Becoming a Full-Time Influencer: My Journey from Zero Budget and No Wardrobe

Oct 5, 2023 | Social Media Influencer | 40 comments

Becoming a Full-Time Influencer: My Journey from Zero Budget and No Wardrobe

How I Became a Full-Time Influencer with $0 and No Clothes

In an era dominated by social media, becoming a full-time influencer has become an appealing career choice for many. With the potential to earn money from sponsored content, affiliate partnerships, and brand collaborations, it’s no wonder that more and more people are trying to make their mark in the influencer world. However, one might assume that starting such a venture requires a decent budget for clothes, accessories, and professional equipment. Well, allow me to share my unique journey of how I became a successful full-time influencer with absolutely no money and an empty closet.

The first step in my influencer journey was to identify my niche. Although the influencer space is saturated, there are still countless opportunities to stand out and attract a specific audience. I realized that I possessed a passion for sustainable living and fashion, which led me to focus my content on eco-friendly lifestyle choices and showcasing secondhand fashion finds. Discovering your niche is crucial as it enables you to create content that is authentic and captivating, even without a substantial wardrobe or the latest fashion trends.

Next, I decided to assess the resources available at my disposal. While I didn’t have any money to invest in new clothes, I did have access to my own wardrobe. Instead of feeling disheartened by the lack of options, I challenged myself to reimagine and restyle my existing clothing items. By experimenting and combining different pieces creatively, I was able to create a diverse range of outfits that could be showcased on my social media handles. This approach served multiple purposes; it allowed me to display versatility while emphasizing the importance of sustainability and reducing personal consumption.

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With my unique niche in mind and a fresh take on my existing wardrobe, I embarked on building my social media presence. While I didn’t own any professional equipment, I utilized the power of my smartphone. Today’s smartphone cameras are incredibly powerful and can produce high-quality visuals. I played with different lighting conditions, angles, and backgrounds to capture visually appealing content without expensive equipment. Remember, content is king, and a compelling story can often matter more than technical perfection.

As I gathered a small but engaged following, I began reaching out to brands that aligned with my eco-friendly and sustainable lifestyle. This approach was organic and authentic as I genuinely believed in the products and companies I endorsed. In the beginning, I would offer to create content in exchange for free products or discounts. Over time, as my following grew, I was able to secure paid partnerships and collaborations. It’s essential to remember that building relationships and gaining trust takes time, but the reward of a genuine and engaged audience is worth the effort.

As my influence expanded, I also started attending local events and networking with like-minded individuals. Sharing my passion and knowledge during panel discussions or workshops boosted my credibility and opened doors for more collaborations. Networking is often an underrated aspect of becoming an influencer, but it can be instrumental in building meaningful connections and expanding your reach.

Today, I am proud to call myself a full-time influencer, inspiring others to embrace sustainability while proving that you don’t need a hefty budget or an overflowing closet to make an impact. Through a combination of creativity, perseverance, resourcefulness, and staying true to my passion, I’ve demonstrated that an influencer’s success is not limited to material possessions or a massive following— it’s about the authenticity of the story you tell and the connection you establish with your audience. So, if you’re dreaming of becoming a full-time influencer but feel limited by your resources, believe in yourself, embrace your uniqueness, and let your authentic voice shine through.

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FIND: Turnkey Businesses

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HOW TO: Work From Home

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  1. Tâm Thanh

    <3 I'm going to jump into this room, thanks to you my fear has been smaller

  2. K Lion

    Thanks for sharing your story! You can't imagine how it motivate and inspire to live this dream life!

  3. Samantha K

    You have a pure and kind energy. Thanks for sharing !! <3


    Dont worry about what people say about your clothes just do your work ,on YouTube

  5. Yoga queen

    I want to be an influncer but it's hard to do

  6. Headchangee

    Girl, I felt this too hard, being a full-time student and trying to be a social media influencer is hard. But staying consistent and motivated is key . Finding what your good at and what people enjoy is also key. ❤

  7. Nicole Nachman

    Yolanda never let the clothes wear you. You were the clothes you actually made your own trend of style.

  8. lifewithjessenia

    i loved this video!! thank you so much for sharing your journey and tips!!!

  9. Nonzu Baliso

    I am a content creator myself and my YouTube channel growth is so slow and I think that has to do with my non consistency. Also I love the fashion niche; however I don’t have the money to always buy clothes so I thrift here and there. Thank you for this video

  10. Sweetyy

    Thanks!! Thank you so much

  11. Lily

    this hit home bc I grew up loving fashion & didn’t have money all I would do is thrift flip & sew & now I want to create content. It’s super inspiring to see another Latinx creator that had same struggles doing what I wanna do! Thank you for sharing your story & for making this video <333

  12. Dziar

    Thank you four transparency. We all have to start somewhere. showing the gradual growth is inspiring. ❤

  13. Nkiruka Okocha

    Wow i really do regret not jumping on tik tok as soon as the app opened lol, but instead of dwelling I am just going to keep going!

  14. LILIA

    Thank you for your authenticity ✨

  15. Its Jayla Smith

    Yes we need that video! And I didn’t catch that website to help with pricing. What is the website please?

  16. Seriah Alexus

    Loved this video and your story so much!! I would love to see another video talking about sponserships I've been struggling with brands paying my rates and being a black creator I know that we often get low ball offer from brands. Any tips on overcoming brands not wanting to pay your worth ? I know this is something a lot of creators struggle with.

  17. gensai93

    $100 a month for just clothes is not nothing.

  18. ItsDrayah

    I loved this video.. Thank you.

  19. KINGZ Taking

    I have to say, your video made my mind open so much, I have alittle store in which I sell clothes for men, I’m see what I can get started with, thank you for the inspiration, continue to make videos. Thank you

  20. Nailia Essi

    Your story is soo inspiring. TY soo much for sharing. Btw you are soooooo beautiful.

  21. Fio

    A deep dive into negotiating rates and talking with brands would be SUPER useful!!

  22. Jackie Diy

    Thank you for your tips. I love that you are very candid and sincere because I feel how honest you are. This is why you are so relatable. You make us feel that anyone can succeed online and they do not have to pretend to be the person that they aren't. Keep sharing content. So happy to hear about your success story. Thank you for being a great role model for girls and women to be happy with their body and proud of who they are both inside and on the surface. You are amazing. The world needs someone as true and transparent as you! Subscribed. <3 Luv ya, girl.

  23. Yara

    This is so helpful, you are angel, thank you for sharing your experience

  24. Chinny Oh

    this was so thorough and sweet thank you for taking your time

  25. Bel-the -tine

    God bless you for this motivation advice, been praying and wishing with all my heart to become a fashion influencer,but meeting up with means and responsibilities is kinda of hard for me

  26. Nateisha -SUNSHINE

    Now you inspire me to not give up.
    Your story is so encouraging.
    Thank you for making such an uplifting content.

  27. Lime

    hey! why aren't you posting much on instagram?

  28. Queen Peach

    Super inspiring! ❤ thank you so much for this

  29. Chocolate

    i need this in my life ur so pretty i watched till end 🙂

  30. Chaimita

    Thank you so much and please do a detailed video about how to get brand deals and how to negotiate

  31. Merna Saleh

    soo inspired by you 🙂 way to go girl!

  32. Sarah Babay

    No link of the website in the description

  33. Tori

    I’m here for all 3, I like them all! I love clothes and outfits, too haha and your the one that started my journey to like myself and my boobs and to stop caring what some people think of my body, I had no idea people like you existed on the internet!

  34. Kaneisha Grisby

    Out of all the videos I’ve watched about being an influencer, yours is the most useful!


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