I Tried Dropshipping For 36 Hours (With a Viral Tiktok Product)
In this fast-paced digital world, it seems like everyone is trying to make a quick buck online. One popular method that has gained significant attention is dropshipping. For those unfamiliar with the term, dropshipping is a business model where you act as the middleman between the supplier and the customer. Essentially, you create an online store, choose products to sell, and advertise them. When a customer places an order, you forward it to the supplier, who then ships the product directly to the customer. The best part? You don’t need to hold any inventory or worry about shipping logistics.
Curious to explore this potentially lucrative venture, I decided to dabble in dropshipping for 36 hours. Armed with a viral Tiktok product, I embarked on my short-lived dropshipping journey. Here’s what I learned from my experience:
Product Research – The Key to Success
The first step in dropshipping is finding a trending product that has the potential to sell. Inspired by a viral Tiktok video that showcased a nifty gadget, I jumped on the opportunity to sell it. After some sleuthing, I found a supplier offering the product at a reasonable price. My excitement grew as I imagined the profits I could make.
Setting Up Shop
Next step – a quick and straightforward setup of my online store. Thanks to various e-commerce platforms, creating a visually appealing online shop is relatively simple. Tapping into my graphic design skills, I customized the theme, created catchy product descriptions, and ensured a seamless user experience for potential customers.
Marketing Blitz
With the store up and running, it was time to attract customers. I began with advertising on social media platforms, creating catchy captions and visually appealing ads to captivate potential buyers. Additionally, I leveraged Tiktok’s popularity by posting videos featuring the product and promoting my store. As the clicks started rolling in, so did a small trickle of orders.
Customer Service Realities
As excited as I was about receiving orders, I also realized the responsibility of managing customer inquiries, tracking shipments, and handling potential issues. Prompt and effective communication with customers became crucial, ensuring a positive shopping experience. This was a part of the process I underestimated, but it presented an excellent opportunity to hone my customer service skills.
Shipping Dilemma
One aspect of dropshipping that can make or break the experience is shipping times. Being a middleman means you rely on suppliers to ship products promptly. Unfortunately, this was where I encountered a major hurdle. The viral Tiktok product’s supplier had a delay in shipping due to high demand. Customers were concerned about their orders, and I found myself in the difficult position of managing their expectations. Patience and transparency became critical.
The 36-Hour Verdict
As my short dropshipping stint came to a close, I reflected on my experience. Despite the shipping hurdle, I managed to generate a modest profit from the orders received. However, I realized the importance of thoroughly researching suppliers, gauging shipping times, and setting accurate expectations for customers.
Dropshipping offers an excellent opportunity for starting an online business with minimal investment. However, it requires dedication, constant learning, and the ability to adapt to unforeseen challenges. While my 36-hour journey provided valuable insights, success in dropshipping requires a longer-term commitment.
So, if you’re considering jumping on the dropshipping bandwagon, buckle up, do your research, and be prepared for the highs and lows of this exhilarating entrepreneurial venture.
FIND: Turnkey Businesses
LEARN: How To Make Money Online
HOW TO: Work From Home
REVEALED: Online Business Ideas

hi andy when are you going to upload product list video for october?
I wish creating the site was as easy as you actually made it seem.
Great fucking video, Underrated.
Thanks so much for the video learned a lot more!!
This is a laziest video I've seen so far.
Bro I would love it if you gave me this store I been doing sm work I can't get my store to running
Thanks! I've learnt a lot from this. #grateful
I am new to this channel, I hope so i get that store.
pliiize give it to me
Hey man! Really enjoy your content, I spend a lot of my mornings trying to learn and figure out this whole business model and honestly you have helped me a lot on getting started! Keep it up man
If I could win this give away it would give me a large out look in how to then create my very own
i wont to win so much
i need your store plz..
Amazing video bro. Im currently trying to get my own store up but iam struggling with it. Keep up the good work. God bless
Very precise and informative
Hey, I'm a 16 year old having tried dropshipping for 5 months, I've made some revenue here and there but I haven't managed to make any profit. It would help a lot of I could win this store. Thank you for considering me. Have a great day!
Do you speak North Macedonian?
Appreciate your work man, been following you for awhile now. I had started Shopify earlier to learn and thinking about starting again. But i have a few worries as my situation has changed drastically. If we can just contact for about 10 minutes i can tell you my situation , i have questions about taxes and registration. So can you please help me
Bro got the ad made for him in a couple hours lol
Hey , I paid for e-com express and now I want to cancel my subscription ! Please help me , because I lost 30$ .
Great Video !
just carry on with the organic model .if you dont have time for that ,copy videos !!
Hey Andy plz give me the store it is really helpful for me
give it to me please
cant believe i sat thru that just to see you lose 40 $ haha ah well. we dont need 100 million plastic balls lodging up the ocean anyway
Great informative video! Just getting started myself. Good tip on the viral video service.
Thank you, good content!
I’ve been following you on Instagram and YouTube for a while now! Top tier content. So clear and thorough ✨
Great video bro and great strategy. It's always better to start early on, while you are young. Having no money at that age is like the worst thing possible, you can't have any fun. That was me, but at least now when I am 30, I have really good income from e-commerce. Of course, it wasn't easy at the start, but as soon as I found good products (I am using a little bit of winnerzila of course) to sell, everything started getting better. Thank you for the inspiration, keep doing your best.
great content !
Trying dropshipping from past 3 months, choosing products is a problems, tried testing 3 products, got only 2 sales all combined
You're a G. Not faking abt making profit. Great content and enjoyable way of editting. Keep it up man!