's spiritual. People might have realized they are eternal by now, or not. Now this is a game to play no matter if your are rich or work as a slave codder. How karma works, or next life, your eternity, hmmmm ever thought that was a game to even play? What if there's was a way to increase your spiritual ability? Did you even know you had abilities like that?

    Ps. Part of being American is that we do not just go with the flow we don't like. The problem isn't goverment…. it's the fact 70% are on phych drugs zombied brainwashed and now robots acting human without a human heart. Get manking off these drugs we have a chance. This was planned yes after ww2 put into action. Hitlers army first drugged army by hitlers quack "doctor" now these quacks are in every part of our governed.. we let this happen. Get off mind altering drugs and become human again. Who cares about money. That can get handled once man is able to see again.

  6. @cholman57

    you are a gas in your presentation! All you said is true for some people, you can do everything right and still end up on the bottom because life is not fair. The ones that make success are the ones that won t quit, never quit and never stop or give up. thats why you are where you are today, now go ahead and tell them why your soccessful!!!

  7. @hadishamson393

    That is why my goal is not to be rich but rather to have enough. That is all. If I wanted to spend more, its more of fulfilling the wishes of my parents for their dream vacation or to build my own business to resist inflation. However, i feel that being enough may not be enough in the future cos the economy may come to a point where, you will need at least 3 years of savings. Economic depression is always around the corner. i got my bike fully paid up, housing payments is not more than1/3 of my pay per month. no loans to repay. I dont spend so much on games, i got a free gym at work and my partner is not a high spender. Plan for all this guys.

  8. @IkeSpeaksUp

    The local electricians and RNs are making $55-75/hr near you, get a trade, save your money, buy bitcoin.

  9. @user-zn3ct9wp4j

    don't think is true. In Australia at the moment we have "skills crisis" where we don't have enough skilled people to do all the jobs available. There is so much work we don't have enough housing to put all the new workers

  10. @janellouis

    You are brutally honest in this video. Thank you!

  11. @gerryscat

    If you want to get ahead…. I've been following "The Market Oracle" (UK website) for 20 years. I'll let you know when he gets it wrong (still waiting). A few months ago he called the bottom in BitCoin, and that is just one of his many calls. on his website you can see is Oct. 2022 forecast for all of 2023, I received that Oct. 2022 and kept it. He forecast was amazing, got the timing of the bottoms and tops almost exactly, and those are what you want to know.

  12. @PeterMilko

    I'm a indie game dev, wish me luck dudes! I might be able to make it in time! I also do youtube, come look.

  13. @bigneiltoo

    Here's how to think about your life: it's like the biggest maritime disaster in world history.

  14. @bergfpv6486

    Such an optimist. Perhaps it's an attempt at motivation via reverse psychology, but all in all, super depressing to watch.

  15. @Hytension

    I'll just put on Jerry Garcia and watch the world fade to grey.

  16. @user-fz7eu7hj2h

    "The world as you know it is ending. Theres absolutely nothing you can do about it"….PLease like and subscribe though.

  17. @thechiliz6559

    THANK YOU VERY MUCH !!! This is the first time i saw you in my life and somehow i decided to watch the video and now i wanna commit suicide !

  18. @user-nt4nb4cn1j

    You keep saying they don't have jobs for you. Right. Depending on a job never works because you have no power as a slave to someone else. You need to create your own business.

  19. @Hangover-ry9bo

    You need to work out and hard on what people don't want yet and keep it closed source under personal control. That means not doing what all other say or do or expect.
    You might not get rich, but you have more control and influence in your space. Anybody else is commoditised even with a degree and going to the hamsterwheel. Its being advertised to be become like that.
    You can also be the first one and built on that, but the day its known online its over, unless you can monetize clicks.
    Professions don't last 7 years anymore because they print the qualifications like money.

  20. @netizencapet

    What about the giant world of Niche? I never heard of ridiculous Mr. Beast until now. My YouTube is all geopolitics nerds, ancient Rome, the 1080 BC collapse, boring think tank lectures, technology rants, everything China, lots of Indian news, European Art Music. The work hard get a job cult is still the only way into survivability for the vast majority, even in a sinking ship. We Afghanis still live in Afghanistan.

  21. @netizencapet

    Afghanistan metaphor with accompanying photo was surprisingly and shockingly effective.

  22. @robreid6195

    FInally some realism. Yes, it's over.
    Great assessment of a hopeless situation (except for the rich).

    My take is that the monetary system (which rewards those with assets through endless currency creation and debt) is the main root of the problem. Fortunately, that system is choking on its own waste. Things are getting very dramatic.

  23. @richhenry8004

    What if the middle class is shrinking because of quitters? Lol.

  24. @bircruz555

    I cannot wrap my head on this advice. If you have no money, you cannot survive. It may be that there is nothing one can do about lack of income and opportunities. But it is entirely dangerous thing and impractical to advise people to fold it all up and join Lala land unless you also want them to check out of life altogether. Buyer beware. To each his own.

  25. @master8127

    Most folks I know lost all motivation. There is no point in the hustle work culture, just doing bare minimum from remote is enough for the current wages

  26. @andresuaza

    This is the most BS video I've ever seen. Just random stuff with NO evidence whatsoever.

  27. @borrat99

    I think this video is mostly intended to be provocative and uncomfortably thought provoking. Although I admittedly do find it quite dystopian to be sitting in the flat which i rent, watching this in social isolation. I had completed a masters degree ten years ago, and i have a decent paying job, but the money is not worth much as long as property prices continue to soar..
    It probably is a feature of adult thinking, to aknowledge that there are essentially no gaurantees in life, and that the stories told to us in school and in church, are simply that..stories. I find this to be both terrible and exhilirating, inspiring emotions that cannot be disentangled from each other. Bitter sweet one might say.
    But this kind of youtube content might also reflect the loss of a world i remember from growing up in the nineties, where people still congregated in so called "third places". Bars, cafes, parks, beach spots, where people of differing socioeconomic backgrounds freely hung around on their own terms, and to some extent dealt with each other. Think of episodes of "friends", where young twenty somethings spent idle hours hanging out on a couch…
    It pains me seeing immigrants trying to congregate in malls here in Norway, before they realize the utter emptyness and futility of it. I went through the same when i first moved to europe. You either consume something, or you "f" off home..There are increasingly fewer venues for social contact in daily life, and social media has long since entered that void. Some have described social media as the first experiment with AI in interaction with human society, and its been a disaster, especially but not limited to a generation of young women.
    The lives of the wealthy are hardly much better, or else they would not be at such pains to convince us otherwise.

  28. @nikolaizaicev9297

    That is correct, welcome to the crisis of capitalism which was described by Karl Marx long time ago.
    Overconcentration of ressources in the hands of the few + rising barriers to entry and falling opportunities for entrepreneurship = decline in middle class.

    The worst part about is that it is not only that the age of making money is over, it is that we are right in the beginning of the age of imperialism = fight for markets and ressources.

    We are on the train to the WWIII I am afraid, so things will be even worse for all of us.

  29. @Riggsnic_co

    We read news in the media that doom and gloom is coming and we just accept it, doom and gloom doesn’t always have to be coming, I’ve read numerous success stories of people that are pulling off tremendous gains of up to $250K within weeks in this crazy market and I just want to learn how to achieve such figures.

  30. @arkadiuszkoszewski8380

    If rich people are spending money that means someone earns the money from them. Also don't tell me there is nothing to build anymore because someone is closing the api of some social media page. We still have a future to build in directions like healthcare (rich people will pay all the money their have to prolong their lifespan), space exploration, optimizing the economy etc. There is technology of printing organs and many other waiting to be developed by smart and hard working people. Don't be so negative.

  31. @finnjuniperdenaro

    Jeez man… I work running camps for the youth of Australia, is this worthless too? For 3 days, myself, A teacher and the young ones are without any technology, doing awesome Adventure activities, learning to use their natural rite to communicate their truth to each other amongst the natural world. No, I have not become a millionaire but I've still been able to support my family, put food on the table and to evolve my world in more prosperity… Is this worthless? This work feels so truthful to me – I have seen and been told by so many that these camps are so important for so many. This video is a very harsh, hopeless, nihilistic, very materialistic way of looking at our world… Being rich does not make a person feel blissful – Small steps towards personal goals amongst a community of loved ones is where its at. TechLeads… Your actually adding to the materialistic mentality of the online space by narrowing it all down to money and buying more… Which is ironic because you're also, apparently a minimalist…?

  32. @TimeaCseri

    It was never “work hard” it was always “work smart”…

  33. @learning_rust

    I make coding videos, takes an hour to make it, I get 30 mins watch time from all viewers.

  34. @shmutube

    What the hell is this guy's message?!?

  35. @kasforai

    Get Infront of rich if you want to sell boom

  36. @systemBuilder

    In the old days companies actually rewarded people who work harded and invested in their career. Since 1990 it's all a casino. Lay your chips on the right company, go to work for them, get your tiny sliver of stock options, wait 5 years after which you can spin the roulette wheel, and get your 1% chance to earn enough to buy a house (at least in the Bay Area – that's the only thing that 99% of people can aspire to). But playing the game by the old rules (just working hard on your education and career) guarantees POVERTY TODAY. It guarantees ABSOLUTEY NOTHING. It's all from the Casino mentality that Wall Street has drug-pushed on America since the stock marketization (making stocks like bank accounts) of the late 1990s… Stocks are now the only way to make money, in the casino, because Wall Street demands it and they own the politicians keeping interest rates at 0%! Now when you take your stock option casino winnings and want to buy a house, you are competing against an all-cash bid by a hedge fund for the same house, because why? Because you're the mark. You're the mark for these Wall Street vampires!

  37. @systemBuilder

    If we trade with a foreign country, we import their social problems. If we trade too much drugs with central american countries, we import their drug cartel and crime patterns. If we trade too much with China, we import their #1 problem : Rural poverty where 500m people earn 25c. a day. Did you think those chinese products were cheap? No, you just traded away your job to China and now you earn so much less and the product travels farther and it costs MORE NOW (after the dust settles!)

  38. @digitalnomad2196

    This is the most retarted video ive seen. There is more opportunity today than anytime in history. whats over ? its literally just the beginning


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