The reasons behind my decision to no longer be a fitness influencer

Nov 27, 2023 | Social Media Influencer | 29 comments

The reasons behind my decision to no longer be a fitness influencer

After years of working in the fitness industry as a influencer, I recently made the difficult decision to step away from that role. It wasn’t an easy choice, but ultimately it felt like the right one for me. There were a number of reasons that led me to this decision, and I’d like to share them in the hopes that it might help others who are also struggling with the pressures of being a fitness influencer.

One of the biggest reasons I quit being a fitness influencer was the pressure to always look perfect. In the world of social media, there is an overwhelming emphasis on appearance, and as a fitness influencer, I felt that pressure more than most. I was constantly comparing myself to others and striving for an impossible standard of physical perfection. It took a toll on my mental health and ultimately left me feeling burnt out and unhappy with my own body.

Another factor in my decision was the pressure to constantly produce new and engaging content. The fitness industry is incredibly competitive, and there was always a sense that I had to stay ahead of the curve and constantly come up with new and exciting workout routines, diet plans, and fitness tips. This left me feeling creatively drained and like I was constantly chasing the next big thing. It became exhausting and took away from the joy I used to find in fitness.

Additionally, I realized that being a fitness influencer was taking a toll on my personal relationships. I was constantly glued to my phone, responding to comments and DMs, and it felt like I could never fully disconnect from work. It started to impact my relationships with friends and family, and I knew something had to change.

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Ultimately, I also found that the fitness industry can often promote unhealthy and unrealistic ideals. From crash diets and extreme workout plans to promoting unattainable body standards, it felt like the industry was perpetuating a toxic cycle of comparison and self-criticism.

Now that I have stepped away from my role as a fitness influencer, I feel a sense of relief and freedom. I can focus on my own fitness journey without the pressure of constantly performing for an audience. I can take a break from the relentless need to produce new content and instead, focus on enjoying fitness for what it is – a personal journey to health and wellbeing. I am also able to rekindle the important relationships in my life and find balance between work and downtime.

In conclusion, quitting being a fitness influencer was a difficult decision, but one that has brought me a sense of peace and liberation. It’s important to recognize the pressures and pitfalls of the fitness industry and to prioritize our own mental and physical wellbeing above all else. I hope that sharing my experience can help others who may be struggling with similar feelings of burnout and disillusionment in their own fitness journey.

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  1. Joe Gomez

    I'm a new people. I guessed that these were the reasons you left, before haring them lmao. I dont think fitness is more forgiving now, I dont think it's any less eithr. The internet will always be the internet. It's good you were able to build somthing, and didt let the bad stuff make you unalive yourself or anything, and you just said "…no….". I try to be mindful of Dysmorphia myself even, as a guy, and someone who isnt even an influencer myself, but just on the journey. It's funny, on the subject of being lean, people often expect others to be at ultra low body fat percentages, despite the fact that that's suboptinal anyway, and there is not much that's "Healthy" or "fit" aboyt being like, 10% for a woman, or 5% for a guy. Lmao. I understand you would often need to be in extreme condition to be "The best" etc, but idk….you made the right choice imo.

  2. Lluvianna Arcos

    Being following since the beginning of your journey.❤. I think fitnesses was better before. Now is just everyone with cameras recording in every corner of the gym. Literally no privacy.

  3. Jawan T

    No one in they right mind quits being a fitness influencer. You is needs to see a psychiatrist.

  4. JV Visuals

    You’re a real one for this post, people are a virus to the mind. Stay real and keep your head up, as you do. health and wealth #1

  5. mao gore

    The community is now soft porn and steroid abuse literally nobody is natural and these people are giving steroid advice
    It’s too much for me

  6. mark fisher

    But could you "whisper" this story please;)…..

  7. Gail A.

    I am new to your channel (sounds like I have been missing out), and I just wanted to say that I admire your honesty. Everything you said about the online fitness community is so true. I hope it changes for the better, and I hope you give it another chance in the future.

  8. Gail A.

    Who called 5:36 thick and curvy!?


    Really appreciate this video

  10. Jesus Christ is Lord

    Way late but you're one of the first fitness youtubers I watched along with Nikki. I feel you. Authenticity. And there are more important things in life than body fat percentage. P.S: it's "niche" (pronounce "neesh"). It means dog house in French

  11. Reda M

    Such an honest, an amazing video! Thank you for sharing

  12. Ekene

    Happy for you!

  13. muscleman369

    Modern woman rant.. U seeked attention, don't cry now about the outcomes.

  14. Sly Marbo

    Gym shark = the slow kid we are all nice to

  15. Andrew Brodski

    People say those nasty things because they know they are losers who could never get with a girl as gorgeous, intelligent, hard working and independent as you. They are Miserable, like they deserve.

  16. Rebecca Huber

    Gossip Guru…? I don't even know what that is. Honestly, do people have nothing better to do? Like what the actual eff?

  17. AJ S

    Got to know you, Nikki and Maryann. I love and respect you all. I honestly have never seen any haters. Seen so much love for you all. Yes fitness fame – fitness obsession I’m sure as a downside. I actually think you all look better as fit females, rather than %18 fat ripped. So many of us have been motivated and inspired by you three. Sorry you feel this way.

  18. Carlee Cee

    Thank you for sharing this!

  19. Melis L

    Absolutely loved this video! I'm really happy to see that a lot of the fitness influencers that I've been following for the past decade have transitioned into more balanced and happy lifestyles that are less focused on appearance and food.

  20. Sophia Cabais

    It doesn’t help that most fitness influencers all have body surgeries and don’t talk about.

  21. HJ T

    I respect this so much. Being an influencer where you’re put into a box where you can only be a 2D version of yourself with one interest, and have to deal with gross men looks like it suuuucks and I respect you fully for being honest about it.

  22. MsAnya26

    Huugely interesting to hear!!

  23. Monica Lopez

    Follow your passions! I like you enjoy multiple things and you gained a new follower here!

  24. Jace8587

    Poor Chelsea she was one of my favs I haven’t seen if she fully recovered … gonna go check her channel out and see if she ever updated anything

  25. morgan5885

    Wow I just went to guru gossip and those are some of the most hateful, sad people I have witnessed. If they don't like an influencer they could just stop following… I hope you all ignore that sh*t those people are insane

  26. Shay 25

    I stopped following all fitness influencers because it's so much better for my mental health. They only show us the good sides, the good angles and their good days. Truthfully you can tell underneath they struggle with their own demons and mental health. More people should be as open and honest as this. I will continuing following you and look forward to new content

  27. Robert Colón

    This was very interesting to listen to. Obviously I having no idea about being a female fitness influencer. Your very smart to evaluate and make that decision for yourself and be happy. Great vid!


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