Being a female Muslim influencer comes with its own set of challenges and responsibilities. In a world where social media dominates our everyday lives, influencers have the power to shape opinions, trends, and even societal norms. As a Muslim woman, being an influencer means navigating through a complicated landscape of cultural, religious, and societal expectations.
One of the main challenges for female Muslim influencers is striking a balance between being true to their faith and values, while also engaging with a global audience that may not always understand or respect their beliefs. Many Muslim influencers have to constantly navigate through Islamophobia, stereotypes, and misconceptions, while also trying to showcase the diversity and beauty of their faith.
Another challenge for female Muslim influencers is dealing with the often strict and conservative norms of their communities. Many Muslim women face criticism and backlash for displaying themselves on social media, whether it’s through fashion, beauty, or lifestyle content. They have to constantly walk a fine line between being seen as respectable and representing their faith, while also having the freedom to express themselves and connect with their audience.
However, being a female Muslim influencer also comes with its own rewards and opportunities. These women have the chance to break stereotypes, challenge misconceptions, and empower other Muslim women to embrace their identities and voice. They have the power to inspire and influence a new generation of Muslim women who are confident, ambitious, and proud of their faith.
Female Muslim influencers also have the opportunity to collaborate with brands, companies, and organizations that are looking to reach out to diverse and inclusive audiences. They have the chance to represent their community and showcase the beauty and richness of Muslim culture and traditions.
In conclusion, being a female Muslim influencer is a complex and challenging journey. These women have to constantly navigate through societal expectations, cultural norms, and religious beliefs, while also trying to connect with a global audience. However, they also have the chance to break stereotypes, challenge misconceptions, and empower other Muslim women to embrace their identities and voice. It is a journey that requires courage, resilience, and a deep sense of faith and purpose.
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NO “ladies’HIJAB” found in the Quran. –
(The word HIJAB is used in the Quran but NOT for ladies.)
Check these Ayath/verses that they say have Hijab in them. (But not found)
In Quran 33.59 —
“ … JILBABs over themselves…”
in Quran 24.31 —
“… KHIMARs over the JAYBs..”
The word is KHIMAR in the Quran.24.31
– Root Meaning of KHIMAR is just a COVERING,
it can also be a neck scarf, any scarf, dupatta, chadar, etc.
There is no head, hair, veil, niqab or any such importance in the Quran,
They have SHIFTED the IMPORTANCE away from the JAYB
Check the transliteration
in Quran 24.31:
“yadribna bi’Khumur’ihinna ala juyoob’ihinna”
[Plurals : khumur, juyoob]
// *..put-forth COVERINGs OVER THE JAYBs…*//
— is like an opening in a dress, deep-neck, like shirt pocket, mostly translated as chest, bosoms
To verify JAYB from the Quran
check this example in
//Quran 28.32 (part)
“…. yadaka fee jayb’ika …”. //
“… put your hand in your Jayb..”
(clearly a pocket or opening in the dress)
(or) some people translate it as chest/ bosoms coz that’s where they understand the Jayb is.
Again, please see where the importance is in the verse:
“put-forth COVERINGs over the JAYBs”
– but the EXPLANATIONS of ‘Sect’ /Firqa leaders promoted the concept of ladies’HIJAB
– by adding it in books written much later after the Quran AND by adding words with brackets in translations and explanations – gradually shifting the importance of COVERING the Jayb
– giving importance away from the Jayb seems like DISTRACTION from the main EMPHASIS.
AND also – these Firqa leaders wrote the Dictionary centuries later to push their meanings
– please ask them : when and who wrote the Dictionary that they show their meanings from?
We should not accept new meanings to the words after the word is used in the Quran
– in the present era the meanings can be understood by checking the same word usage within the Quran
– see where the word is used again.
QURAN is it’s own DICTIONARY within it – (by using the important words in other verses and locking the meanings).
They should know when the same root word is used for khumur/intoxicants even then it’s used for “COVER”
– – any KHUMUR /- intoxicant or alcohol
COVERS the ability INSIDE THE MIND – –
Please NOTE : khumur /intoxicants/ALCOHOL does NOT cover the HAIR or outer-head.
How can a religion claiming to be for the whole world – promote desert clothing for far off freezing lands?
They’re Spreading culture and calling it religion – They took the desert clothing that is needed in sand storms and called it religion
OTHER religious groups were ALREADY wearing it in the desert.
IF anyone wants TO FOLLOW WORDS OF ALLAH then they should verify with the Quran – coz every secondary source should match with the Quran
AND they should not add words in translations.
Means any decent OUTER CLOTHING worn above the under-garments – it’s plural is JALABIB
The verse in the Quran 33.59 is about JILBAB – it’s about wearing outer clothing – where it also says that “they can be RECOGNISED and NOT HARASSED”
Here the condition is to be recognised :
how will anyone RECOGNISE if you cover fully?
– So avoid tight clothing — it’s really simple as per Quran.
Wearing clothes that the security personnel and other people are scared of coz they cannot recognise the person inside – as a result you face difficulty and then that results in feeling harassed.
Check the verse Q.33.59 below and remember that some translations or interpretations have added words in brackets — so look at Arabic /or word-to-word translation to VERIFY, yes VERIFY.
“… alay’ihinna min jalabib’ihinna… “
(Plural-is JALABIB)
//Quran 33.59
O Prophet! Ask your wives, daughters, and believing women to draw their JILBABs over themselves .
In this way it is more likely that they will be RECOGNISED
and not be HARASSED.
And Allah is All-Forgiving, Most Merciful//
Notice it’s only talking about properly covering themselves – there is NO emphasis on head, hair, face covering in this verse also.
Some of them will not VERIFY what is in the Quran – word by word.
And you may get to see how they will jump to start calling IGNORANT and names to the person showing them the research.
The biggest fitna are hoejabi influencers.Couldnt expect more from a TRT.Most cucks and dayoots come from Turkey.
So she took her hijab of as it was confused with hoojab.
May Allah curse them and expose them and rid them from this ummah. ameen
Salma looks and acts like a 'l'e'sb'i'a'n'
stop playing victims, the world can compare how non-muslims who live in the middle east and muslims who live in europe! tell me how the world wont have negative perspective about islam when they see what happened in middle east; yemen, syria, etc!!! even muslim kills muslim at there!!!
these influencers are misrepresenting hijab and islam. their makeup is an example of that
this is a useless vid. TRT should be ashamed